1.  IWB was a family suddenly without summer plans?

2.  IWB is a cottage with a dog pen rented for 3 weeks in August?

3.  IWB is it said that the gardens are much better in Heaven?

4.  IWB does a family get lost on their way to their vacation destination

5.  IWB does a dog eat a map?

6.  IWB does a family play “I Went to the Zoo and I Saw?”

7.  IWB is a father a professor of botany?

8.  IWB does a girl always wear orange-and-black butterfly wings?

9.  IWB does a girl write stories about a heroine who rescues things?

10.  IWB does a tomato salesman give a lost family directions?

11.  IWB does a man give a girl a half-dozen bag of tomatoes and warn her about gardens?

12.  IWB was a cottage expected, but a mansion found?

13.  IWB does a dog throw up on a girl’s yellow high-tops?

14.  IWB is a boy seen looking out of a second-story window?

15.  IWB is the Hound Draw for Order a time-honored tradition?

16.  IWB does a girl write the bed schedule in her math book?

17.  IWB is a camouflage hat considered lucky?

18.  IWB does a girl keep a picture of her mother next to her bed?

19.  IWB is a girl named for the color of her eyes?

20.  IWB does a man speak Latin to keep his brain properly exercised?

21.  IWB does a father often tell his children to “look before you leap and please don’t do anything crazy”?

22.  IWB is there a tunnel through a hedge to a formal garden?

23.  IWB does a girl hide in a large urn?

24.  IWB does a special unicorn blanket and Sedgewick the Horse wait on a girl’s bed?

25.  IWB is a character banned from sleeping the bedrooms because he licks faces in the middle of the night?

26.  IWB was a MOOPS meeting held at 8:00 PM?

27.  IWB does a girl request the bedtime story that explained how her mother gave her name?

28.  IWB does a father say there is only one Elizabeth for him?

29.  IWB does a mother die 2 weeks after her baby is born?

30.  IWB is bribery declared immoral?

31.  IWB is an apology party planned?

32.  IWB is a rosebush rescued?

33.  IWB does a character think that “a plant was just one more thing that needed feeding and coddling”?

34.  IWB does a girl search for the simplest door of the house on which to knock?

35.  IWB does a girl choose a “plain green door with a shiny brass doorbell and a mat that said WELCOME”?

36.  IWB is a girl sent to give and apology speech for her sister?

37.  IWB is a character called “a moron in the kitchen”?

38.  IWB do cookies burn when left unattended?

39.  IWB is a favorite saying for a character “Take a walk, clear your head.”?

40.  IWB was it said that a man’s guts fell out of his stomach when a bull gored him?

41.  IWB does a dog think being on a leash means playing tug-of-war?

42.  IWB does a girl pick daisies in a field while humming a song about kangaroos?

43.  IWB does a boy throw stones at a bull’s hindquarters?

44.  IWB do a character’s wings get torn while escaping under a gate?

45.  IWB did 2 brothers set their uncle’s truck on fire with firecrackers and try to blame it on their sister?

46.  IWB is a BEWARE OF ATTACK RABBITS a sign found hanging outside a door?

47.  IWB did guests walk 53 steps across a long dining room to meet their hostess?

48.  IWB does a character receive golf clubs for his birthday?

49.  IWB is a character compared to the Queen of Narnia?

50.  IWB did a great-grandfather pay a French artist thousands of dollars to paint a dining room ceiling?

51.  IWB does a mother expect her son to grow up and become a general just like his grandfather?

52.  IWB does the birthday boy declare his birthday party to be the worst in the history of the world?

53.  IWB does a couple waltz on the veranda?

54.  IWB are sisters called vulgar?

55.  IWB is it said that one of the punishments for eavesdropping is hearing bad things about yourself?

56.  IWB is a character authoring a book about Mrs. Horriferous, her son Arthur, and heroine Sabrina Starr?

57.  IWB did a character believe that a woman was so mean that the flowers died when she walked by?

58.  IWB is a character’s attention concentrated on wishing a man’s “mustache would turn green or orange or fall off his face and onto the ground”?

59.  IWB does a rabbit escape his cage?

60.  IWB are a boy’s favorite foods brownies and hot dogs from Fenway Park?

61.  IWB did a mother often quote Shakespeare to her daughter?

62.  IWB does a girl pick a lily from a pond and place it behind her ear?

63.  IWB are rubber-tipped arrows shot at a cardboard target of a man’s face?

64.  IWB does a dog catch a rabbit without killing it?

65.  IWB is it explained that “in some cultures it’s believed that when a person saves someone from death, he or she forever owns a part of that someone’s soul”?

66.  IWB is a school’s motto “Where Boys Become Men and Men Become Soldiers”?

67.  IWB do three kids have soccer practice every morning?

68.  IWB do characters play monkey-in-the-middle and two-on-one-slaughter?

69.  IWB is a “git” defined as a “thoroughly useless person”?

70.  IWB is an urn full of jasmine tackled and destroyed?

71.  IWB are a book of Civil War photographs and a bag of dandelions given as a gift and an apology?

72.  IWB does a garden win 2nd place in the competition?

73.  IWB are the mathematical progressions of Bach played on a grand piano?

74.  IWB is a father accused of being a pushover with his children?

75.  IWB did a brother pretend his mattress was a bobsled and push his sister down a flight of stairs in it?

76.  IWB does moonlight seem to turn a garden into a fairyland?

77.  IWB does a girl hit her head on a rock and fall into a pond in the middle of the night?

78.  IWB does a girl remember for years being carried home every time she sees a Red Sox sweatshirt?

79.  IWB does a girl scold herself for “giving her heart to someone w ho thought of her as a little kid”?

80.  IWB does a character proclaim, “Finishing my book healed me.”?

81.  IWB is it said “For parents almost always want what’s best for their children. They just don’t always know what that is.”?

82.  IWB does a character describe herself as a hot-headed loudmouth?

83.  IWB is soccer even “worse than archery for doing alone”?

84.  IWB are pages 8-20 torn out of a book?

85.  IWB is an important question “Are you dry?” asked?

86.  IWB does a magazine publisher tell a young author that she is a lousy writer?

87.  IWB did a mother call her daughter’s imagination the 8th wonder of the world?

88.  IWB is a character’s temper seen as courage by another?

89.  IWB do characters want nothing to do with Pennsylvania?

90.  IWB does a character watch the movie To Kill a Mockingbird in a hotel room?

91.  IWB does a Major Somebody interview the grandson of his idol?

92.  IWB is a family “proud to be the wrong kind of people”?

93.  IWB is a situation not about law, but about heart and truth and adventure and sticking up for yourself?

94.  IWB does a boy plan to run away from home to Boston?

95.  IWB does a father throw a girl into deep water to teach her to swim?

96.  IWB does a little girl give away her wings?

97.  IWB is a Fimbriata rose a good-bye present?