Municipality of South Bruce Contract 2018 – GCS Gravel Crush and Stockpile


SEALED TENDERS, properly marked as to contents, will be received by the Corporation of the Municipality of South Bruce, 21 Gordon Street East, P.O. Box 540, Teeswater, Ontario, N0G 2S0, until12:00 pm local time on:

Wednesday, September13th, 2017

It is the intent of this Tender to solicit for the provision of gravel crushing and stockpiling for the Municipality’s use in 2018. This Tender calls for the crushing and stockpilingof approximately 6,800 tonnesofType “M”Gravelat the Municipality of South Bruce gravel pit located at Con 7, Lot 10, in the former Township of Culross – Fire# 254 Sideroad 10, AND the supply, crushing and stockpiling of11,950 tonnes of Type “M” Gravel in privately owned pits located in proximity to the 2018work locations. The tender also calls for the Loading, Hauling, Applyingof approximately 11,950 tonnes to the Carrick Roads and 6300 tonnes to the Culross Roads.

The Municipality will be requesting stone be scalped from the Municipal Pit.

The work shall conform to the Specifications and Provisions of this Contract.

The Tender shall be divided intoFOUR PARTS:

Part 1- Crush and Stockpile– Municipal Pit...... 6,800 tonnes

Part 2–Supply, Crush and Stockpile – Privately Owned Pits…………...11,950 tonnes

Part 3 – Carrick Roads – Maintenance - Load, Haul & Apply...... 11,950 tonnes

Part 4 – Culross Roads – Maintenance - Load, Haul & Apply …………...6300 tonnes

The Municipality of South Bruce reserves the right to accept prices individually for Parts 1 and2,3, and 4 or for all Parts together.

A TENDER DEPOSIT in the form of a Certified Cheque, in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Total Estimated Tender, made payable to the Municipality of South Bruce, must accompany each Tender.

ADDRESS: The Corporation of the Municipality of South Bruce

c/o Gary Pipe

P. O. Box 540, 21 Gordon Street East

Teeswater, Ontario N0G 2S0 Phone: 519-392-6623

TENDER OPENING: Wednesday,September 13th, 2017 in the Council Chambers, Municipal Office, Teeswater. The lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted.

Yours truly

Gary Pipe

Gary Pipe CRS I

Manager of Operations

Municipality of South Bruce


1.0Delivery of Tender Forms

1.1All Tendersmust be on the Form of Tender and Agreement contained herein and be signed by the Tenderer. Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope, delivered and marked:

Tender for Contract 2018 – GCS

GravelCrush and Stockpile

Municipality of South Bruce

1.2To arrive at the following address on or before 12:00 noon local time on September 13th, 2017.

The Corporation of the Municipality of South Bruce

c/o Gary Pipe

P. O. Box 540, 21 Gordon Street East

Teeswater, Ontario N0G 2S0

2.0Inspection of Delivery Sites

2.1Tenderers must satisfy themselves by their own study of the Contract Document, by calculation and by personal inspectionof all stockpile locations and work sites to ensure that they are familiar with all aspects of the work. For further information, contact Gary Pipe, Manager of Operations or Bill Hayes, Foreman at 519-392-6623. There will be no consideration of any claim, after submission of Tenders, that there is a misunderstanding with respect to the conditions imposed by the Contract.

3.0Acceptance/Rejection of Tenders

3.1Oral, telegraphed, or telephone Tenders or modifications shall not be considered.

3.2State Tenderer’s legal name in all appropriate places in the Tender Form. The Form of Tender and Agreement shall be signed, and sealed or witnessed, by the principal of the Tenderer who is duly authorized to enter into contracts under seal.The completed Form of Tender and Agreement shall be without exclusion, alteration, or erasure.

3.3In selecting the Contractor, the type of work completed, and experience of Tenderers and their proposed Subcontractors will be considered as well as the Tender submitted. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. In the event of a tied Tender, the Tender will be awarded at the Municipality’s discretion.

3.4In comparing proposals, consideration will not be confined to price only. The successful bidder will be one whose product is determined to best serve the interests of the Municipality when price, product, proximity, safety, quality and delivery are considered. The Municipality of South Bruce reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof, and to waive any minor technicalities.

3.5Tenders may be rejected for any one of the following reasons:

a)Bids received after closing time or date;

b)Bids received on other than the Tender Form supplied;

c)Bids not completed in ink or by typewriter;

d)Incomplete bids (all items not bid);

e)Qualified or conditional bids or bids not properly signed and sealed.

3.6For the purpose of this Tender, the words “Municipality” or “Owner” shall mean The Corporation of the Municipality of South Bruce and/or the Municipality’s authorized agent.


4.1Before submitting a Tender, the Tenderer shall carefully examine the specifications and shall fully inform himself/herselfas to all existing conditions and limitations, including all laws, ordinances and regulations affecting the contract and the work and shall include in his/her Tender all items implied or required to complete the work of this Contract.

4.2Should a Tenderer find discrepancies or ambiguities or omissions from the specifications or should he/she be in doubt as to the meaning, he/she shall notify the Municipality at the address listed in Section 1.2.

5.0Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

5.1The Tender shall be submitted including the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) where applicable.


6.1A Certified Cheque in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Total Tendermust be submitted with quotation. The Certified Cheque of the successful Contractor will be held without interest as a performance bond until Substantial Completion of the project, as certified by the Owner. Cheques from the unsuccessful bidders will be returned within seven (7) days of the Tender Award.

7.0Scope of Work

7.1This specification covers the Municipality’s requirements for crushing and stockpiling gravel in the municipally owned gravel pit located at Con 7, Lot 10, in the former Township of Culross – Fire# 254 Sideroad 10. Further, the Contractor shall supply, crush and stockpile gravel in privately owned pits in close proximity to the 2017Carrick maintenance gravel application sites. The 2018 Carrick maintenance gravel application locations are shown on Map Schedule A,attached hereto and forming part of this Contract.

7.2The Contractor shall perform such services as are required, including but not limited to all those services described herein, to crush, stockpile and supply “M” gravel to the Municipality, as per the stipulations of this Contract, and shall not be entitled to receive any remuneration from the Municipality other than that provided for in the Tender prices.

7.3The Contractor shall supply all labour and equipment required to perform the following work except where specifically noted:

Part 1 – Municipal Pit

To crush and stockpile 6,800metric tonnes more or less of Type “M” Gravel in the Municipality of South Bruce Pit located at Con 7, Lot 10, Culross – Fire# 254 Sideroad 10

  • Material shall be crushed and stockpiled for the Municipality’s use in the Spring of 2018.

Part 2 – FormerTownship of Carrick- Maintenance Gravel

To supply, crush and stockpile11,950 metric tonnes, more or less, of Type “M” gravel in privately owned pits located in proximity to the 2018 Carrick maintenance gravel applications sites. (Shown on Map Schedule A)

Material must comply with OPSS 1001 – Material Specification for Aggregates.

7.4It is understood and agreed the Tender quantities are estimated only and may be increased or decreased by the Municipality without any alteration of the Contract unit price; however, such increases or decreases shall not exceed twenty percent (20%).

8.0Materials & Testing - Privately Owned Pits

8.1Material Supplied from Privately Owned Pits

The Municipality shall be advised in writing of each intended aggregate source prior to its use in the Work. The Contractor shall indicate the pit locations, pit owner’s name and amount of gravel to be stockpiled on the Form of Tender and Agreement.

8.2All gravel supplied under this Contract shall be subject to testing by the Municipality in accordance with OPSS 1001.08 – Quality Assurance. If the gravel is deemed by the Municipality to be unacceptable, the Contractor must find an alternate gravel source which is acceptable to the Municipality.

9.0Work Covered by Contract Documents

9.1Provide all labour, plant, tools, equipment, transportation and services to complete the work according to the specifications.

9.2All work to be performed under this Contract shall be supervised and must be performed to the satisfaction of the Municipality’s Operation Manager and/or Operations Supervisor.

9.3All work shall be done by skilled workman using up –to-date tools in good working condition and all work shall be of the best grade of modern shop and field work.

9.4The Contractor will be responsible for maintenance, repairs, and all other operating costs of the equipment supplied to complete the task described herein including fuel, licensing, insurance, washing, storage, etc.

9.5The Contractor shall at all times provide, fully maintain and operate equipment suitable to perform the services specified herein.

10.0Miscellaneous Work, Protection, Etc.

10.1The Contractor shall be responsible and make good for damage done by his/her employees, subcontractors and materials to the work and materials of the Municipality’s materials and property and shall, at his own expense, replace all materials, property and work damaged to such an extent that they cannot be restored to their original condition.

11.0Workers Compensation Declaration

11.1The Contractor shall, following acceptance of the Tender, obtain and provide a clearance letter from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, which is satisfactory to the Municipality.


12.1The Contractor shall file with the Municipality a Certificate of Liability Insurance in a form acceptable to the Municipality.

12.2The Liability Insurance shall:

a)Have a limit of liability in an amount of not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000) inclusive for any one occurrence;

b)Be comprehensive Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance covering all operations and liability assumed under Contract with the Municipality;

c)Be endorsed to provide that the policy will not be altered, cancelled or allowed to lapse without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Municipality;

d)Name the Municipality as additional insured thereunder and shall protect the Municipality against all claims for all damage or injury including death to any person or persons and for damage to any property of the Municipality or any other public or private property resulting from or arising out of any act or omission on the part of the Contractor or any of this servants or agents during the execution of this Contract.

e) The Contractor shall forward a certified copy of the policy or certificate thereof to the Municipality before the work is started.

13.0Save & Hold Harmless

13.1The Bidder agrees to indemnify The Corporation of the Municipality of South Bruce from and against all liability under such statutes, laws, and regulations and in respect to all claims that may arise or be made against the Corporation, as pertains to the terms, conditions and specifications of the Contract.

14.0Occupational Health and Safety Act

14.1The Contractor shall work within the requirements of the Occupational Health & Safety Act and provide all construction and safety aids necessary for this project.

14.2 The Contractor shall ensure all workers are properly trained and certified in the Common Core and Specialty Modules of the Ontario Surface Miner Certification Program as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

14.3Copies of the transcript provided by the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities of all relevant training and certifications, for all workers, shall be supplied to the Municipality.


15.1Either the Owner or the Contractor may terminate the Contract for breach of Contract by either part on sixty (60) days notice in writing to the other party. Should termination notice be given by either the Owner or the Contractor, then the Contractor shall continue to provide the services as outlined in the Contract documents during the sixty (60) day termination period. Failure by the Contractor to comply with these conditions may result in the Owner deducting money from the Contractor’s invoices.

15.2In the case the Contractor defaults or delays in executing the work satisfactorily, the Owner may give notice to the Contractor in writing the Contractor has made such default. Should the Contractor fail to remedy satisfactorily such defaults without delay, or should the Contractor become insolvent or abandon the work or otherwise fail to observe the provisions of the Contract then and in any part of such cases, the Owner may immediately take the work or portions thereof out of the Contractor’s hands and employ person or persons such as the Owner sees fit to complete the work so taken over.

15.3 In any case, the Contractor shall be chargeable with and remains liable for all loss or damage, which may be suffered by the Owner by reason of such default. The supplier shall default his/her deposit cheque should a termination notice be given by the Municipality.


16.1Payment shall be authorized by the Municipality on a monthly basis subject to a ten percent (10%) holdback. This ten percent (10%) shall be the certified cheque submitted as the Tender deposit which will beheld for a period of forty five (45) days following Substantial Completion of the project as certified by the Municipality.

17.0Completion Date

17.1The Contractor shall have reached Substantial Completion on the work covered by Part 1 2of Section 7.1 by November 30th, 2017.

18.0Special Instructions

18.1The Contractor shall obtain written agreement from private pit owners for theprocurement and storage of the gravel until it is used by the Municipality.

18.2All gravel crushed and stockpiled in private pits under this Contract shall be the property of the Municipality. The Contractor shall obtain whatever permissions, agreements, etc. necessary to ensure that the gravel is secured and available to the Municipality when required.

18.3The Contractor shall keep a written record indicating the weight of all material crushed and stockpiled and submit this information to the Municipality.


19.1The successful Contractor(s) shall have the work set out in this Contract completed by the deadline stated in 17.1 or the Contractor’s Tender deposit shall be forfeited to the Municipality and any portion of the work not completed may also be forfeited.

20.0Material Tested:

20.1The contractor will contact the municipality and give them notice when the crushing will commence. The granular “M” material will be tested by the Municipality and a copy of the results of the gradation test will be provided to the contractor. This test is to be completed in accordance with OPSS 1010 granular “M” requirements and are at the cost of the municipality. If the test does not pass the municipality will not except the material and the contractor will have to start over with a new pile.


The undersigned has carefully examined the Instruction to Bidders, Tender Specifications, and Form of Tender and Agreement for this Contract and acknowledges the same to be part of the Contract. Further, the undersigned has visited the site and studied all conditions thereon which affect the work, and is fully informed as to the nature of the work and the conditions relating to its performance.

Attached to this Tender is a certified cheque in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Tender Price made payable to the Municipality of South Bruce as required in the Tender Specifications. The proceeds shall be forfeited to the Municipality if the Contractor fails to meet any of the conditions as set out in the documents.

It is also understood and agreed the Tender with the Contractor’s signature therein, shall constitute a legal and binding agreement between The Corporation of the Municipality of South Bruce and the said Contractor when same is signed by the Mayor and Clerk and witnessed with the Corporate Seal thereof.

This offer is to continue open to acceptance until the Contract is executed by the successful Tenderer or for a period of thirty (30) days commencing from the Date of Closing of Tenders, whichever event first occurs and the Municipality may, at any time within the period, accept this Tender whether any other Tender has been previously accepted or not.

If this Tender is withdrawn by the undersigned before the Contract is executed by the successful Tenderer or for a period of thirty (30) days commencing on the Date of Closing of Tenders whichever event first occurs, the amount of deposit accompanying this Tender shall be forfeited to the Owner.

The undersigned declares this Tender is made without any connection, comparison of figures or arrangements with, or knowledge of, any other corporation, firm or person making a Tender for the same work and is in all respects fair without collusion or fraud.


Company NameSignature of Authorized Signing Officer



List of Contractor Designated Gravel Pits and Amounts:

Pit Owner / Pit Location / Amount of Gravel
In Tonnes
(more or less) / PRICE PER TONNE / TOTAL
Part 1 – Crush & Stockpile
Municipal Pit in 2017 / 6,800 / $
Part 2 –Supply, Crush & Stockpile
Privately Owned Pits in 2017 / 11,950 / $
Part 3 – CARRICK ROADS - Maintenance
Load, Haul & Apply in 2018 / 11,950 / $
Part 4 – Culross ROADS - Maintenance
Load, Haul & Apply in 2018 / 6,300 / $
Tender Price- Excluding HST / $
Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), as applicable / $
TOTAL TENDER(including HST) / $

Dated at ______this ______day of ______, 2017.


Signature of Authorized Signing Officer
