Rights & Permissions Agreement for the Cases360 Repository

I grant permission for the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio [hereafter, “the University”] to digitize and/or distribute online the teaching case or case materials described below [hereafter, “the Work”]:

I understand that the Work may be made available to the public on the UTHSCSA website http://uthscsa.edu and/or in the Cases360 Repository website https://vacademic.uthscsa.edu.

Permissions I grant to the Public

The Work will be provided to the public under the terms of the Creative Commons Public License I have selected below. The Work is protected by copyright and/or other applicable law, and any use of the Work other than as authorized by this document or by copyright law is prohibited.

After reviewing the full license deeds and legal code for the licenses below at http://creativecommons.org/about/licenses, I select the following license for the Work:

◯ Attribution: I wish to allow others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the Work, for educational, research, commercial and non-commercial purposes, as long as proper credit is acknowledged for the original Work and its images, if any.

Attribution No Derivatives: I wish to allow others to redistribute the Work, for educational, research, commercial and non-commercial purposes, as long as the Work is passed along unchanged and in whole, and proper credit is acknowledged for the original Work and its images, if any.

Attribution Non-Commercial: I wish to allow others to remix, tweak, and build upon the Work for educational purposes and non-commercial use, as long as proper credit is acknowledged for the original Work and its images, if any. Although new works must provide proper credit for the original Work and be for educational purposes and non-commercial use only, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.

Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives: I wish to allow others to download the Work and share it with others, as long as proper credit is acknowledged for the original Work and its images, if any, and the original work is not changed in any way or used commercially.

◯ I wish to use another license or rights statement. See attached document submitted with materials.

If I have not selected one of the five options above, I agree to license the Work under the terms of the first option listed (Attribution only).

Permissions I grant to the University

In addition to the permissions I grant to the Public above, I specifically grant the following permissions to the University:

1.  Permission to make extra copies of the Work for preservation and backup purposes.

2.  Permission to create, print and distribute copies of the Work in other formats, for educational, research, and non-commerical purposes only.

3.  Permission to index or encode the Work so it can be retrieved by search engines and other online discovery mechanisms. When we put your work into the Cases360 Repository, we may provide a description of the work so that the software we use and web search engines such as Google can index it and people can easily find it.

I affirm that I am the creator of the Work and/or have the authority to grant the rights contained in this agreement. I further represent that this contribution does not, to the best of my knowledge, infringe upon anyone’s copyright. If the contribution contains material for which I do not hold copyright, I affirm that I have obtained the unrestricted permission of the copyright owner to grant the rights in this agreement and that such third party owned material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the text or content of the contribution.

I grant permission for the work(s) and it's images referenced in this letter, to be used in the manner described. I am the sole owner/creator of the work and it's images or I have the authority to grant the permission requested herein.


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