BarrowPreSchool Playgroup
North Street
Barrow Upon Soar
LE12 8QA / Regulatory Services, Council Offices,
Southfield Road, Loughborough,
Leicestershire. LE11 2TX
Ask for:
Direct Line:01509 634655
My ref:MR/SJW/016480
Your ref
16th May 2013


Food Safety Act 1990, as amended

Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006

Regulation (EC) 852/2004

BarrowPreSchool Playgroup, Barrow Upon SoarMethodistChurch, North Street, Barrow Upon Soar

I write to confirm my inspection of the above premises on 8 May 2013at 11.55am.

The attached inspection schedule details those items that require your attention to ensure compliance with the legislation specified, and makes recommendations on good practice. As agreed at the time of inspection and unless specified otherwise in the schedule it is expected that the requirements detailed will have been met within 3 months from the date of inspection. A food premises intervention report is enclosed to provide details of your food hygiene rating. I have also enclosed the following food hygiene and safety information which may be of interest to you:

  • Food Law Inspections and Your Business

I look forward to your early co-operation to meet these requirements and trust that you will contact me if there are any items you wish to discuss.

Yours faithfully

Specialist Environmental Health Officer

Commercial Group, Food Hygiene and Safety


INSPECTION SCHEDULE FOR: BarrowPreSchool Playgroup, Barrow Upon SoarMethodistChurch,North Street, Barrow Upon Soar

Ref: 016480


Legal Requirements

Legal Requirements

Documented Food Safety Management System

1. I was disappointed to find that neither Safer food better business caterers/child minders pack had been completed (this is a repeat contravention). You need to complete the remaining spaces in the front of the safer food better business pack as discussed with the Manager.

I also noted that your associated kitchen checklist/s had not been completed since 14/01/2013. As your checklist/s work in tandem with the SFBB pack staff are confirming daily sign off by ticking the opening and closing boxes in the diary and by completing your own daily checklist.

From time to time, you must examine your food business to see if anything has changed which might need your control measures to change (e.g. new menu dishes may have new hazards and need new controls). It is important for you to regularly review your control measures and regular auditing or checks by management will help to identify problems quickly.

Regulation (EC) 852/2004 Article 5 paras 2 & 4


2. Food businesses must take all reasonable precautions to prevent food pests gaining entry into food storage and preparation areas. This is to prevent the contamination of foodstuffs. At the time of the visit I noted a problem with garden ants in the kitchen. At the time of the visit I informed you to store food products in sealed containers, undertake frequent cleaning and disinfection and take appropriate action to deal with issue.

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter IX Para 4

3. Outdoor clothing and personal belongings may contaminate food and/or food preparation surfaces. Coats and other outdoor clothing should be stored in a separate area away from food. At the time of the visit I noted personal clothing and mobile phones being stored on the food preparation surfaces.

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter VIII Para 1

Structure and Maintenance

4. I noted small gaps under the front door. The door must be pest proofed to prevent access.

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter I Para 2(c)

5. The condition of the green chopping board in the kitchen has deteriorated and was mouldy and can no longer be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Replace the green chopping board.

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter V Para 1(c)


Recommendations are based on good practice relating to your type of business. They advise on how to achieve good practice rather than how to comply with the minimum standard required by law. Therefore you are not obliged to take such advice.

1. It is advisable to use alternative equipment such as an independent thermometer or probe thermometer. Probe thermometers can be used to check both hot and cold temperatures and will measure both air (in fridges) and food temperatures.

2. I recommend you clearly label your kitchen food waste and toilet waste bins and store separatelyto reduce the risk of cross contamination. I was informed the bins are removed at the end of the day as they belong to the pre-school.


If you believe any of the requirements contained in this schedule are not justified you should contact my manager, Mr K Taylor on 01509 634629 within two weeks of the date of this letter.

Any work requested in this correspondence, MAY, prior to commencement, require PLANNING APPROVAL, or BUILDING APPROVAL, and in some cases both. Detailed enquiries should be made to the Director of Development, Southfields, Loughborough LE11 2TT.

Should you wish to discuss alternative proposals which you may consider will comply with the schedule of requirements please contact the inspecting officer.

You should note also note that in most cases the Council would be required to release inspection letters and schedules if requested to do so under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme

Please note that the summary of the findings of this inspection will be available to members of the public via the food hygiene rating scheme which can be accessed through Charnwood Borough Council’s website or