Lay Director’s Checklist

Information, Responsibilities and Suggestions for Columbus Emmaus Walks

Before TeamBuilding Meetings

  1. Meet with team selection committee
  2. Call prospective team members
  3. Reserve the church for team meetings as far in advance as possible
  4. The community has copies of many previous lay and clergy speeches
  5. Assign one ALD to each talk preview
  6. Pick a theme for the walk
  7. Plan team meetings
  8. Send letter to team telling them about team meetings, what to bring, prayer partner, scripture readings, etc.
  9. Assign one ASD to each talk preview
  10. Invite the Kitchen and Agape Team to the initial team meeting for discussion of servanthood, mission of Emmaus, spiritual overview, and introduction of team members
  11. Lectern for each room for talk previews
  12. Overhead projector for each room for talk previews
  13. Overhead projector for music for musicians
  14. Song books for singing at team building
  15. Devotions for each session of the team building meetings
  16. Music for each team building meeting
  17. Provision for snacks for team building meetings
  18. Provision for lunch, and paper products for all day team building sessions
  19. Team members can bring soda and snacks for team building meetings
  20. Assign prayer partners prior to first team building meeting and adjust list as necessary
  21. Inform the conference room team that they should plan to attend all team building meetings
  22. Do you want a Board Member to speak to the Team during TeamBuilding?
  23. How often to have communion at Team Building Meetings?
  24. Pick scriptures to support the theme for the walk
  25. Meet as needed with ALD’s, Head Kitchen, Head Agape Team to establish jobs, go over time schedules, pray, form team spirit
  26. The Lay Director, ALD, SD, ASD, Head Kitchen, and Head Agape Team should receive their community manuals immediately after accepting the position on the team
  27. Copy main points of talks, critique sheets, team lists, etc.
  28. By board vote on 6/20/98, the Agape Team and Kitchen Team should not participate in Dying Moments with the pilgrims and should not participate in the greeting line at Candlelight. Also, on team formation weekends, there should be mandatory attendance at times designated by the LD for the Agape Team and Kitchen Team along with the Conference Room Team. All other participation by the Agape Team and Kitchen Team in other events during the weekend (new found friends, viewing “In Remembrance,” pilgrim commissioning service, etc.) will be at the discretion of the LD.

TeamBuilding Meetings

  1. Pass out roster of pilgrims
  2. Pass out roster of team members
  3. Introduction of team members
  4. 3 talk reviews at one time
  5. 6-8 total team members to preview each talk
  6. Someone to assign team members to each talk preview
  7. Ask table leaders to lead the discussions after talk reviews
  8. Consider everyone previewing the first talk to model how it should be done
  9. 45 minutes is enough for lunch
  10. Recommend at least 3 sessions of singing at Saturday’s all day meetings
  11. Make pilgrim table assignments before final team meeting
  12. Review of table assignments with table leaders to spot potential problems
  13. Discussion of what it means to be a servant
  14. Discussion of the purpose of Emmaus
  15. Discussion of activity overview for the 72 hours
  16. Discussion of spiritual overview for the 72 hours
  17. Review role of table leaders
  18. Collection of fees from team members
  19. Walk fee is $65 per team member for the week-end
  20. The Lay Director, and Board Rep. do not pay $65 fee
  21. The Spiritual Directors do not pay $65 fee
  22. Someone to make coffee for team building meetings
  23. Consider forming group reunions of 5-6 team members for each team meeting
  24. Have group reunions meet for 15-45 minutes at each team building session
  25. Include table leader and assistant table leader in the same group reunion
  26. Group reunions to review service sheets at each team building meeting
  27. Commissioning service and communion to close team building process
  28. Pick some members of the Agape Team and Kitchen who have a lot of experience on Walks who can substitute as assistant table leader or table leader at the last minute if one or more persons in these positions can not serve on Team
  29. Select a song to be sung before each talk as the speaker is walking to the podium
  30. Ask each speaker to select a favorite song to be sung prior to his talk
  31. Make a list of the favorite songs to be sung prior to the talks and give list to the musicians
  32. Collect agape bags from team members from previous walks-give to Board Member (Agape)
  33. All team members should receive a team manual + Sustaining the Spirit as soon as possible after they accept a position on the team or pass out manuals at the team building meetings
  34. Have team members complete a new up-to-date data/information sheet-give to registrar
  35. Announce the time of the Thursday evening meal to the team at team building
  36. Tell all persons giving talks that any changes made to their talk (from the previewed version of their talk given at team planning meetings) must be submitted to the Lay Director in writing for his/her approval.

Before Walk Begins

  1. Select the seven table names you want to use
  2. Song books for conference room team at the Walk
  3. Song books for the pilgrims’ folders -Board Member (Music)
  4. Making the covers for the pilgrims’ folders - Ron Povaleri does a great job
  5. Who will put the covers on the folders for the pilgrims?
  6. Purchase of pilgrim folders-Board Member (Supplies)
  7. Purchase of pilgrim note books-Board Member (Supplies)
  8. If the folder covers are to be laminated, allow 2-3 weeks for this to be done and find someone to do this job
  9. Name Tags for Pilgrims- Ron Povaleri has done several times
  10. Putting name tags in the plastic holders
  11. Procurement of Bus and Bus Driver for Transportation - Board Member (Facilities and Transportation)
  12. Transportation of supplies to CampMoneto - Board Member (Supplies)
  13. Purchase of the pilgrim crosses for the large cross at Sponsor’s Hour - Board Member (Supplies)
  14. Making substitute watches? Board Member (Agape)
  15. ALD to make bed assignments for pilgrims
  16. ALD to make map or diagram where pilgrims are sleeping
  17. ALD to make bed assignments for team members in lodge
  18. ALD to make name tags to put on the side of the pilgrim beds
  19. ALD to make name tags for the doors of the rooms where the team members sleep
  20. Copy Machine - delivered with supplies
  21. Projector for Carravaggio Picture meditation or picture itself? - SD should tell supplies person which is desired and needed
  22. Arrange for clowns (Renee Kasting and Mary Speer), traffic control for Saturday night, ice cream for Candlelight, skits (Hey, Delores, etc.)
  23. At CampMoneto, the times used for various events should be the times in the blue Columbus manuals and not the red LD or SD manuals. (The Agape Team handbooks should have the same times as the blue Columbus manuals.)

Thursday Evening of the Emmaus Weekend

  1. Collection of the money from the pilgrims at registration – Registrar
  1. Sheet with names and addresses of the pilgrims for Sunday afternoon packet-Registrar
  1. Sheet with names and addresses of team members for Sunday afternoon packet-LD
  1. Moneto Camp Set Up - Board Member (Facilities and Transportation)
  1. It would be helpful for several team members to arrive by early afternoon to put the finishing touches on the week end set up for the cabins, chapel, conference room, kitchen, signs, etc.
  1. Signs for Registration - Agape Team
  1. Registration – Registrar
  2. Coffee and Punch at Registration - Board Member (Agape)
  1. Parking Cars and Traffic Control at Registration - Agape Team
  1. Thursday Evening Meal for Team Members - Kitchen Team
  1. Sponsors’ Hour - Community Spiritual Director and Board Representative
  1. Communion Elements at Sponsor’s Hour - Board Member (Community Events)
  1. Communion Elements at Team Meeting - designate someone
  1. Pilgrim name tags for the large cross at Sponsor’s Hour
  1. Putting pilgrim crosses on yarn lanyards- Board Member (Agape)
  1. All first time team members to be invited to the Film “In Remembrance”
  1. Nightly counting of number of people who sleep at Moneto - community pays a usage fee to the Methodist Church camping program for each person who sleeps at Moneto - Turn in the number to the Board Treasurer-ALD
  1. All team members to attend send off
  1. Read the names of the table members together for send off so several of the “New Found Friends” will turn out to be members of the same table on Friday morning
  1. Only conference room team members plus the cabin Agape Team members are to be at New Found Friend session
  1. Giving out substitute watches - Agape Team
  1. Assign an Agape Team member to each pilgrim cabin


  1. Keep the snacks on the snack table under control
  1. Remember that many pilgrims can not see the words on overheads for singing when the pilgrims stand and because of the low ceilings at Camp Moneto. Songbooks would allow everyone to see the words.
  1. There are so many agape banners and letters from outside sources, some sense of organizing their introduction during the 72 hours is necessary so that the sheer number of these items does not overwhelm the pilgrims. Also you need to be careful that their introduction is not interrupting other pilgrim activities
  1. Be careful about too much repetition of verse after verse of the same song. The group should sing through each song and move on to the next song. Continuing to repeat the same song over and over causes some in the conference room to lose focus and tire
  1. Be careful to avoid excessive movement of team members and pilgrims during the singing in the conference room.
  1. Group Picture – Julie Pruitt, Joyce Acton, John Rhoades, Dennis Stone, Joan Meek, Gordon Meek and others have done it before
  1. Person in charge of Book Table at Camp Moneto - Board Representative
  1. Purchase of Books for Book Table - Ann Stewart
  1. Bringing books for Book Table to Camp Moneto - Ann Stewart or Board Rep
  1. Should there be more T-shirts for the book table?
  1. Should all t-shirts for the book table be XL?
  1. Should there be any T-shirts on the book table?
  1. Battery Powered Book Light - in Chapel Supplies box
  1. Projector and Screen for Carravaggio Picture Meditation - Board Member (Supplies)
  1. Agape Team Member to help with talks - Agape Team
  1. Agape Team Member to handle the conference room - Agape Team
  1. Props for Carravaggio Picture Meditation (Bread and Pitcher) - In D.R. supplies box
  1. Who handles pilgrims’ wish list in the conference room?-Agape Team
  1. Who handles the notification of pilgrims about taking medication?-ALD


  1. Skit at Meal Time –Kitchen and/or Table of Concern
  1. Musicians for Candlelight prior to team arrival - Board Member (Music)
  1. Minister for Candlelight - Community Spiritual Director
  1. Music for Candlelight after team arrival - Team Musicians
  1. Leave Moneto on the Bus/Buses at 8:30 PM to drive to Asbury
  1. Arrive on time for candlelight at 9:00 PM
  1. Servers for Steak Meal - Spouse of Lay Director or Designee
  1. Participants for Entertainment at Steak Meal- Spouse of Lay Director or Designee
  1. Certificates for Poster Parties - Dennis Stone can do if they are desired
  1. Daily devotions for Kitchen and Agape Team - Walk Spiritual Director to provide for
  1. Dying Moments for Kitchen and Agape Team (during Dying Moments for pilgrims) - Walk Spiritual Director to provide for
  1. Open and close Asbury UM Church (or any other site) for Candlelight - Dan and Dot Kirkling are the current volunteers
  1. Ice cream served after Candlelight - by a reunion group that volunteers
  1. LD and SD make sure musicians have pilgrims sing only one song after the pilgrims are at the front of the church before the community leaves
  2. Agape Team should be assigned positions outside sanctuary to guide pilgrims to the refreshments or bus (so they don’t wander around inside the church)


  1. Leave Camp Moneto on bus/buses at 4:15 PM for drive to the site of the closing
  1. Arrive on time for closing at 4:45 PM
  1. Service sheets to be passed out sometime prior to the Perseverance Talk
  1. ALD’s should pass out the service sheets
  1. Pick two team members to model the pilgrims talk to the community
  1. Music for Closing - Team Musicians
  1. Open the site of the closing for the delivery of the pilgrims luggage and sleeping bags at 2:00 PM
  2. Get two volunteers to unload luggage from buses
  1. Communion elements for closing - Board Member (Community Events)
  1. Where to hold the commissioning service and the giving out of crosses?
  1. Allow at least 20 minutes in the afternoon schedule for pilgrims to read agape letters
  2. Clean up conference room, and cabins as much as possible and return supplies to correct boxes

After the Walk

  1. Fourth Day Meeting first Tuesday after the Women’s Walk
  1. Team evaluation meeting at Fourth Day Meeting or date before next board meeting
  1. Report by LD to the Board - second Saturday in the month
  1. Return all team manuals to Board Member (Supplies) ASAP
  1. Report by LD for the community newspaper
  2. Send as soon as possible a final corrected list of team members and pilgrims to the Board Member designated as Data Coordinator.


Rev. 7/99