Hope and Homes for Children – Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Hope and Homes for Children is working towards equality of opportunity in employment and welcomes applications from all section of the community. We aim to ensure that no job applicant or employee received less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, race, caring responsibilities, marital status, sexuality disability or age. To help us achieve our aim, please complete eh following sections. The information you give will be used for statistical mentoring purposed only. The form will be detached from our application before it is passed to anyone involved in the recruitment process and when the data has been recorded your form will be destroyed. You are not obliged to complete the form, but we hope you will do so. Please tick the appropriate boxes.

Post applied for
Gender / Female / Male
Age / 16-25 / 26-40 / 41-55 / 56-65 / Over 65

How would you describe yourself? HHC uses the categories for ethnic origin used in the 2001 national census, to enable us to make comparisons with national statistics. If you do not feel that any of these describes you as you would wish, please enter your own description below.

White British: / White Irish / Black Caribbean
Mixed:White & Black Caribbean / Mixed White & Asian / White & Black African
Other mixed background (please specify) / Pakistani / Bangladeshi
Asian background:
Please specify / African / Any other Black background please specify
Chinese or other ethnic group
Please specify: / Indian
Faith / Religion / Sikh / Buddhist / Christian
Hindu / Muslim / Jewish
None / Other (please specify):
Do you consider yourself to have any disabilities?
If you indicate you have a disability and are shortlisted, we will contact you before the interview to discuss your requirements. Our process is then accessible and meets your needs. / Yes / No