The next meeting of the Kewaskum Village Board, Washington County, Wisconsin is scheduled for Monday,March 17, 2014 at7:00 p.m. or shortly thereafterin the Council Room of the Municipal Building located at 204 First Street.
- Call to order and roll call.
- A Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance.
- Approval of minutes from March 3, 2014meeting(possible action)
- Public Hearing: None as of March 13, 2014
- Appearance of Citizens:None as of March 13, 2014
- The opening of Sealed Bids:None as of March 13, 2014
- Report of Department Heads:
- Fire Chief – Mark Groeschel
- February monthly report
- Discussion and possible action on disposal of out of service Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (possible action)
- Police Chief – Thomas Bishop
1. February monthly report
2. Report on updating squad rifles
- DPW Coordinator-Chad Cook
- Report on DPW activity
- Zoning Administrator/Building Inspector – Chad Cook
- February building permit report
- Administrator – Matt Heiser
- Update on goals assigned and completed
- Report on meetings/conference attended
- Update on Economic Task Force
- Report on Hwy 28 Preconstruction Meeting
- Clerk/Deputy Treasurer – Stephanie Justmann
- Discussion and possible action on an agreement with Washington County to submit the Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) for the Village of Kewaskum to the US Census Bureau (possible action)
- Announce Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner will be holding office hours at the Municipal Building on March 28th
- Treasurer/Deputy Clerk – Janet Knops
- Committee Reports:
- Administrative – Richard Knoebel, Chairperson
- Protection and Public Safety – Kevin Scheunemann, Chairperson
- Public Works and Public Services –Mike Berger, Chairperson
- Plan Commission – Jim Hovland, Representative
- Announce the next meeting scheduled for March 25, 2014
- Park and Recreation – Craig Garbisch, Chairperson
- Library Board – Mike Berger, Representative
- Report on March 10, 2014 meeting
G. Mid-Moraine – Matt Heiser, Representative
- Report on March 12, 2014 Legislative Sub-committee
- The next Dinner Meeting will be hosted by the City of West Bend on March 26th
- Unfinished Business:
- Discussion and possible action on amended quote from Lynch and Associates (possible action)
- Discussion and possible action on lighting energy proposal from WASMER (possible action)
- New Business:
- Discussion and possible action on scheduling a date for the Spring bulk collection (possible action)
- Application for Operator’s License 2013/2014 year (possible action)
NameAddressEmployed by:
Techtman, Lori K.Kewaskum, WIJ-Stop Kewaskum
Huggett, Kerri K.Kewaskum, WIGrand Larsony
Raddatz, Mel A.Kewaskum, WIAmerican Legion
- Public Comment (rules for addressing the Board will be announced by the Village President)
- Adjournment (roll call vote required)
Stephanie Justmann
Clerk/Deputy Treasurer
Dated and Posted:March 13, 2014
NOTE: Person with disabilities requiring special accommodations for attendance at the meeting should contact the Municipal Building at (262) 626-8484 at least one (1) day prior to the meeting.
Notice: Members of other governmental bodies of the village may attend the above meeting. Pursuant to State ex.rel., vs. Greendale Village Board, 173 West 20 533,494 NW 2nd 408 (1993), such attendance may be considered a meeting of the respective governmental body. This notice is given so that members of other governmental bodies of the village may attend the meeting without violating the open meeting law.
Cc: -A. PeschKewaskum StatesmanK. Ward-M. GroeschelA. Laatsch
-C. GarbischWest Bend News-A. Petersen-T.BishopM. Geidel
-R. KnoebelMilwaukee Journal SentinelR. Weber-J. KnopsS. Passineau
-M. BergerWBWI/WBKVT of Kewaskum-C. Cook
-K. Scheunemann A. Voss-G. Kiefer-M. Heiser
-J. HovlandG. Griesbach-Posting-S. Justmann
-D. Spenner