Building TAG Plan 2016-2018 Page 1

Due to the PPS TAG Office and your Regional Administrator on January 4, 2016

James John Elementary School

Samantha Ragaisis Principal

Samantha Ragaisis TAG Coordinator

FOCUS: Acknowledgement of TAG Identified Students
Action / Documentation / Expected Completion Date or Check Point
Method used to ensure all teachers know TAG students enrolled in their class(es): / Teacher Lesson Plan Book
TAG Notebook
Grade Level Team Mtg. acknowledgement from in Team Notebook in office / August 23, 2016 and January 26, 2017
FOCUS: Identification of Students who Perform in the 97th Percentile or Demonstrate the Potential to Perform
Action / Documentation / Expected Completion Date or Check Point
School has a discussion about school data and the identification of under-represented and underserved students and develops a plan to identify students, recognize leadership ability and develop talents.
·  Staff PD on Characteristics of Underachieving Learners and Attributes of Gifted English Learners / Staff Meeting Agendas / September 19, 2016 and October 17, 2016
The principal will ensure teachers are nominating students from underrepresented populations in the following manner:
·  Staff meeting will be used to lead staff through the process of identifying underrepresented populations
·  Principal will meet with grade level teams in September to discuss nominations and processes.
·  Grade level teams will meet during Monday team time to compare data from screening tools used.
·  ESL staff will meet with second grade teachers to review results of cognitive testing and make recommendations for further testing as appropriate. / Staff and team meeting agendas and notes / September 19, 2016 and October 17, 2016
Our school will use the following observation tools and/or data in the TAG identification process:
·  Attributes of TAG EL checklist
·  Characteristics of giftedness, KOI: students from poverty and/or diverse cultures
·  DIBELS, Easy CBMs, and other classroom assessments
·  Smarter Balanced
·  Work Samples
The principal will work with the RTI teacher, ESL teachers, and TAG team to disaggregate nominations data by race, language and socio-economic groups. Feedback will be given in writing to grade level teams. / Teacher checklist of tools utilized for each student
IDPFs, observation notes, cognitive ability score reports, eSIS program assignment, student TATG folder (located in student cumulative file) / November 8, 2016
The building will use the following procedures throughout the ID process:
·  Principal, TAG team and RTI teacher will review assessment data from TAG identified students and TAG potential students.
·  Parent/Teacher nomination (IDPF) forms will be available to parents on the TAG board
·  Collect work samples that reflect state scoring guides, test history and teacher advocacy
·  Check student cumulative files against TAG lists sent by TAG office
·  Send parent surveys home for identified TAG students / Meeting notes
Completed IDPFs
Collected work samples
Copies of surveys
Copies of Newsletters, TAG bulletin board
Notes from ISD meetings / November 30, 2016
FOCUS: TAG Services
Action / Documentation / Expected Completion Date or Check Point
Differentiation strategies:
1)  Please list differentiation strategies used within a variety of classrooms.
·  Flexible grouping for instruction, compacting of curriculum, sheltered instruction, ability and interest grouping, Independent projects, SIOP (Sheltered Instruction) and GLAD (Guided Language), Kahn Academy
2)  Describe how the following strategies are used in all classrooms to meet the rate and level of students.
a.  Flexible Grouping: leveled reading groups, math support, collaborative learning, IXL math, math pilot program
b.  Pre-Assessments: KWLs, Bridges math pre-assessments, writing assessments
c.  System of on-going or formative assessments that inform instruction: Reading journals, Bridges math, exit slips, running records
d.  AVID strategies, including graphic organizers
e.  Classroom flipping
f.  Higher level critical thinking
g.  Tiered assignments
4)  What are the school-wide structures that provide for appropriate rate and level? (Note: Walk to Math is not an approved structure to meet rate and level)
·  Guided reading groups
·  Differentiated instruction within classrooms (SIOP, GLAD, interest based projects, content flipping)
·  Kahn Academy opportunity / Walk-throughs, teacher plan books, team meeting notes, class lists
Principal observations
Teacher lesson plans
Student history in IXL
Student work / Ongoing throughout the school year.
Specific check points: November 18, 2016
February 18, 2017
April 13, 2017
Ongoing throughout the year.
We determine whether a student needs acceleration in the following way:
·  Pre-assessments (Bridges, Reading Street, science units, baseline writing samples
·  Individual KWLs
·  Analysis of phonics surveys, DIBELS, Easy CBMs, OAKS, Fresh Reads
·  Teacher observation, discussion and analysis of class work / Teacher plans
Team data analysis
Principal observation and feedback / Ongoing throughout the year.
Our process for using data to measure the growth of our TAG students is:
·  Comparison of pre and post assessment data and all other hard assessment data on a quarterly and yearly basis by grade level teams, RTI teacher, ESL teachers and SpEd staff.
·  Regular, grade level analysis of instructional strategies, including quarterly report card reflections
·  Student interviews, survey / Data tracking forms
Meeting agendas and notes / Ongoing throughout the year with specific checkpoints at the end of the grading periods in November, February and April.
The following options for acceleration are available at our school:
Students access these options in the following manner:
·  Leveled reading groups (within classroom with individual plans for inclusion at higher grade)
·  Tiered Assignments and Assignment Modifications allowing students to use different levels of complexity, abstractness and open-endedness
·  Anchor Activates and independent projects that are logical extensions of learning during a unit, determined collaboratively with teacher and student
·  Kahn Academy, both within classroom setting and as independent work at home / Teacher plan books
IXL Reports
Record of communication with parents and collaborative plans / Ongoing throughout the year with specific checkpoints at the end of the grading periods in November, February and April.
If a student requires a course beyond what is typically available for that grade or subject area, that student can access this course or experience in the following ways:
·  Student may attend advanced grade for math as suits student’s level and per SSA criteria and process. Individual plan to be created for student as needed, identifying specific class, time and topics. / Teacher plan book and scheduling notes for student’s TAG file / Throughout the year, driven by student need.
Additional services available for TAG students include: Battle of the Books, Independent Research Projects through the Media Specialist and classroom teacher, partial financial support for Saturday Academy, IXL math, and possible SUN classes.
The students access these services in the following manner: Classroom teacher communicates opportunities with students and provides IXL opportunities in class. Media Specialist invites Battle of the Book participants; priority given to TAG students for some SUN classes, $100 tuition support offered to any TAG student wishing to take a Saturday Academy class and is communicated directly to parents via letter. These funds available on a one time basis, unless other funds become available. / Teacher plan books
Record of Saturday Academy classes and tuition stipend allocated
SUN class registration forms
Event flyers
Website / Teachers maintain ongoing list of additional learning opportunities
Saturday Academy letter to be mailed prior to the first session.
SUN session registrations Fall, Winter, Spring
The administrator(s) ensures the use of differentiated strategies, rigorous course work, and instruction provided at the appropriate rate and level in the following ways:
·  Administrator and teaching colleagues will provide feedback to teachers on observable teaching strategies
·  Teaching colleagues will provide and share differentiated lesson plans during team time
·  SIOP and GLAD strategies for differentiation for high performing and TAG ELL students. Look-fors will be created for administrator and peer use / Administrator walk-throughs using feedback forms and look-fors, including SIOP, including SIOP
Every teacher to submit a sample, differentiated lesson plan, indicating how the rate and level for TAG students are met
Peer observations / Ongoing beginning in September, 2016
Lesson plan due by September 30, 2016
Scheduled by teachers throughout the year
FOCUS: Responsibilities of TAG Coordinator
Action / Documentation / Expected Completion Date or Check Point
The administrator ensures the TAG Facilitator is trained and familiar with the requirements of the TAG Facilitator Job Description, which include mandatory attendance at TAG sponsored PD and coordinating the ID process in the school, in the following manner: The principal will select a TAG coordinator for 2016/2018. The principal will meet with the TAG Coordinator to outline responsibilities and determine professional needs for the TAG Coordinator. The TAG Coordinator will, in concert with the principal and PPS:
·  Provide PD for teaching staff
·  Assist teachers with IDPFs and monitor completion
·  Maintain TAG notebook and records
·  Facilitate integration of TAG differentiation as identified in Coordinator trainings
·  Head the TAG committee for nomination/testing review and identification
·  Attend all TAG Coordinator meetings
·  Communicate with the PPS TAG office / Meeting agendas, attendance and notes kept in the TAG notebook.
TAG (salmon folder) files will be kept in student cumulative records. / Initial TAG Coordinator/Principal planning meeting will be held by September 16, 2016.
Student files kept up to date throughout the year, with a final check occurring at the end of the year.
FOCUS: Professional Development
Action / Documentation / Expected Completion Date or Check Point
A quarterly PD schedule is provided that demonstrates when each of the following is included in the school’s professional development plan: flexible grouping, Rigor in the classroom, assessments to inform instruction, increased use of mathematical practices and instructional shifts, increased text complexity and text-based questions:
·  Two PD sessions on Rigor and Relevance in the classroom.
·  These strategies will be integrated into our school professional development plan or school improvement plan in the following ways: (CCSS Implementation, Equity Work,):
·  PD on Rigor and Relevance in the classroom will include strategies to connect reading to Common Core shifts in lexile levels and determining importance in informational text. / School PD calendar, meeting agendas and notes / Four PD sessions with TAG team each year. Dates TBD.
Administrator(s)//Teachers will use their staff meetings, collaborative planning times, or team planning times to integrate these strategies into their instruction in the following manner:
·  Each teacher will submit one example of a differentiated lesson plan each quarter and share with grade level peers during team time. / Collection of differentiated lesson plans, 3 from each teacher / Differentiated plans to be collected in November, February and April.
FOCUS: Communication
Action / Documentation / Expected Completion Date or Check Point
Teachers communicate the differentiation strategies they’re implementing in their classrooms in the following ways:
·  Teachers will send home parent/student surveys to help plan individualized instruction and differentiation for students.
·  Teachers will communicate to parents at curriculum/back to school nights and parent/teacher conferences about differentiated instructional strategies to meet the rate and level of learning.
·  Periodicals, newsletters sent home about content, instructional strategies and how rate and level of instruction is determined. / Copies of completed surveys retained in student files, teacher handouts, parent sign-in sheets, teacher conference materials and school newsletters. / Back to School Night and/or curriculum nights TBD.
Exit surveys will be sent prior to May 12, 2017.
Information sent home on school web page beginning October, 2016.
The administrator uses the school newsletter to communicate with families about TAG in the following ways:
·  Principal informs parents of district, community and school level opportunities for gifted learners.
·  Information about parent surveys and questions to ask teachers included.
·  Invitations to parents included in newsletter and by personal invitation.
·  TAG Parent meeting / School newsletter/ Website
TAG parent meeting / Enrichment opportunities shared as they become available.
TAG Bulletin Board will be available for parents to read on the first day of school and will remain posted throughout the year. It will include a copy of the Building TAG Plan, current ID Process forms and other relevant information in languages represented in the school community when available. The TAG Bulletin Board will be maintained by:
Coordinator and Principal / Updated bulletin board / Beginning September 9, 2016 and maintained monthly thereafter.
A Fall TAG parent meeting will be held before 10/31. Details include:
·  Roosevelt Cluster TAG meeting to be held in the evening
·  Translators on site
·  All TAG students/parents will receive personal invitation
·  Meeting will include information on the PPS TAG process and opportunities at the community, district and building level. / Meeting agenda, sign-in sheet / TBD in consultation with Roosevelt Cluster principals
Parent/teacher will sign a form at Parent-Teacher Conferences that indicates parents have had the opportunity to offer input into and review the school’s plan for meeting a student’s rate and level. If an individual plan is written, a copy of the individual plan will be placed in the student’s salmon folder. / Signed forms will be in student TAG file / November 30, 2016
Our families will have the following opportunity(ies) to evaluate our TAG services:
·  Families will receive surveys two times per year to provide feedback on TAG services and provide input into the development of the TAG plan. / Copies of surveys / November 30, 2016
May 1, 2017
If parents have concerns about their child’s TAG services they will have the following opportunities (process) to inform the school: Parents may contact the teacher/school in writing, by phone, email or in person. Parent meetings will be scheduled as requested. This information will be communicated in school and teacher newsletters and on the web site. / Copies of newsletters / Always open

Submitted ______Received ______Approved ______

Portland Public Schools: Building TAG Plan

Revised on 4/6/2016