Matrix for the Country Group Report

Country Name: Nepal

19 June 2008

Kathmandu, Nepal

Cross-Cutting Issue: Participation and learning of the under-represented
Related to EFA Goals: EFA Goal two, three, four and five /
Policy Recommendation 1: Government promote and implement free and compulsory basic education by 2012 /
Target Groups/ Beneficiaries / Desired Outcome, Expected impact / Strategies to implement the policy, including innovative approaches / Examples of good practices already in place in countries / Implementing agencies, providers, partners / Required capacities, resources, support / Comments, necessary conditions, assumptions, etc. / Timeframe /
School age group children, especially under-represented groups such as marginalized children, street children, disabled, orphan, and children facing any form of deprivation and disadvantage. / Quality Basic Education to all /

1. Empowering (and enhancing capacity) and entrusting the Local Government/community with responsibility for implementing free and compulsory basic education

2. Raising the level of funding commitments at national and local levels through a shared funding framework for EFA resourcing

3. Multiple and flexible modes/avenues of operation with alternative ways and means of addressing diversity needs

4. Developing, locally based (at least at the level of VDC) EMIS

Incentivised support schemes for the under-represented

5. Ensuring the basics for enabling learning environment for all

6. Setting up local level monitoring mechanism at VDC/Municipality levels

7. Introducing self-monitoring and evaluation system at the school level

8. Developing legal framework for ensuring compulsory basic education, with an accountability framework

9. Developing locally based (VDC level) EMIS capable of tracking school age children.

/ Empowerment of communities by providing them with management responsibilities.
Flash report System
Sector wide approach and donor harmonization / National Planning Commission, Ministry of Education and other line ministries, Department of Education and its offices located at regional and district level, Local Bodies, and
Financial Controller General Office and Office of the Auditor General / Individual, Institutional and System level / 1. Political commitment and systemic readiness
2. Development partners’ Funding commitment
3. Capacity development at individual, institution and system levels as per the HRD and ICB Plan / 1. Medium term: Free and Compulsory Basic Education by 2012
2.Short term: Annual Strategic Implementation Plan (ASIP) to meet EFA goals and targets set in the National Plans and EFA National Plan of Action.
Cross-Cutting Issue: Quality Education
Related to EFA Goals: Six /

Policy Recommendation 2: Improving Quality Education with special focus on relevance, inclusion and life skills

Target Groups/ Beneficiaries / Desired Outcome, Expected impact / Strategies to implement the policy, including innovative approaches / Examples of good practices already in place in countries / Implementing agencies, providers, partners / Required capacities, resources, support / Comments, necessary conditions, assumptions, etc. / Timeframe /
School age group children, especially under-represented groups such as marginalized children, street children, disabled, orphan, and children facing any form of deprivation and disadvantage / Quality Basic Education to all /
1. Setting standards and norms for the basics and quality to secure children’s learning:
1.1 Teachers
- Strengthening comprehensive Teacher Education Policy
- Setting norms and standards for all aspects of Teacher Education
-Enhancing minimum educational qualifications for teachers
-Improving inclusive teacher management, including recruitment
-Developing teacher motivation schemes – inclusiveness, career path development, working environment, research and development
1.2 Curriculum
- Improving Curricular Framework with basics and with quality standards
-Strengthening continuous assessment system to ensure students learning, without holding them back in the same grade in Basic Education up to grade 8
-Introducing competency based learning system with flexibility for the use of textbook materials prepared locally
-Orientations to skills based education at early grades and vocational education from grade 9
-Schemes of incentive block grants for non-salary recurrent costs for quality enhancement
/ Setting standards and norms for the basics and for setting quality targets in line with the national goals.
Empowerment of communities through providing them with management responsibilities
Flash report System
Flexibility and 20% local curricula / National Planning Commission, Ministry of Education and other line ministries, Department of Education and its offices located at regional and district level, Local Bodies, and line agencies. / Individual, Institutional and System level / 1. Political commitment and national consensus.
2. Funding commitment by development partners
3. Capacity development at individual, institution and systemic levels as per the HRD/ ICB Plan
4. National Curricular Framework / 1. Medium term: Free and Compulsory Basic Education by 2012
2. ASIP/ AWPB for annual programme aligned with the EFA goals and targets
Cross-Cutting Issue: Multi Lingual Education
Related to EFA Goals: Three and Seven /

Policy Recommendation 3: Promoting multilingual education policy in schools

Target Groups/ Beneficiaries / Desired Outcome, Expected impact / Strategies to implement the policy, including innovative approaches / Examples of good practices already in place in countries / Implementing agencies, providers, partners / Required capacities, resources, support / Comments, necessary conditions, assumptions, etc. / Timeframe /
School age children and non-formal education populations from minority language home backgrounds, facing deprivation and disadvantage / Access to EFA and
Enhancing quality of education
Enhanced cognitive, and social and cultural competence /

-Orientation to teachers and service providers for MLE based pedagogy in education, with additive approach to languages

-Adaptation of curricula, textbooks and Involvement of indigenous knowledge holders in the development of MLE materials

-Empowerment of teaches and PTA for the promotion of local language(s) as a medium of instruction

-Mother tongue medium education in ECD and up to class three,

-Transition to Nepali and/or English from grades 4 and 5

-Provision of learning mother tongue as a subject at a higher grades in order to preserve/enhance language

/ State responsible for ensuring enabling learning environment, the schools responsible for ensuring children’s learning
Empowerment of communities by providing them with management responsibilities
Flash report System / National Planning Commission, Ministry of Education and other line ministries, Department of Education and its offices located at regional and district level, Local Bodies, and line agencies,
(I)NGOs, CBOs. / Individual, Institutional and Systemic level
MLE teachers and service providers to meet the pedagogical needs in schools / 1.  MLE and indigenous issues added to the EFA 7th Goal.
2.  Political commitment and national consensus
3.  Funding commitment by the state and the development partners
4.  Capacity development at individual, institutional and systemic levels as per the HRD/ICB Plan / 1. Medium term: Free and Compulsory Basic Education by 2012
2.Annual Strategic Implementation Plan/ Annual Work Plan and Budget to meet MLE goals and targets set by the national plans.
Cross-Cutting Issue: Financing
Related to EFA Goals: All Seven Goals /

Policy Recommendation 4: Improving financial aspects of education with special focus on accountability, efficiency and effectiveness, decentralized governance for equitable allocation of resources for under-served populations/groups

Target Groups/ Beneficiaries / Desired Outcome, Expected impact / Strategies to implement the policy, including innovative approaches / Examples of good practices already in place in countries / Implementing agencies, providers, partners / Required capacities, resources, support / Comments, necessary conditions, assumptions, etc. / Timeframe /
School age children and non-formal education populations facing different forms of deprivation and disadvantage / Participation, and success with quality Basic Education /

-Introducing education taxes at centre and local levels

-Simplified/flexible financial procedures

-Improved social and financial audit at local levels

-Increase financial commitments to education and allocate at least 10% of the EFA budget to out-of-school and drop-out populations

-Increase financial commitments to ECCE, NFE and literacy

-Raise the share of gender budgeting

/ Empowerment of communities by providing them with responsibilities
Flash report System
FMR reports
Joint Financing Arrangement (JFA) / National Planning Commission, Ministry of Education and other line ministries, Department of Education and its offices located at regional and district level, Local Bodies, line agencies including Financial Comptroller General and Auditor General / Individual, Institutional and System levels
Trained FMR personnel / 1. Political commitments
2. Funding commitment by donors
3. Capacity development at individual, institutional and systemic levels as per the HRD/ ICB Plan / 1. Medium term: Free and Compulsory Basic Education by 2012
2. Three Year Interim Plan and Periodic Plan (ie EFA NPA 2001-2015)
3. ASIP/ AWPB on an annual level
Cross-Cutting Issue: Collaboration and Harmonization
Related to EFA Goals: All Seven Goals /

Policy Recommendation 5: Ensure synergy and better coordination among EFA stakeholders

Target Groups/ Beneficiaries / Desired Outcome, Expected impact / Strategies to implement the policy, including innovative approaches / Examples of good practices already in place in countries / Implementing agencies, providers, partners / Required capacities, resources, support / Comments, necessary conditions, assumptions, etc. / Timeframe /
School age children and non-formal education populations facing deprivation and disadvantage / Ensuring children and adult’s access to quality education /

-Need for increased share of development partners in EFA from 30% to 40%

-Pool funding and budget support through sector-wide approach (SWAp)

-Harmonized TA for capacity building at centre and local levels

-UNESCO support needs to be continued in EMIS

-Minimizing the level of direct fund facility to meet emerging needs and initiate innovative activities

-Resources at the disposal of the Government and aligned with the regular programmes

/ Donor Harmonization
Donor contact point and local level consortium
Joint Financing Arrangement
Pool funding and budget support to the EFA programme
TA harmonization / National Planning Commission, Ministry of Education and other line ministries, Department of Education and its offices located at regional and district level, Local Bodies, / Individual, Institutional and System level
Synergy between the MoE and other line agencies / 1. Political will with stability
2. Funding commitment as agreed
3. Capacity development at individual, institution and system level as per the ICB Plan / 1. Medium term: Free and Compulsory Basic Education by 2012
2. Three Year Interim Plan 2007-10
3. EFA NPA 2001-15
4. School Sector Reform 2009-15