October 2017
Dear Principals and Directors of Religious Studies,
Welcome back to Term 4, it’s hard to believe we are at the tail end of our school year. Please find below information pertaining to Term 4 & the TCI RE papers we will be facilitating in 2018.
A Mystery Tour—Fri 27th October–if you haven’t already, please enrol on the database ASAP. Our day will be a day of information, food & fun. Please be at the Pompallier Centre by 9.15am to catch the bus!
Staff Meeting – Communion of Saints Strand
The staff meeting for Term 4 is on the Communion of Saints Strand.
This staff meeting will also be available on our website, as a Powerpoint presentation.
Teachers who wouldlike to gain Certification in Religious Education or in Special Character should ensure that all applications, accompanied by the Principal’s recommendation and DRS’ observation record are sent to the office. Please have all forms into us by Thursday 30th November. Any received after that date may not be able to be processed until the end of 2018 for the 2019 Dedication Mass.
Applications can be downloaded from the website under Certification, Handbook for Certification in Catholic Special Character and Religious Education.
Calling all teachers involved in leading music for school liturgies….there is a rare and unique visit of David Hass, a Catholic music composer who is visiting Christ the King Parish, Owairaka on Sunday 15th October 1pm (flyer attached). You are probably singing some of David’s music in your school masses or parish communities.
If you have an interest in school/parish liturgy this is a golden PD opportunity. You will not be disappointed.
2018 Strand Overviews
We have included 2 sets of suggested Strand Overviews. As we have visited schools this year, many of you have mentioned how you are covering the Strands over a 2 year cycle. This is great but a friendly reminder that the Jesus Strand needs to be included each year. We have attached a Year A & Year B suggested overview for this approach. We have also attached an annual overview. As discussed with so many of you this year—these are all tools & suggestions for the delivery of the RE Curriculum—it is up to each individual school to how this is delivered for their students, in their context. Happy planning!!
All Beginning Teachers are expected to complete RE papers. These are the papers that we will facilitate in 2018. Our recommendation is that Beginning Teachers are given a chance to settle in to the school year and enrol in either of the courses in the July Holidays.
The RE papers offered TERM 1,2018 are:
RE 502 ‘Spirituality for Teachers’….Tuesday 23rd & Wednesday 24th January plus 6 hours online component. Held at Columba Centre, Ponsonby; 9-4pm
RE 501 ‘Religious Education Today’----Thursday 25th & Friday 26th January plus 6 hours online component. Held at Columba Centre, Ponsonby; 9-4pm
RE 501 ‘Religious Education Today’----Monday 9th & Tuesday 10th July plus 6 hours online component. Held at Columba Centre, Ponsonby; 9-4pm
RE 502 ‘Spirituality for Teachers’….Wednesday 11th & Thursday 12th July plus 6 hours online component. Held at Columba Centre, Ponsonby; 9-4pm
NB: Please get in touch if your school would like to do a paper but are unable to attend the dates above. We will endeavour to work on a solution to meet your needs.
Warm wishes & happy Term 4
Carolynn & Margaret