Topic 6–Legal, Social, EthicsName:

Topic 6 – Legal Social and ethics

Legal issues anagrams

Here are some words or phrases that have been jumbled up. The words are connected with Legal and ethical issues. Can you work out what they are? There is a clue to help you.

1Contradict a teapotHint: The law that protects our personal data.

Answer: ______

2Vary picHint: Keeping information about us private.

Answer: ______

3Parental sodaHint: Data about us.

Answer: ______

4A tad subjectHint: The person that personal data is about.

Answer: ______

5Nag hickHint: The process of gaining illegal access to an ICT system.

Answer: ______

6Chirpy gotHint: All original works such as music are protected by this.

Answer: ______

7Rap icyHint: Name for illegal copying.

Answer: ______

8Nuclear evilsHint: Snooping on someone.

Answer: ______

9Pencil ripsHint: There are eight of these in the Data Protection Act.

Answer: ______

10Acute carHint: Personal data should be ……….. and up to date.

Answer: ______

Health issues anagrams

Here are some words or phrases that have been jumbled up. The words are connected with Health issues. Can you work out what they are? There is a clue to help you.

1A retentive injury trip isHint: RSI.

Answer: ______

2Erase tinyHint: You get this by looking at the screen for long periods.

Answer: ______

3A cab heckHint: Incorrect posture when sitting gives you this.

Answer: ______

4Chase headHint: Eye strain can give you these.

Answer: ______

5Jab salutedHint: All chairs used with computers should be this.

Answer: ______

6Cut demonHint: A ______holder.

Answer: ______

7LargeHint: Use blinds on windows to prevent this on the screen.

Answer: ______

8Crime goonsHint: The science of making thing used by humans easier touse.

Answer: ______

9PoutersHint: Incorrect ______can cause back ache.

Answer: ______

10Burr ledHint: Stress and headaches can give rise to this problem with vision.

Answer: ______

Producing a newspaper article on new crimes created by ICT

You have been asked to produce a newspaper article for a local newspaper on new crimes created by the use of ICT.

You will have to do quite a bit of research finding out about these crimes.

Where do you start?

Here are some information sources you can start with:

Online newspapers:

Articles on the Internet: use search engines with key words to find suitable information.

Marks – 10

Researching equipment that will reduce the risk of potential health hazards when working with ICT

There are many pieces of equipment that can be used to reduce the risk of potential health hazards when working with ICT.

In this activity you have to research 3of them.

For each piece of equipment you need to obtain an image and write a few sentences about its purpose and what potential health hazard it avoids. Marks – 3*3 (9)

What are these for?

Here are some health and safety products that can be used to help prevent certain health problems when staff use computers. Can you identify them and work out what each of them is for? Write a short sentence to explain.


Answer ______


Answer ______


Answer ______


Answer ______


Answer ______


Answer ______


Answer ______

Stolen RAF data files

Unencrypted data on three hard drives was stolen from an RAF base. This data contained personal details about some senior officers in the RAF. In particular it contained details of those officers who presented more of a security risk than other officers because of their lifestyle. The data contained personal details such as which officers were in debt, which officers were drug users or were having extra-marital affairs.
The worry for the RAF was that this stolen data could be used by others to blackmail the officers concerned. They were also worried that they could be sold to journalists, who would produce articles about the senior officers concerned.

1(a)Explain the meaning of the term ‘unencrypted’.(2 marks)

(b)Explain how the problem might not have been so serious if the data on the hard drives had been encrypted. (2 marks)

2(a)Give the name of the law that requires organizations to take steps to keep personal information private.(1 mark)

(b)It is a requirement of the Act to keep the data secure.

Give two other requirements of the Act. (2 marks)

3Describe two ways the person who stole the personal information might use it. (2 marks)

Multiple Choice

1RSI is the name of an injury that may be caused by the incorrect use of keyboards. What does RSI stand for?

ARepetitive strain injury

BResultant sitting infirmity

CRelatively stable interface

DRepetitive sitting injury



This diagram shows a device in front of the keyboard that is used to reduce the likelihood of contracting RSI. What is this device is called?

AMouse mat

BWrist rest




3Someone who uses computers in her job complains of eye strain.

Which of the following reduces the risk of eye strain?

AEnsuring that chairs have adjustable backs

BKeeping computer rooms well ventilated

CUsing keyboards that can be tilted

DTaking regular breaks from using the computer


4What is the main purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998?

ATo give rights to data

BTo make sure that everyone protects their data

CTo place obligations on people who record and process personal data

DTo make it illegal to copy data


5Who is the person responsible for the enforcement of the Data Protection Act 1998?

AThe Information Commissioner

BThe Data Protection Controller

CThe Data Subject

DThe Data User


6Which of these is a mischievous program intended to do damage to people’s data?






7Software piracy involves which one of the following?

AIllegally copying computer software

BDownloading pornography off theInternet

CIntroducing a computer virus into a computer system

DHacking into computer systems


8The Computer Misuse Act 1990 does not involve which one of these?


BDeliberately planting computer viruses

CUsing a computer to commit fraud



9Under the Data Protection Act 1998 a data subject is allowed to see personal data held about them. If the data held about them is wrong, the data subject can do which one of the following?

AHave the right to the data being corrected or deleted

BHave the right for the entire database to be destroyed

CApply for notification

DRing for the police


10There are some exemptions fromnotification under the Data Protection Act 1998. Which one of the following is not a valid exemption?

AWhere data is being held in connection with personal, family or household affairs or for recreational use

BWhere data is used for preparing the text of documents

CWhere the data is being held in the interests of national security

DWhere personal data is held by a government department


Text Book Questions

Questions A Page 118

No / Mark / Answer
1a / 3
B / 2
2a / 3
B / 2
C / 2
3a / 2
B / 2

Questions B Page 120

No / Mark / Answer
1 / 1
2 / 2
3 / 2
4 / 2

Questions C Page 124

No / Mark / Answer
1a / 3
B / 6
2a / 1
B / 1
C / 2


True / False
The continual use of keyboards over a long period can give rise to aches and pains in the hands, arms and wrists
RSI stands for repeated stress injury
Wrist rests and ergonomic keyboards can help prevent RSI
Back ache can be caused by slouching in your chair when using a computer
Glare on the screen can cause RSI
No / Mark / Answer
4 / 1

Questions D Page 126

No / Mark / Answer
1 / 2
2a / 1
B / 2
C / 2

Questions E Page 129

No / Mark / Answer
1a / 1
B / 1
2a / 2
B / 1
3a / 2
B / 2
4a / 3
B / 2

Case Study Questions 1 Page 132

No / Mark / Answer
1a / 3
B / 2
2 / 2
3 / 2
4 / 1
5a / 2
B / 2

Case Study Questions 2 Page 133

No / Mark / Answer
1a / 2
B / 1
2a / 2
2b / 1
3 / 2

Case Study Questions 3 Page 133

No / Mark / Answer
1 / 1
2 / 2
3 / 3
4a / 2
B / 1
C / 2

1 | Page