South East Tasmania

Small Grant Application

2017/ 18


Communities for Children Small Grant program is now open

Applications close 5.00pm Monday 31st July 2017

Grants areavailable in the following Communities for Children locations;

  • Derwent Valley
  • Upper Derwent Valley / Central Highlands
  • Southern Midlands
  • Brighton


Grants are available for amounts up to $3000.00 and are open to local incorporated community organisationsto initiate or develop activities that improve parenting, safety and resilience, build community capacity and the health and wellbeing offamilies with children aged 0-12 years.

Incorporated Community Groups, Associations and Organisations are encouraged to apply for grants that address the following:


  • Applications that focus on addressing family violence and increasing the safety of women and children
  • Activities that provide after school and school holiday activities for children 5-12 years
  • Activities that support resilience and aspirations for families and children
  • Activities that encourage positive engagement with fathers and their child/ren
  • Activities that focus on Health and Nutrition


The Salvation Army Communities for ChildrenSmall Grant fundingis available for new activities or projects where no other application has been lodged with another funding program or source. We are not able to support the following:

  • Scholarships or Bursaries
  • Commonwealth, State and Local government funded agencies
  • Fundraising drives
  • Duplication of existing programs or projects
  • Upgrade or improve buildings or assets
  • Wages and/or salaries orstaff travel
  • Individuals with a business benefit
  • Activities that are the responsibility of other funding programs

Please note that grant monies must be usedforthe purpose that the grant was awarded. Should circumstances change and other funding is sourced for the same project, The Salvation Army must be notified and a variation submitted for approval by the Communities for Children Committee. In some cases the grant payment willneed to be returned.

For more information on the Communities for Children program please visit our website:


Organisation: ______

Contact person: ______

ABN: ______

Organisation’s address:______

Telephone contact: ______Mobile ______

Email address:______

Organisational Aims: please briefly describe the core activities of your service?


Description and name of Project/Activity:

List the primary aims the program or activity: (please describe which focus area will be addressed and why the activity/resource/project is needed)

  1. How will you deliver your activity or program?
  1. What are the expected outcomes /outputs of the project?
  1. What is the duration of the project?

Target Group/s – please tick

Families _ Children 0-5 _ Children 6-12 _ Grandparents _

Aboriginal Families _ Fathers _ Teen and young parents _

How many families/children will benefit?

Children 0-5 ____ Children 6-12 ____ Families ____ Fathers ____

AboriginalFamilies ____ Single Parents ____ Other ____

If you responded to the question above please answer the question below.

  1. Describe your or your organisation’s ability to securely collect basic client data, to be forwarded to the CfC FP manager for entry into a secure electronic database?

N.B. The basic client data required consists of; Name, address, age, sex, country of birth, ATSI status.

At the completion of the project the organisation will need to provide Communities for Children with some basic information:outcomes summary and an acquittal of the grant funds. Please confirm your ability to provide this information in the space below.

ie.Outcomes / Outputs from the project/program, which may includehow often the equipment is used, do other community groups use the resources, how the resources, program or activity has made a difference etc. This information is required for Department of Social Services (DSS) reports.

Amount requested (including GST) $

Is your organisation registered for GST? Yes No

Please include a quotation for grants over $500.00

Forgrant applications over $1500.00please include a budget and quotations

Please post or email your Small Grantapplication and supporting documentation,if applicable,to:

Stacey Milbourne – Manager Communities for Children

The Salvation Army Tasmania

250 Liverpool Street

Hobart TAS 7000

For inquiries please contact Stacey on: 6270 0302 or 0457 412 114 or via email

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