From Common Dreams News Center [Breaking News and Views for the

Progressive Community], Thursday, January 6, 2005. See


[Published on Monday, January 3, 2005 by]

Is Public Education Working? How Would We Know?

By Robert Freeman

Imagine you're five feet eight inches tall. When you change the unit

of measurement to yards, you're 1.9 yards tall. Are you shorter

because the number is smaller? No. Or go to centimeters. Now you're

173 centimeters tall. Does the larger number make you taller? Of

course not. Yet this is the effect we experience trying to judge the

quality of public education in the U.S. There are so many different

standards, all competing for mindshare with the public, it's almost

impossible to know what's right any more.

There are state standards. And in some states, such as California,

there are multiple state standards. There are the new federal No

Child Left Behind standards. There are the National Assessment of

Educational Progress standards. The Scholastic Aptitude Tests. The

frequently heralded International Math and Science Test standards.

Advanced Placement exams for more advanced students. And so on.

Some of these standards, like those of the No Child Left Behind Act,

are new. We don't really know yet whether they're actually telling us

what they say they are. These things take years, maybe decades, to

shake out. Some tests, such as the International Math and Science

tests compare apples to oranges, testing small groups of elite

students in other countries against the broad average of students in

American public schools. Predictably, elites do better than averages.

If you test athletes against the general public, guess who is more

physically fit?

So what is a parent or a citizen to do? It is a ritual incantation of

American civic discourse that public education is critical to the

future of our country. How, then, can we be so confused? How can we

know if public education is working or not?

Part of the problem is that over the last two decades an intense

lobby has emerged that wants to turn public education over to private

industry, make McStudents of the nation's youth. It has operated a

not-so-stealth campaign to disparage public education and to try to

convince Americans that it isn't working. This campaign has mounted a

relentless, mantra-like vilification of public schools: schools are

failing; teachers are lazy; education bureaucracies are unresponsive;

students are being cheated; America is at risk. Sound familiar?

Some of this lobby's motivation is ideological: they dislike anything

that smacks of government control, the more so if the service is

effective, for such examples repudiate the theological superiority of

all things private. Some of its motivation is directed toward

right-wing social engineering: they want to control the curriculum

that future generations of American students must absorb. And much of

it is simply economic: these "prophets of profit" want to get their

hands on the $500+ billion that is spent every year in the U.S. on

public K-12 education.

This isn't, per se, bad. We do, after all, live in at least a

quasi-capitalist society where the pursuit of profit isn't a social

evil. But it's the bashers' hypocrisy that rankles. They don't

declare any of these motives openly. Rather, they talk of such

vaguely incongruous motives as "empowering minorities" and

"streamlining" education. These, of course, are the same corporate

zealots who brought the "magic of the market" to a formerly vibrant

public health system. They are the pious do-gooders (remember Enron?)

who bestowed energy privatization on California, the better to reap

the "efficiencies" of competition. They are the same bleeding-heart

altruists who profess wanting to "save" social security by turning it

over to the tender mercies of the financial services industry.

So again, how would we know if public education is working or not?

Probably the most reliable, broad-based, long-term tool for measuring

the quality of public education is the Scholastic Aptitude Test. The

SAT has five strengths that make it the most useful measure of

American educational progress.

First, it has been in place for over four decades so it reveals

trends that span multiple generations of students, teachers, and

schools. Second, it is given to high school juniors and seniors so it

reflects the cumulative success (or failure) of the entire K-12

educational system, not just performance in a single year. Third, the

same SAT is administered across the entire country so it compensates

for the variation in how different states test and account for

educational progress. Fourth, the SAT cuts through the "grade

inflation" that has become a standard fixture of all educational

systems over recent decades. Finally, the SAT measures not just a

single, narrow skill but a broad range of intellectual development,

from cultural knowledge and logic, to specific academic content,

computation, and communication.

Because of its long history, its nationwide reach, and its

comprehensive nature, SAT results transcend the negative one-off

anecdotes commonly bandied about to disparage public education. No

other instrument even comes close to equaling these strengths as a

singular measure of national educational progress.

So what do the SAT's tell us about the performance of public

education in America?

Last year's SAT scores were the highest in 30 years. English scores

were the highest in 28 years. Math scores were the highest in 36

years. The scores were at record levels for all ethic groups: whites;

Asian-Americans; African-Americans; Native Americans; and Latinos.

And they were achieved by the broadest test-taking pool in testing

history. Forty-eight per cent of the nation's 2.9 million high school

seniors took the test--a record. Thirty-six percent of the test

takers were minorities, another record.

Thirty years ago, only the most elite 15 percent of students took the

test. And remember, elites usually test better than averages. So the

fact that scores have gone up while the test-taking pool has gotten

both larger and more diverse may be the most powerful performance

indicator of all. These scores are a huge victory for those who have

believed in and fought so hard for public education.

Even more impressive, public schools have accomplished these new

highs while confronting some of the greatest obstacles they have ever

faced. Consider just a few of these almost Herculean challenges:

* Most mothers left home in the past 30 years to join the workforce.

No more Mrs. Cleaver at the door with warm cookies, milk, and help

with the homework when Beaver comes home.

* Over the past decade, American schools have absorbed the largest

wave of immigrants in history. Most of these immigrants spoke no

English when they came to this country. Many had little if any

comparable educational preparation in the countries they left.

* Schools have been saddled with vastly expanded responsibilities in

recent years, much of it wholly unrelated to general academic

performance. This includes broadened mandates for everything from sex

and drug education to increased demands for help with learning and

physical disabilities.

* As a nation, we have almost completely surrendered students'

socialization to television. By the time they are 18 years old,

children have watched 450,000 commercials! Meanwhile they spend only

9 percent of their time in the classroom.

* Millions of the best teachers have left teaching for other fields.

This is especially true with women who used to have few career

options (nursing, teaching, etc.) but who can now go into law,

medicine, engineering, business, etc.

Despite all of these challenges, and throughout one of the most

vitriolic, unremitting campaigns of character assassination in

American history, public education has delivered the highest

performing group of graduates in over a generation.

Against this record, those who would "privatize" public education

have virtually nothing to show for their decades of hucksterish

claims. In trial after trial, experiments with educational vouchers

(the most popular form of school privatization) have proven a bust.

Voucher programs in Milwaukee, New York, Washington D.C., and in

Dayton and Cleveland, Ohio have shown no long-term gains in student

achievement. And this, despite in some cases skimming the cream off

the top of local student populations-recruiting only the best

students while keeping problem or special-needs children out.

For example, the longest-running evaluation of a publicly funded

voucher program ever conducted, by Indiana University of the

Cleveland, Ohio program, found that "student academic achievement

presents no clear or consistent pattern that can be attributed to

program participation." In other words, the results are no different

than those for public schools. This is especially surprising because

the program participants were more white, more wealthy, and more

stable than students in the local population. If privatized education

can't make it with this kind of free pass, it's not going to make it.

Besides educational failure, the economic failure of the

privatization model is reflected in the dismal fate of the country's

largest company providing such services. Edison Public Schools lost

over $350 million dollars trying to perfect the McStudent formula.

Yet, after repeatedly failing to deliver on its promises and

continually losing contracts, it was finally forced to be de-listed

by NASDAQ. It has converted itself back to a private company and no

longer publishes its financial information.

Nor do "charter schools" fare any better than voucher schools.

Charter schools are self-governing public schools frequently run by

private corporations. They were conceived as a way to "liberate"

public schools from conventional constraints in hiring, curriculum,

and administration. But in August, after the most extensive

examination in the history of the country, the Department of

Education published data showing charter school students lag public

schools students in almost every category of performance. In math,

fourth graders were a full half year behind public school students.

Given this record, it comes as no surprise that voucher and charter

advocates have started changing their story. No longer do they claim

superior results (not that they ever actually delivered them).

Instead, they begrudgingly claim that improved public school

performance is due to the threat of competition from privatization.

This, of course, is conveniently unprovable but sounds a lot like the

rooster taking credit for the sunrise. Meanwhile, support for public

funding of private schooling has plummeted. In the past year, the

number of Americans favoring such programs dropped from 46 percent to

38 percent according to a recent Gallup Organization poll. Why the

change of attitude?

It seems the prospect of millions of American families turning their

children over to someone whose main motive is to make a profit off of

them has lost its appeal. Or perhaps they saw what privatization did

for energy costs in California or to the healthcare system nationwide

and don't want to take a similar chance on their most precious

assets. Whatever the reason, the once bright luster of privatizing

the nation's schools is fading. Not that the hucksters will give up.

There is too much at stake in their ideological, social engineering,

and economic agendas. But neither should they be given a free pass

any more to disparage public education the way that they have.

To be sure, public education still faces tough challenges. Schools

remain underfunded. Teacher pay continues to fall behind that of

other professions. American spending on education as a percent of GDP

lags that of many third world countries. Inner-city schools still

score lower than schools in more affluent suburbs. And the

Orwellian-named No Child Left Behind Act is a thinly disguised

formula to make schools fail artificial and unattainable

standards-the more readily to justify their privatization.

But the question of whether public schools can deliver should no

longer be open for debate. The only question is whether we have the

courage to now properly fund public education so that it can take our

children and our society to even higher levels of achievement. I

believe we can because I know that we must. Public education is not

only the most important democratizing institution in America today.

It is the foundation of our economic future as well. It never really

went away. But still, it's good to have it back.


Robert Freeman writes about economics, history and education. His

email address is: .