Montana Chapter Membership SWCS Meeting
May 17st, 2016
Members present: Stacy Eneboe, Angel Rosario, Eric Watson, Marni Thompson, Chris Mahoney, Jane Holzer, Shalaine Watson, Roger Hybner, Mark Henning, Heidi Brewer, Dick Scheetz, Ann Fischer, and Joyce Trevithick
Meeting called to order by President Stacy Eneboe 8:33 a.m. Eneboe read thru current board’s member’s names and positions for the membership.
Minutes: Motion made by Mark Henning to approve April minutes as sent out, Roger Hybner seconded. Motion passed to approve April meeting minutes.
Holzer gave the treasurer’s report. Marni Thompson moved to approve the treasurer’s report. Angel Rosario seconded. Motion passed. A corrected version was later sent and a motion was made by Chris Mahoney to approve the corrected version. Hybner seconded. Motion passed.
Treasury Report:
Checking account $914.32.65
Savings account $10,552.52.37
Investment acct $39,336.22
Total $50,803.00
Holzer updated the membership on placing at least $5,000 of the money in our savings in a Certificate of Deposit with D.A. Davidson. It was voted on last meeting to move forward with this action.
Old Business:
Vacant Board position: Still needing to fill the eastern board member position. Eneboe talked to Dick Scheetz. Scheetz would be willing to fill the position if we couldn’t find anyone else. Ann Fischer suggested some younger employees in the Miles City Area. Fischer and Scheetz wanted the membership list and then they would talk to a few younger employees about the position.
Technical meeting in Baker: Fischer gave a report on the speakers for the meeting. Dr. Will Brighton and Jay Fuhrer have been approved to come. Dr. Will Brighton, an agronomist by trade, is the inventor of the solvita test. He will discuss the test, test results, and some discussion on composting. The meeting will be at the fairgrounds both days with some tours in the field. Fischer is more than welcome to accommodate our silent auction to raise money for our scholarship funds. Fischer will send out a registration form for the technical meeting. Holzer mentioned having Jon Sticka’s book for sale as a way for the chapter to make some money. Fischer plans on handing the book out for door prizes. Holzer also recommended having the earth team bracelets and the cover crop guides to sell. Holzer made a motion to sponsor the event for $250. Mahony seconded and the motion was approved.
Thompson updated the group on the meeting approval process that she is working on for the meeting to allow NRCS employees to attend the meeting. She has received several names for all of the areas of those interested in attending. The deadline for receiving names is May 21st and then the state office will send the request to the national office.
The chapter still needs to order the 50 solvita tests that the Chapter will provide for the technical meeting.
New Business
Eneboe asked if anyone was interested in the International Annual SWCS Conference in Louiville Kentucky on July 24th – 27th. Eneboe referred to a national bulletin where the agency was willing to pay for travel and per diem to attend. The deadline to apply is May 18th. Fischer gave a short report on the International Conference since she attended last year. Heidi Brewer also gave a short report on the benefits she saw when she was able to attend.
Eneboe also asked about ideas for sponsorships and partnerships for technical meetings in the future. Eneboe explained that the technical meetings are a way that we can raise money. We have been able to raise money at these when we have selected a topic which appeals to large number of people. We want to pick a topic that is important to Montana and make sure we present both sides of the topic. One topic discussed was Coal mining. Shalaine Watson mentioned a pro-coal group in Colstrip that is called Colstrip United. Another group called Natural Resource Council in Billings is against coal. We also discussed partnering with the pulse growers since this is the Year of the Pulse. All of the membership should think about a good topic for a technical meeting in the future. Thompson will collect these ideas from the group.
Committee Reports
Soil Painting Kits: Kits are available. Thanks to Mahoney for delivering the black soils.
Earthwise Bracelets: Made 80 bracelets for Pondera County Districts. Brewer will make about 100 so that we have them to sell in Baker.
Awards: June 1st deadline to receive award nominations. Thompson will resend the email again to garner nominations.
Scholarships – Two scholarships were given to two well qualified individuals. One senior level, and one junior level. We also paid for their student membership for SWCS.
Student Chapter – no report
Newsletter- Nothing to report.
Membership – Watson reported that we have 49 members.
The Chapter will continue to meet every third Thursday of the month by conference call. Next meeting will be June 16th at 8:30.