KWGA Committee
ChairmanAnn Nichols
Vice Co-Chairman &Ellen Schiller &
Tournament Co-ChairmanJen Taylor
Handicap ChairmanMarilyn Marcosson Starr
SecretaryCynda Wilcox
TreasurerKerry Murray
Ex-OFFICIO Members
PGA/LPGA Head Golf ProfessionalLynne Hunter
PGA First Assistant Golf ProfessionalScott Shapin
Course SuperintendentJohn Casady
KGC ChairmanMichael Urquhart
Contact Info
Marilyn Marcosson
John Casady301-320-2134
The Kenwood Women’s Golf Association (KWGA) is eager to welcome new members to our activities. Membership information will be found on the pages that follow. We hope you will give us a call and join us for some great times golfing.
Chairman's Advisory Committee (Past Chairs)
Harriet Moss (2012-2013)
Mary Mayberry (2010-2011)
Joyce O'Brien (2007-2009)
Carolyn Clewell (2005-2006)
Dana Peterson (2003-2004)
Livia Johnson (2001-2002)
Iola Abood (2000)
Tami McMinn (1995)
Ann Bergquist (1985-1986)
KWGA Website, Newsletter, DirectoryAnn Pelham
EmailsCynda Wilcox and Ann Nichols
RulesAlice Dewys
New Member OutreachTBD
KWGA Representative to Kenwood Golf Committee
Ann Nichols
Maryland State Golf Association, Women's Division
Susan Peterson, Representative
Women's District of Columbia Golf Association (WDCGA)
Kay Tyler, Vice President
Harroet Moss, Representative
Jocelyn Lamond, Theresa Shingler, Team Captains
Montgomery-Prince George's Women's Golf Association (MPG)
Marilyn Starr, Representative
Judy Perry, Marilyn Starr, Captains
Past KWGA Chairmen
1950Louise Bullock1981-82Charline Coakley
1951Helen Hammersia1983-84Mary Ann Buddington
1952Ruth Hill1985-86Ann Bergquist
1953-54Polly Foley1987-88Maggie Englehart
1955-56Edna Fox1989-90Marian Champan
1957-58Ruby Lindgren1991-92Verna Larash
1959-60Carol Kadie1993Marcie Stromberg
1961-62Bella Dutton1994Ella Francis
1963-64Barbara Richards1995Tami McMinn
1965-66Marjorie March1996-97Rosemary Pasek
1967-68Georgia Fischel1998-99Patricia Law
1969-70Irma Sweetser2000Iola Abood
1971-72Bierne Knapp2001-02Livia Johnson
1973-74Gertrude Poole2003-04Dana Peterson
1975-76Toni Meadows2005-06Carolyn Clewell
1977-78Lu Hamill2007-09Joyce O’Brien
1979-80Marion Wesselink2010-11Mary Mayberry
Kenwood Women’s Golf Association Program 2015
The KWGA provides a unique opportunity for women golfers to participate in activities that appeal to varying golf interests, ability, and time availability. We encourage and welcome new members to join us for an enjoyable combination of social and competitive golf. Our activities center on Wednesday mornings, but some working women events occur on week-ends.
The 2015 KWGA program includes the following:
•Individual tournaments with stroke and match play formats
•Two and four-person team competitions
•Annual Member-Guest tournament
•Season-long ringer tournament
•KWGA luncheons included following selected tournament events
•KWGA championship tournaments with flight brackets
•Working women events scheduled on a weekend
•Working women priority tee times between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. on Open Play Wednesdays
•Opportunities for members at all levels of play to participate in regional events at local country clubs through affiliations (based on handicap) with the Maryland State Golf Association (MSGA), Women’s District of Columbia Golf Association (WDCGA), Montgomery and Prince George’s County Golf Association (MPG), and Interclub team competitions.
•Opportunities to meet people, have fun, and learn more about golf and your golf game
Annual KWGA dues for 18 hole players are $55.00 and include participation in Six designated KWGA tournaments; an annual KWGA Member Directory and Calendar of Events; eligibility to join regional golf associations (based on handicap) and participate in their golf tournaments; and opportunities to volunteer for KWGA activities, committees, vote, and hold office.
We welcome Niners as well. Niners are golfers of all skill levels. If you would like to be a member of both groups, we encourage you to join. KWGA dues for Niners are $20. You may be a member of both groups.
We welcome the opportunity to talk with prospective members; receive comments and suggestions from current members; and encourage active participation in our program. Come enjoy the game of golf and the camaraderie that exists among members of the KWGA.
KWGA General Rules
1.Membership in KWGA is open to any Kenwood Golf and Country Club woman who is a B, B+, L, W, or YA member, or spouse, or the daughter of a B, B+, L, or W member (age 18-20), with an established 18-hole handicap.
2.Handicap: All new members must have a USGA earned handicap at Kenwood not to exceed 45 and an index of 40.4 maximum. (These figures are based on the current slope of 125 from the forward tees at Kenwood.)
3.KWGA dues are $55 annually and cover participation in the following events: Opening Day, Board of Governors, Chamberlin, Thompson, Women on the Weekend, Solheim Cup, and Dames & Babes, plus two Friday clinics. Dues payers may also participate in other KWGA golf events; become eligible, based on handicap, to join regional golf associations and compete in their tournaments; and receive a copy of the KWGA directory.
4.Tournaments: To win a trophy in a KWGA event, a member must have a USGA handicap index based on at least 20 current scores. However, a member may compete for any other prize with a USGA handicap index based on at least five scores.
5.The following tournaments are open to all Kenwood women golfers, regardless of KWGA membership: Kenwood Women’s Club Championship and Senior Women’s Championship (age 55+). These tournaments have a nominal entry fee.
6.Except for these two events, the Kenwood Women’s Club Championship and Senior Women’s Championship, a golfer must be a member of the KWGA in order to play in any tournaments sponsored by the KWGA.
7.Requirements for participation in tournaments include completion of the entire round and the submission of the scorecard to the Tournament Committee upon leaving the course. Failure to do so will result in ineligibility for the next KWGA tournament, as determined by the KWGA Executive Committee.
8.All ties for a trophy in any tournament will be decided by a hole-by-hole play-off. In case of a tie in other non-trophy KWGA events, the winner will be determined by a match of cards over the last 9, 6, 3 holes, etc., as recommended by the USGA.
9.All tournament pairings and cart assignments will be determined by the professional staff.
10.Equipment: Non-conforming clubs or balls will not be allowed in play according to USGA rules. See golf shop for details.
11.Powered carts are required for all tournaments with a shotgun start and will be automatically charged to each golfer’s account.
12.Lunches: The fee for participation in the Member-Guest and Interclub events includes lunch, with a no-cancellation policy in effect. For other events, the meal is optional and billed to each participant’s account.
13.Most Improved Golfer: Awarded to the KWGA member whose scores reflect the most improvement from March 15, 2014 until November 1, 2014, based on scores turned in for handicap purposes and 18 holes played. To be eligible, the member must:
a.have belonged to the KWGA the previous year;
b.have at least 20 current scores at the beginning of the current season; at least 20 scores during the current season; an active participant of KWGA, with at least three scores from the current season (such as tournaments, team matches, & mixed events).
14.Pace of Play: It is important to complete a round of golf in a timely manner. Remember, your position on the golf course is directly behind the group in front of you, not immediately in front of the group behind you. If slow play is affecting a KWGA tournament, be aware that, after a warning, a one-stroke penalty will be assessed to the offending player in stroke play. If necessary, a second penalty of two strokes may be assessed in stroke play. In match play, the penalty will be loss of hole.
15.Scores: The USGA Handicap System is based on the assumption that every player will endeavor to make the best score possible in every round and that the player will report every eligible score, good or bad, for handicap purposes, regardless of where the round is played. (Incomplete records lead to unfair handicaps.)
16.Posting Scores: Post all scores immediately after the round or as soon as possible. Always post scores before the first and fifteenth of each month so that accurate handicaps can be maintained. Scores of 13 holes or more must be posted. (Scores for holes not played should be recorded as par plus any handicap strokes that the player is entitled to receive on the unplayed holes.) If you start but do not complete a hole, record for handicap purposes the score you most likely would have made (not to exceed the Equitable Stroke Control limit).
Equitable Stroke Control (ESC): For handicap purposes, when posting your score you must use Equitable Stroke Control. ESC is a downward adjustment of individual hole scores in order to make handicaps more representative of a player’s potential ability. It sets a maximum number that a player can post on any hole depending on the player’s Course Handicap. You may not post a score higher than the maximum number of strokes allowed. The following criteria apply:
Maximum Number to Post
Course HandicapOn Any Hole
9 or lessDouble Bogey
40 or more10
17.Cell Phones: Cell phones must be in the silent mode when carried on the course (except for emergencies). Inappropriate cell phone use during a tournament round will result in disqualification.
18.Distance Measuring Devices at Kenwood: For all play, a golfer may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only. However, if, during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance measuring device that measures other conditions that might affect her play (e.g., gradient, wind-speed, temperature, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 14-3, for which the penalty is disqualification, regardless of whether any such functions are actually used.
Wednesday Open Play Days
On “Open Play” Wednesdays (when no KWGA tournament is scheduled), members of the KWGA have preferred tee times between the hours of 7:30 and 9:30 AM, provided they have reserved their time by 8:00 AM on Tuesday. Any tee time not reserved by then is available to other eligible Kenwood golfers.
Preferred Tee Times for Working Women
In an effort to encourage more play with fellow KWGA members, working women will have preferred tee times early mornings between 7:30 and 8:00 AM on “Open Play” Wednesdays. A few late Wednesday afternoon tee times can also be blocked off if notification is received by 6:00 PM on the Monday prior.
KWGA Schedule 2015
The tournament calendar is summarized below, followed by a detailed description of each event including entry fees, schedules, way-of-play, prizes and amenities.
1st – 5:30 to 7:00 PMSpring Meeting
8th – 9:00 AMOpening Day
15th – 9:00 AMWDCGA Match
22nd – 8:30 AMChamberlin Trophy, Round 1
23rd – 9:30 AMChamberlin Trophy, Round 2
29th – 8:00 AMOpen Play
6th – 9:00 AMSolheim Cup
13th – 8:00 AMOpen Play
20th – 9:00 AMMPG Match (Rain Date May 22)
27th – 9:00 AMWDCGA Rain Date/Open Play
3rd – 8:00 AMOpen Play
10th – 9:00 AMKWGA Member-Guest Tournament (R/D June 11)
17th – 8:00 AMOpen Play
24th – 9:00 AMBoard of Governors
1st – 8:00 AMOpen Play
8th – 8:00 AMUSGA Women’s Amateur Qualifier (rain date July 9)
15th – 8:00 AMOpen Play
22nd – 9:00 AMMPG Match (Rain date July 29)
29th – 8:00 AMOpen Play
5th – 9:00 AMInterclub
12th – 8:00 AMWDCGA Championship
19th – 8:00 AMOpen Play
26th – 9:00 AMThompson Four Ball
2nd – 8:30 AMSenior Women’s Club Championship
9th – 9:00 AMFall Event
16th – 8:30 AMClub Championship Round 1
19th – 9:00 AMClub Championship Round 2
20th – 9:00 AMClub Championship Final Round
23rd – 8:00 AMOpen Play
7th – 9:00 AMDames & Babes
14th – TBDChairman’s Invitational
KWGA Events 2015
Spring Meeting
When:Wednesday, April 1; 5:30 to 7:30 PM
Format:Meeting in Clubhouse, Wine & Cheese
Chamberlin Tournament – Trophy Event
Chamberlin Trophy donated in honor of the wife of Donal Chamberlin, past president of Kenwood
When:Wednesday, April 22nd, Round 1; 8:30 AM Tee Times
Thursday, April 23rd, Round 2; 9:30 AM Tee Times
Registration:Sign up as two person teams.
Deadline:Monday, April 20th, 5:00 PM
Format:36 Hole Net Ringer Event
Best Net Score on each hole from the two rounds.
Entry Fee:Included, Lunch Extra
Solheim Cup
When:Wednesday, May 6th; 9:00 AM Shotgun
Registration:Sign up as individuals.
Deadline:Monday, May 4th, 5:00 PM
Format:Solheim Cup Match Play Format
Field will be divided into two teams
Entry Fee:Included; Lunch Included
KWGA Member-Guest Tournament
When:Wednesday, June 10th; 9:00 AM Shotgun
Rain Date:Thursday, June 11th
Registration:Sign up as team. (Members may invite 3 guests)
Deadline:Monday, June 8th, 5:00 PM
Format:Two Best Balls of Four
Entry Fee:$85 per person plus cart fee
Gross & Net Prizes, Breakfast, & Lunch Included
Board of Governors Tournament – Trophy Event
When:Wednesday, June 24th, 8:00 AM Tee Times
Registration:Sign up as individuals.
Deadline:Monday June 22nd, 5:00 PM
Format:Individual Stroke Play
Entry Fee:Included, Lunch Extra
Women on the Weekend Tournament
When:Saturday, July 25th; 11:00 AM Tee Times
Registration:Sign up as individuals.
Deadline:Thursday, July 23rd, 5:00 PM
Entry Fee:Included
When:Wednesday, August 5th; 9:00 AM Shotgun
Registration:Sign up as individuals.
(Open to KWGA members who do not play in WDCGA or MPG)
Deadline:Monday, August 3rd, 5:00 PM
Format:Two Best Balls of Four
Team consists of member and three players from visiting clubs.
Entry Fee:$36 per person includes golf, cart, prizes, & lunch.
Thompson Four Ball – Trophy Event
Thompson Trophy donated by Rod Thompson, former head golf professional.
When:Wednesday, August 26th; 9:00 AM Shotgun
Registration:Sign up as two person team.
Deadline:Monday, August 24th, 5:00 PM
Format:18 Holes Best Ball of Two Stoke Play
Entry Fee:Included
Senior Women’s Club Championship – Trophy Event
Edinburgh crystal bowl donated by Patricia Law.
When:Wednesday, September, 2nd; 8:30 AM Tee Times
Registration:Sign up as individuals.
Open to all Kenwood women members 55 and older as of 8/31/15.
Deadline:Monday, August 31st, 5:00 PM
Format:Individual Stroke Play
Flighted by age and handicap.
Entry Fee:
Women’s Club Championship – Trophy Event
When:Wednesday, September 16th, Round 1; 8:30 AM Tee Times
Saturday, September 19th, Round 2; 9:30 AM Tee Times
Sunday, September 20th, Round 3; 9:30 AM Tee Times
Registration:Sign up as individuals. (Open to all Kenwood women members)
Deadline:Monday, September 14th, 5:00 PM
Format:Individual Match Play
Championship Flight – Lowest 8 handicap entries (21.9 max), will compete on three days with losers advancing to consolation bracket. Will be played without handicap strokes.
Handicap Flights – Flights will be based on handicap ranking and will compete in Rounds 1 & 3, no consolation flights. Will be played with handicap strokes.
Entry Fee:$25 (Reception to follow)
Dames and Babes
When:Wednesday, October 7th; 9:00 AM Shotgun
Registration:Sign up as individuals. (Field will be divided into 2 teams.)
Deadline:Monday, October 5th, 5:00 PM
Format:Team Match Play (9 Holes Best Ball & 9 Holes Alternate Shot)
Entry Fee:Included
Chairman’s Invitational
Thank you outing organized by KWGA Chairman in appreciation of the year’s volunteers.
When:Wednesday, October 14th; 9:00 AM Shotgun
Registration:Invite Only
Ringer Tournament
When:Season Long Event (March 15 – November 15)
Registration:Sign up and record scores in golf shop.
Format:Player builds her 18 hole total by posting and having attested the lowest score on each hole at Kenwood.
Entry Fee:$10
Open Play Wednesdays
Weekly outings with tee times and scheduled through out the season. Sign up in the clubhouse with a group or the golf shop can help pair you. Niners interested in joining Open Play are always welcome to join with a KWGA member.