Module: (CP1234)

Assessment Number:(One)


Mr./Mrs./Miss(Your Name)

Student number: (01234567)

(5th January 2009)

Module Leader: (Prof./Dr./Mr./Mrs.)

Draft Report Template

Produced by Adrian Priest – SCIT IS Department

(Your Name) / (01234567) / (CP1234)


(Enter any required acknowledgements in this section. This acknowledges the assistance received from others whilst compiling the report.)

Abstract or Executive Summary

(Enter an abstract or executive summary here. This is produced after you have completed your report.

An abstract is a concise summary description of your work so others may identify if it is worth reading further.

An executive summary (more business like) provides the busy reader with enough information about the main points of the report without having to read it all.)

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

2 Sections or Chapters

3 Formatting

3.1 Bulleted list

3.2 Numbered list

4 Use

4.1 Sub paragraphs

4.1.1 Sub sub paragraphs

5 Numbering

5.1 Table numbering

5.2 Page numbering

6 Critical Evaluation

7 Conclusions

8 References

8.1 Books

8.2 Journals

8.3 Websites

9 Bibliography

10 Glossary

11 Appendix 1 – Map of Wolverhampton Student Union

12 Appendix 2 –

13 Appendix 3 –

(Right click on the table of contents, select update field and then update entire table. This re-numbers all the pages and any alterations to the header text. Delete this text after updating the above table.)

List of Figures

Figure 1 - Header

Figure 2 - Update Table of Contents

(Right click on the list of figures, select update field and then update entire table. This re-numbers all the pages and any alterations to the figure text. Delete this text after updating the above table.)

List of Tables

Table 1 - An Example of a Table

(Right click on the list of tables, select update field and then update entire table. This re-numbers all the pages and any alterations to the table’s text. Delete this text after updating the above table.)

Page 1

(Your Name) / (01234567) / (CP1234)

1 Introduction

(This template allows you to produce a professional looking report with a “house style” for the University of Wolverhampton assessments. Future employment may see you using a corporate style; this template provides you with the opportunity to practice using corporate styles templates. It will save you time formatting as this has been done for you; you only need to concentrate on the content and the structure.

Styles have been configured to allow consistency throughout the document.

The styles have outline numbered headings which automatically update saving time formatting the report.

Should you feel this template stifles your creativity you may of course use your own report template or modify this one to suit your needs.)

2 Sections or Chapters

(Main headings of each section are formatted using the “Heading 1” style. Using headings automatically puts the required outline numbering against the paragraph. The above heading looks like this when selected:

Figure 1 - Header

Reports or assignments always have an introduction or background section (or even both) which provides the reader with the rational for the work. You might also be expected to have a “terms of reference” section too.

After the introduction, you have the main body of your report such as the analysis, findings, conclusions or recommendations.

Any information that the reader may wish to look into further can be found in the appendices. These include the references (theses are the Harvard References used in the body of the report), the bibliography (the reading you did but did not reference in the report) and attachments referred to in the body such as maps drawings.)

3 Formatting

(You may have noticed that a paragraph cannot span two pages, this is a widow and orphaning function available in Word, it keeps text together.

Likewise, if you select some text and format it as heading 1, it will automatically start on a new page.

There are two carriage returns after the last text (page) and this new line. This gives clarity on the new paragraph and allows space for formative feedback comments to be inserted.)

You may of course add to the formatting such as:

3.1Bulleted list

List Item

List Item

List Item

3.2Numbered list




4 Use

(To use this template, replace all text in parentheses (like this) with your own details orwork. Note: You will have to double click the headers and footers to open them to change these details.

Change the main headers to reflect your own subject headers.

Once you have customized this template to your details, save the file to your PC. When saving, save as a .DOT (Word Template). When you next do a report, File, New, From Templates on my PC and choose this file. As a template you cannot overwrite it.

4.1Sub paragraphs

To create a sub paragraph select heading 2 similar to Figure 1.

4.1.1Sub sub paragraphs

Likewise but heading 3.) Notice that the heading 1’s are Title Case, heading 2 or below are Sentence case. When you look at the contents page this will become evident.)

5 Numbering

(This template numbers the headings in an outline numbered format.

The numbers in the headingsare updated in the table of contents when you right click on the table, select update field and then update entire table.

Figure 2 - Update Table of Contents

From the menu select Insert, reference and caption; this will give the opportunity to select table or figure. Remember to give it a name as above so it will appear in the list and will read – “Figure2 - Update Table of Contents” in the list as well as the above caption.)

5.1Table numbering

(The below table has a caption inserted below it in the same way as the figures.

This / Is / A

Table 1 - An Example of a Table

The table has a caption inserted in the same was as the figures have.

5.2Page numbering

All pages are automatically numbered.)

6 Critical Evaluation

(An evaluation of how the work was carried out and what could be done to improve it in the future. Perhaps some relevant examples of the Harvard Referencing system included in this report as an aide memoir.)

7 Conclusions

(This report template will save you time on formatting allowing more time to concentrate on the subject matter.

You will gain experience of creating professional looking reports which may aid you in future employment.

The layout may prompt you to remember sections that are often forgotten.)

8 References

Use the Harvard Referencing system available on the University of Wolverhampton web site. Available at


CHESTER, M. and ATWALL, (2002) A. Basic Information Systems analysis and Design.Berkshire: McGraw-Hill Education.
DATE C.J. (1983) An Introduction to Database Systems, Volume 2., Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing.
HEATHCOTE, P.M. (2000) Successful ICT Projects in Access, 2nd Edition.,Ipswich: Payne-Gallway Publishers Ltd.
HEATHCOTE, P.M. (2000) Successful ICT Projects in Excel, 2nd Edition.,Ipswich: Payne-Gallway Publishers Ltd.
HOFFER, J.A. GEORGE, J.F. VALACICH, J.S. (1999) Modern Systems Analysis and Design, 2nd Edition.,Addison-Wesley Longman Inc.
KULIK, P. (1996) What is Software Risk Management?Routledge Falmer.
TUDOR, D.J. TUDOR, I.J. (1997) Systems Analysis and Design Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd.
WEAVER, P. LAMBROU, N. WALKLEY, M. (2002) Practical Business Systems Development Using SSADM, 3rd Edition., Essex, Pearson Education Ltd.


Burns, M. (2004) / Time to upgrade your office?. CA Magazine [online] Jan/Feb 2004 [cited 31 Oct 2004], Vol. 137 (1). p16. Accessed via EBSCO Host Research Database at: < >. ISSN 0317-6878
Hatlestad, L. (2004) / Network Security Gets Physical. VARBusiness [online] Aug 2004 [cited 19 Nov 2004], Vol. 20 (3). Pp37-39. Accessed via EBSCO Host Research Database at: < >. ISSN 0894-5802
Howard, L. (2004) / Infonetics Research [online]. Bromley: Infonetics Research, (no date) [cited 08 Jan 2005].
Hubbard, C. (2002) / Storage without borders. Computing Canada [online] Feb 2001 [cited 19 Nov 2004], Vol. 27 (4). pp14-15. Accessed via EBSCO Host Research Database at: < >. ISSN 0319-0161
Shim, R. (2004) / Wi-Fi Market Surges On Consumer Sales [online]. London: ZNet, (Feb 10 2004) [cited 17 Nov 2004]. <
Vroom, C and Solms, R. (2004) (2004) / Towards information security behavioural compliance. Computers & Security [online]. May 2004 [cited 17 Nov 2004], Vol. 23 (3). pp 191-198. Accessed via EBSCO Host Research Database at: < >. ISSN 1067-4048

8.3Electronic sources

ACM SIGCHI Curricula for Human-Computer Interaction, HEWETT, BAECKER, CARD, CAREY, GASEN, MANTEI, PERLMAN, STRONG and VERPLANK (no date) [online]. [cited 21stNovember 2008] <
SCRUM Software Development Process (no date) [online]. [cited 21stNovember 2008] <
Crystal Methodologies Process (no date) [online]. [cited 21stNovember 2008] <
CMS CMS Change Management Procedures (2002) [online]. [Cited 21stNovember 2008] <
Governor’s Office for Technology (GOT) Change Management Policy/Procedure [online]. 2001. [Cited 21stNovember 2008]. <
The Data Protection Act 1998. Her Majesties Stationary Office, [online]. 2001. [Cited 21st November 2008]. <
Office of the E-Envoy Change Control procedures for e-Government resources [online]. 2002. [Accessed 21stNovember 2008]. <

9 Bibliography

(This is where you would indicate your extensive reading prior to compiling the report. It lists the items you read and perhaps even why you omitted them from the report.)

Article / Author / Source / Comments

10 Glossary

The following may assist the reader in understanding names, acronyms and abbreviations used in this report.

C. / Chapter (pertinent to chapters in Acts of Parliament)
CARS / Credibility, Accuracy, Reasonable and Supported
DB / Database
DIY / Do It Yourself
DVD / Digital Video Disk
EU / European Union
Google / Internet Search Engine
HLC / Harrison Learning Centre
HMSO / Her Majesty’s Stationary Office
IEEE / The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Lexis-Nexis / Law DB requiring an Athens account
MS / Microsoft Corporation
No. / Number
OPAC / Online Public Access Catalogue
Re: / Reference
TLC / Telford Learning Centre
U of W / University of Wolverhampton
ULC / University’s Learning Centre’s
Yahoo / Internet Search Engine
URL / Universal Resource Locator (web address)

11 Appendix 1 – Map of Wolverhampton Student Union

Source: Google Maps

12 Appendix 2 –

13 Appendix 3 –

Page 1