University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Sciences August 7, 2012August 7, 2012August 4, 2012August 3, 2012
Response to Criterion Four
4.1 Faculty Qualifications. The school shall have a clearly defined faculty which, by virtue of its distribution, multidisciplinary nature, educational preparation, practice experience and research and instructional competence, is able to fully support the school’s mission, goals and objectives.
Since our last self-study report submission in 2007, 20 additional faculty have been hired and 12 have left the school. As of August 1, 2012 the school has 41 full-time faculty1 (40.64 FTE) and one part-time faculty member (0.70 FTE) in its five academic departments. A total of 17 faculty are tenured, six are in tenure-track positions, and 18 in term-track positions (Table 4.1.1). At this time, the faculty is adequate in number to serve the student body at its current size and is well equipped in terms of multidisciplinary background, level of educational preparation, excellence in teaching, high level of research productivity and strong background of professional practice experiences. Continued growth is expected in areas with development of new degree programs, especially the undergraduate public health program. This number is projected to grow by one full-time faculty members over the next year, to a minimum of 42 full-time faculty by the beginning of academic year 2014. The target set in 2009 was to achieve a total of at least 45 full-time faculty members by 2013.
The specific SPHIS documented guidelines for faculty promotion and tenure are noted in Section 1.3.c and include the “Policy for Promotion, Appointment and Tenure and for Periodic Career Review” and its appendices.
Faculty appointments and ranks are defined and outlined by the University of Louisville Redbook, available at, as well as the SPHIS Promotion, Appointment and Tenure document, available at, and are summarized below:
Faculty Rank
Faculty ranks are professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor and visiting scholar.
Type of Appointments
Full-time Appointments
Requirements for appointment to a full-time faculty position in the school include, as a minimum, an advancedadvanced terminal, usually doctoral, degree (MD, PhD, DrPH, DSc, EdD or equivalent) unless it can be well-documented that masters level training is a standard in a given discipline for faculty appointment at other research-intensive institutions. The appointee shall sign a contract, approved by the Board of Trustees, stipulating that the appointment is made subject to the regulations, policies and provisions of employment at the University including participation in the SPHIS Professional Practice Plan.
Temporary Appointments
Temporary appointments to the various academic ranks, which include lecturers and visiting faculty, are those made for specifically limited time periods less than one year for special purposes. In no case shall temporary appointments or renewals result in the acquisition of tenure.
Term Faculty Appointments
All non-tenurable, full-time faculty that are not temporary are term. Term Faculty is a full-time faculty appointment without tenure for a stipulated contract period not to exceed three years. Such appointments are not probationary appointments and no such appointments, continuation or renewal thereof results in acquisition of tenure or implied renewal for subsequent terms.
Probationary Appointments (Tenure Track)
Probationary appointments are appointments of full-time faculty members without tenure provided; however, no probationary appointment to the University shall extend beyond the period when tenure would normally be granted.
Tenured Appointments
Tenure is the right of certain full-time faculty personnel who hold academic rank to continuous full-time employment without reduction in academic rank until retirement or dismissal.
Part-time Appointments
Part-time faculty are appointed by contract to teach specified courses or to engage in specified instruction, research or service less than full time for a designated period. No such appointment, continuation, or renewal thereof shall result in acquisition of tenure or implied renewal for subsequent periods. Part-time faculty shall hold rank according to education and experience.
Emeritus Appointment
This appointment may be conferred upon retired faculty if requested by the department faculty and dean and approved by the President and Board of Trustees
Gratis Appointment
This appointment is given to individuals who do not have a primary appointment at another teaching institution and meet the educational requirements and whose contribution supports the mission of the school. Requirements for this appointment include, as a minimum, an advanced, usually doctoral, degree (MD, PhD, DrPH, DSc, EdD or equivalent) unless it can be well-documented that master’s level training is a standard in a given discipline for faculty appointment at other research-intensive institutions.
Associate Appointment
This appointment is given to faculty whose primary appointment is with another school or department and whose contributions to the school are sustained and important to the mission of the school.
Adjunct Appointment
This appointment is given to individuals whose primary appointment is with another teaching institution, who meets the educational requirements for an appointment and whose contribution supports the mission of the school.
Joint Appointment
This appointment is given to faculty whose appointment is split between two departments or units within the university and whose salary support may be shared by these entities.
a. A table showing primary faculty who support the degree programs offered by the school. It should present data effective at the beginning of the academic year in which the self-study is submitted to CEPH and should be updated at the beginning of the site visit. This information must be presented in table format, organized by department, specialty area or other organizational unit as appropriate to the school and must include at least the following: a) name, b) title/academic rank, c) FTE or % time, d) tenure status or classification*, e) gender, f) race, g) graduate degrees earned, h) discipline in which degrees were earned, i) institutions from which degrees were earned, j) current instructional areas and k) current research interests. See CEPH Data Template 4.1.1.
Please see following page.
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University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Sciences August 7, 2012August 7, 2012August 4, 2012August 3, 2012
Response to Criterion Four
Table 4.1.1: Primary Faculty who Support Degree Offerings of the School or Program
Name / Title/Acad.ademic Rank / Dept.*[1] / Tenure Status / FTE / Gender / Ethnicity[2]** / Graduate Degrees Earned / Institution / Discipline / Teaching Areas / Research Interest /
Austin, Ray / Asst Prof / HMSS / Term Track / 1.00 / M / W / PhD
MA / Virginia Tech Center for Public Administration & Policy
West Virginia University / Public Administration & Public Affairs
Sociology -Medical / Health Management
Heath Policy / Health policy, health reform, electronic health information exchange
Baumgartner, Kathy B. / Assoc Dean for Faculty Affairs & Prof / EPH / Tenured / 1.00 / F / W / PhD
MA / University of Texas School of Public Health,
Southern Illinois University / Epidemiology
Anthropology / Epidemiology / Cancer epidemiology (breast, cervical, lung cancer), respiratory disease, women’s health, epidemiologic methods
Baumgartner, Richard / Chair & Prof / EPH / Tenured / 1.00 / M / W / PhD
MA / University of Texas School of Public Health
Southern Illinois University / Epidemiology
Anthropology / Epidemiology / Chronic disease epidemiology (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular, cancer)
Brock, Guy / Assoc. Prof / BB / Tenure Track / 1.00 / M / W / MS
PhD / University of New Mexico / Statistics / Biostatistics
Survival Analysis
Categorical Data Analysis
Statistical Computing / Statistical bioinformatics / genomics, statistical genetics, survival analysis, statistical computing
Carrico, Ruth / Assoc Prof / HPBS / Term Track / 1.00 / F / W / PhD
BSN / California Coat University
Webster University
Bellarmine University / Management
Health Services
Nursing / Health Promotion / Infection prevention & control, infectious diseases, immunization, emergency preparedness & response
Clover, Richard / Dean and Prof / HPBS / Tenured / 1.00 / M / W / MD / University of Oklahoma / Family Medicine / Immunization Update / Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Datta, Somnath / Prof / BB / Tenured / 1.00 / M / A / PhD / Michigan State University / Biostatistics / Mathematical
Statistics / High dimensional data, clustered data, survival & multistate data, nonparametrics, empirical bayes, dental data, machine learning
Datta, Susmita / Prof / BB / Tenured / 1.00 / F / A / PhD / University of Georgia / Statistics / Biostatistics
Bioinformatics / Data mining, statistical bioinformatics, proteomics, theoretical population biology, infectious disease modeling, cancer biomarker detection, birth defects research & survival analysis
Devasia, Rose / Asst Prof / EPH / Term Track / 0.70 / F / A / MD
MPH / University of Louisville Vanderbilt University / Medicine, Infectious Diseases / Epidemiology / Drug-resistant tuberculosis, community-acquired pneumonia, antibiotic resistance
Esterhay, Robert / Chair & Assoc Prof / HMSS / Term Track Rolling / 1.00 / M / W / MD / Case Western Reserve University / Medicine / Health Management & Systems Sciences / Health information infrastructure for individual health, health care, & population health; people, organizational, & social issues in health informatics; network science applications in health; complex adaptive networks in health; health transaction cost economics; systems dynamics in health
Goldsmith, Jane / Assoc Prof / BB / Term Track / 0.82 / F / W / PhD
MS / Case Western Reserve University / Mathematics & Statistics / Biostatistics / Clinical trials, information theory, statistical power, nonlinear regression
Groves, Frank / Asst Prof / EPH / Tenure Track / 1.00 / M / W / MD
MPH / Louisiana State University
Johns Hopkins University / Medicine
Epidemiology / Epidemiology / Analytic epidemiology of cancer, especially hematopoietic & lymphoproliferative malignancies; Descriptive epidemiology of neonatal jaundice; birth weight & cancer.
Harris, Muriel / Assoc Prof / HPBS / Term Track / 1.00 / F / B / MPH
PhD / University of South Carolina / Health Promotion & Behavioral Science / Health Promotion & Behavioral Science / Program evaluation, community based participatory research, community health development, women’s health, Tuberculosis, HIV, obesity, health disparities
Hornung, Carlton A. / Prof / EPH / Tenured / 1.00 / M / W / MA
MPH / Syracuse Univ.
Syracuse Univ.
Johns Hopkins Sch. Of Hygiene and Public Health / Sociology
Epidemiology / Clinical Epidemiology Methods Clinical Trials
Cardiovascular Disease / Cardiovascular Disease—Heart Failure, Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Treatment.
Hoyle, Gary / Prof / EOH / Tenured / 1.00 / M / W / PhD / Duke University / Biochemistry / Environmental Health
Pulmonary Toxicology / Pulmonary toxicology
Jacobs, Robert / Prof / EOH / Term Track / 1.00 / M / W / PhD
MS / University of North Carolina School of Public Health
Baylor University / Environmental Sciences & Engineering
Limnology / Environmental Health / Indoor Air Quality; Exposure Assessment, Risk Analysis
Kerber, Richard / Assoc Prof / EPH / Tenured / 1.00 / M / W / MA
PhD / Northwestern University / Anthropology / Epidemiology / Genetic, genomic, & molecular epidemiology, advanced methods, aging, cancer
Kim, Seong Ho / Asst Prof / BB / Term / 1.00 / M / A / MS
PhD / Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology / Applied Statistics / Bioinformatics
Biostatistics / Bioinformatics, metabolomics, comparative genomics, pharmacokineitcs & pharmacodynamics, cancer diagnostics, graphical models
Kong, Maiying / Assoc Prof / BB / Tenure Track / 1.00 / F / A / PhD / Indiana University (Bloomington) / Mathematical Statistics / Biostatistics / Statistical methods on dose-response study, combination drug study, preclinical experimental designs, & longitudinal studies
Kulasekera, Karunarathna / Chair & Prof / BB / 1.0 / M / A / PhD / University of Nebraska-Lincoln / Statistics
LaJoie, A. Scott / Assoc Prof / HPBS / Term Track / 1.00 / M / W / PhD
MA / University of Louisville
Western Kentucky University / Cognitive Psychology
Decision Science & Biostatistics / Health Promotion / Behavioral Science / Disaster mental health, health-related decision making, risk communication, quality of life assessment
Lorenz, Douglas / Asst Prof / BB / Tenure Track / 1.00 / M / W / MA
PhD / University of Louisville / Biostatistics (MSPH); Mathematics (MA, PhD) / Biostatistics / Survival analysis, nonparametric methods, statistical consulting, statistical computing, clustered data, analysis of next generation sequencing data
McKinney, Paul / Assoc Dean for Rsrch & Prof / HPBS / Tenured / 1.00 / M / W / MD / University of Texas / Internal Medicine / Evaluation of Health Care Literature / Bioterrorism; epidemiology of infectious diseases
Muldoon, Susan / Assoc Dean for Student Affairs & Asst Prof / EPH / Term Track / 1.00 / F / W / PhD
MPH / University of Pittsburgh University of Illinois at Chicago / Epidemiology
Health Resources Management / Epidemiology / Clinical epidemiology, women’s health, end of life issues
Myers, John / Assoc Prof / BB / Tenure Track / 1.00 / M / W / PhD
MSPH / University of Louisville
University of Louisville / Cost-Effectiveness
Non-Parametric Statistics
Public Health / Quantitative Methods
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Decision Science / Quantitative methods, cost-effectiveness analysis & decision science
Neal, Rachel / Asst Prof / EOH / Tenure Track / 1.00 / F / W / PhD / University of Missouri-Rolla (Missouri University of Science and Technology as of 2009) / Chemistry / Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences / Maternal/child health, birth defects, environmental toxicology
Nesbitt, LaQuandra / Asst Prof / HMSS / Term Track / 1.00 / F / B / MD
MPH / Wayne State University
Harvard School of Public Health / Medicine
Health Care Management & Policy / Public Health Practice / Health disparities, health equity
O’Brien, Liz / Asst Prof / EPH / Term Track / 1.00 / F / W / MA
PhD / Northwestern University / Anthropology / Epidemiology / Population genetics, aging, cancer
Olson-Allen, Susan / Asst Prof / HMSS / Term Track / 1.00 / F / W / PhD
MA / University of Louisville
George Washington University / Urban & Public Affairs
Security Policy Studies / Health Management / Public health & the built environment
Parrish, Rudolph / Prof / BB / Tenured / 1.00 / M / W / PhD / University of Georgia / Statistics / Biostatistics / Clinical trials, statistical methodology, genomic biomarkers, complex disease