D6.1-Dissemination planFI-C3-007-V3 0

D6.1-Dissemination plan
Deliverable 6.1 “Dissemination plan”, outlines the overall structure and layout for FI-C3’s dissemination activities along the whole duration of the project, both to the public at large and among the project partners.
Date of publication: 14 Nov 2014
Document Number: FI-C3-007-V3 0

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1Objective and strategy


3Actions and performances indicators

3.1External dissemination

3.1.1Dissemination package


3.1.3Dissemination at large

3.2Internal Dissemination

3.2.1Mailing list

3.2.2Collaborative platform

3.2.3Website news publishing template

3.2.4Personal and virtual meetings

3.3Performance indicators

4Actions per target


5.1Single event reporting template

5.2Dissemination action reporting template

5.3Evaluation questionnaire

5.4Website news publishing template

1Objective and strategy

The dissemination and awareness raising proposed in FI-C3 comprises a number of building blocks that will enable a strong proactive and reactive communications effort. The main elements include maintaining a strategic calendar focusing on call organization and project selection process. This WP seeks to strengthen FI-C3 messaging both in terms of content and in the way it is communicated. Active promotion and communication activities, including online and non-electronic communication methods and tools, attending to relevant events as well as publications are core activities of this dissemination plan.

These actions will follow a clear dissemination strategy and action plan. Key measurement parameters will be defined in order to assess the impact of the dissemination strategies.

Table 1shows the three logical phases regarding the dissemination plan.

Phase 1: Initial awareness phase / Agree upon dissemination strategy and future activities.
Create an initial awareness about FI-PPP Phase 3 and FI-C3 project objectives and scope
calls process and dates dissemination. / FI-C3 logo validation
Project website design
Press release
Digital project brochures
e-Mailing campaign
Select exhibitions, events for attendance
Build FS6 platform FI-C3 profile.
Social Networking (Information promotion and publication of FI-C3 project in already existing Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts of the consortium members)
Phase 2: Targeted awareness phase / Create a more "targeted awareness" focusing on potential applicants (SMEs and individual entrepreneurs) and rest of audiences regarding the results of the Initial Awareness Phase.
Calls process and dates dissemination.
Project Selection dissemination. / Refine website
Digital project brochures
Press release
Distribute online marketing material
Attend exhibition and events
Social Networking (Information promotion and publication of FI-C3 project in already existing Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts of the consortium members)
Phase 3: Final phase / Maximize FI-C3 awareness.
Project Selection.
Results dissemination
Successful projects dissemination and promotion / Adding content to website
Attend exhibitions and events
Issue final press release
Social Networking (Information promotion and publication of FI-C3 project in already existing Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts of the consortium members). Publish successful stories

Table 1 Dissemination Plan logical phases

The dissemination of the FI-C3 project will be implemented in close coordinationwith the other 16 FIWARE Accelerators and FIWARE dissemination office managed by Ogilvy.

However, before any knowledge is disseminated, the FI-C3 consortium member will have to inform the whole FI-C3 consortium about the planned publications in order to make sure that the protection of the IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) is not affected, that possible obligation rights have been considered, and that aspects of confidentiality (agreement on confidentiality) have been taken into account. All these issues have been defined within the Consortium Agreement.

The resulting dissemination plan will ensure that specific communication activities are targeted towards relevant groups, to create synergies and reach the largest possible European target audience. In addition, the dissemination plan will address the issue of achieving good coverage throughout the EU. It will propose solutions for achieving an appropriate coverage in all EU Members.


In this Section the focus is on the possible targets. The basic question here is: who does FI-C3 action matter to?

The FI-C3 dissemination plan will not only promote and publish the FI-PPP Phase 3 calls, but also the project outcomes; it will stimulate linkages and cooperation among target domains (Smart Territories, Media & Content, Care & Well-being) and with other related sectors, creating a platform that will foster creativity, social impact and economic growth. At regional level, the main role for each partner will be to identify and involve their regional stakeholders in the project activities and to ensure their participation throughout the FI-C3 project.

The outputs of dissemination will focus on promoting the calls all over the EU, create awareness about FI-PPP Phase 3 and FI-C3 project, inform about the selected projects, communicating the project results to a wider range of key target audiences, from national and regional authorities and business stakeholders to the European SMEs and individual entrepreneurs. The different targeted audiences in each region in order to reach maximum impact and efficiency will include SMEs and individual entrepreneurs, local authorities, citizens and final users, clusters and networks, researchers and universities, private financing (venture capital, business angels), policy makers (European, national, regional) and opinion leaders and other stakeholders.

SMEs and entrepreneurs are all prime targets of FI-C3 project. But, since reaching entrepreneurs is also our aim, several targets may be taken into consideration:

  • TECHNICAL (private and public companies)

Private and publicly-owned companies belonging to the three FI-C3 domains (Smart Territories, Media&Content, Care & Wellbeing) interested in developing new products or services within the FI-WARE environment.


In particular, those regional government institutions directly involved in promoting entrepreneurship, research and development and growingeconomy issues, (not limited to the participants regions but reaching the whole European Union).


Universities, research institutions and business schools are a source of entrepreneurs and SMEs that would be interested in take part in the FI-C3 accelerator.


FI-C3’s underlying goal is to generate new business using FIWARE technology. This implies an equal responsibility to reach the public at large, using all available means.

In order to further specify the indicated audiences and include all target groups, each of the 4 regions involved in FI-C3 have specified a preliminary list of subsectors and niche groups. These tentative audiences are listed inTable 2 and will be complemented with other locations in Europe throughout the project dissemination activities detailed in Section 3Actions and performances indicators.

Spain (Madrid)
MAC / Political / Madrid Regional Government
  • Economic Council
  • Cultural Council
  • Council of European Affairs

Madrid City Council
  • Culture Department
  • Main Public Cultural Institutions: Matadero, Centro Conde Duque, Medialab Prado

Ministry of Economy
  • Innovation Department (Red.es)

Ministry of Culture
Technical (public and private companies) / SME’s
Entrepreneurs and Start UPs
Regional Chamber of Commerce
Other clusters and associations
European Chambers of Commerce in Madrid
Academia / Universities: Complutense, Autónoma, Carlos III, Rey Juan Carlos I, Politécnica, U-Tad, Udima, European University
CSIC and Research Centres
General Public / Press, online and offline
Blogs, Websites
Entrepreneurs, Students
Belgium (Ghent)
iMinds / Political / Local government bodies (Smart Cities)
Minister of Innovation
Technical (public and private companies) / SMEs
Web-entrepreneurs & startup community
Local developers
Academia / iMinds University groups
Local University bodies
General Public / Broad public (Newsletters, events)
Social Media users
Press, dissemination via partner network
France (Rennes)
I&R / Political / Ministry of Economy:
  • DGE: Direction Générale des Entreprises

Regional Council of Brittany:
  • Bretagne Développement Innovation
  • Direction de l’économie
Regional Council of Brittanyand Pays de la Loire:
  • Atlanpole
Direction de l’économie
Rennes Métropole and Nantes Métropole
Technical (public and private companies) / Regional Chamber of Commerce
Entrepreneurs and Start UPs
Other clusters and associations
Academia / University of Rennes 1 & Rennes 2 Université de Bretagne Occidentale
Universtité de Bretagne Sud
Supelec, Telecom Bretagne, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, INSA
General Public / Press, online and offline
Blogs, Websites
Entrepreneurs, Students
Germany (Cologne)
GAR / Political / PT-DLR, Project Management Agency – part of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), is a research funding organisation supporting the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), along with other Federal Ministries, in the implementation of programme-related project funding.
Cologne IHK (Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
City of Cologne
Technical (public and private companies) / German Association of interactive Media (Bundesverband interaktiver Medien)
BridgehouseLaw is an international full-service law firm based in Germany with various offices in the United States, the European Union and Middle-East.
Grassroots international company network of 140 creative web-entrepreneurs such as Media Artists and Developers
Academia / University Cologne
University of applied Science
Macromedia High School
General Public / Websites
Roundtable for Entrepreneurs, Students starting Nov 20th, 2014

Table 2 Tentative target audiences

Once the target audiences have been properly identified, attention is turned to the dissemination tools and materials. This is done in the next chapter.

3Actions and performances indicators

This section provides a list of the various dissemination channels the FI-C3 project will make use to reach the strategic objectives listed in section 2 and the audiences considered in the previous point. The dissemination tools and materials are differentiated into internal and external (see Figure 1).

To evaluate the impact of the dissemination activities and ensure the highest visibility and engagement in both project activities and outcomes at all times, each dissemination activity will be evaluated accordingly to specific performance indicators. To this end, project partners will report their communication activities periodically to the lead partner of WP6 (MAC)[1] in order to allow the timely adaptation of possible corrective measures (see annex for reporting templates).

Figure 1.Diagram showing FI-C3’s internal and external dissemination actions

3.1External dissemination

External communication is comprised of a dissemination package that will provide templates for corporate identity and some basic communication materials so that project partners can readily activate their own established dissemination channels. Moreover, it will set the basis for the other two channels here considered: the project website and dissemination “at large” (which groups a broad set of heterogeneous actions including, workshops, exhibitions and fairs to attend, related projects to watch, use of social media, workshops, etc.).

3.1.1Dissemination package

With the purpose of informing stakeholders and interested parties about the project activities and communicating the project’s outcomes and results, an official dissemination package will be developed in English language. The quantity and format (paper or electronic) of all promotional materials will vary in function of the project need and objectives. The dissemination package comprises the following elements[2]:

  • FI-C3 LOGO

The FI-C3 logo, created by Integra Comunicación (Spain), will be used for all project events and activities. Furthermore, the logos of the different partners’ institutions can be used for activities and events in the FI-C3 context. The logo contains a visual symbolic element (isotype) based on the triple C key feature. The result is a natural and colourful memorable representation of FI-C3 project.The logo is presented in both negative and positive version in order to be visible in both dark and pale backgrounds.

Figure 2.FI-C3 logo

All publications, promotional material and publicity and any other dissemination will indicate that FI-C3 has received funding from the EU by using the following sentence:

“The FI-C3 has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 632738”.

And by including the EU flag and the FP7 Cooperation programme logo:

High resolution emblems of the EU flag can be found here:


An official PowerPoint (PPT) presentation will be developed and periodically updated throughout the project lifetime. This PPT presentation will be used during all conferences and events and will provide attractive slides about: FI-C3 objectives and message, the calls dates, challenge tackled, project partners, activities, timeline, case story sheets (when available) and expected results. This presentation will also serve as a template and will be tailored to the corresponding event in order to effectively reach the target audiences. It will be available by month 2.


Future deliverables of the FI-C3 project will follow the design pattern of the style guidelines. Content and length of the reports will be tailored to their specific characteristics and requirements. It isavailable since month 1.


WP6 will conceive a brochure reflecting the existence and the purpose of the project. The goal is to make SMEs and potential Individual Entrepreneurs aware of the FI-C3 accelerator programme, of the website, the open calls, the funding scheme, the benefits of taking part in FI-C3 and of the procedures on how to apply and contact the FI-C3 consortium. It will be handed to all project partners in order to ensure a widespread dissemination. A provisional draft brochure has been produced and has already been used in all the FI-C3 dissemination events and workshops till the publication date of this deliverable.


FIWARE will provide a whole dissemination package to all the 16 Accelerators. This dissemination package will be developed by Ogilvy and will be accessible and available for use to the 16 Accelerators. FI-C3 Accelerator will take advantage of it and will integrate it in its own dissemination package. FIWARE dissemination package consist on brochures, leaflets, videos, PPTs, printable material, posters and infographics, among others.


The project website is already operational since month 2. It hasbeenconceived as an interactive platform and will act as a powerful promotional tool for boosting information flow. It hasbeenbuiltat the beginning of the project (month 2) and it’s available under the following links and The website aims to provide access to application procedure, funding scheme, projects development inside the accelerator, news, updates and current events related to the development of the FI-C3 project and will be referred to in all FI-C3 public documents.

The websitecontains information on the following aspects:

  • Supported Domains
  • Smart Territories
  • Media & Contents
  • Care & Well-being
  • Applicant Area
  • Supported Domains
  • Who can participate?
  • What kind of proposal can receive support?
  • Maximum funding limit
  • How to prepare and submit a proposal?
  • Generalities
  • Submission of proposals
  • Proposal guidelines
  • Content of the proposal
  • Proposal format
  • Budget Form
  • Calls
  • How are proposals selected?
  • Proposal selection procedure
  • Selection criteria
  • Sub-grantee Area
  • Project development phases
  • Negotiation Phase
  • Implementation Phase
  • Support offered to selected projects
  • Financial support
  • Other kind of offered support
  • Business modelling workshops and customer development workshops
  • One-on-one business coaching
  • High-level advice from potential stakeholders
  • Living Lab support.
  • Consortium
  • YMLP
  • Images et Reseaux
  • Grassroots
  • iMinds
  • Madrid ICT & Audiovisual Cluster
  • Contact
  • News
  • FAQs
  • Glossary

Moreover, a counter of visitors and other statistical tools will be used (including a visitors feedback tool) to monitor the usability and interest created by the website and the project.

All partners will contribute with contents to keep the website updated during the project duration. These contents (mostly news)will be edited and supported regularly by the MAC team. The social media dissemination on point3.1.3Dissemination at large will draw attention to the news and updates published on the website.

3.1.3Dissemination at large


The project activities, events and results (deliverables, calls, awarded project, changes in methodology or submission procedure, policy briefs, cases of good practice, papers, booklets among them) will be communicated to the general media and relevant journals if appropriated (priority will be given to open access sources as FI-C3 website and FI-C3 consortium members social media). All publications will mention the project’s website and will be available for download therein.


FI-C3 consortium will organize and host dissemination events and workshops to create awareness of the FI-C3 Accelerator programme and the possibilities and opportunities offered to SMEs and Individual Entrepreneurs.

The following Table 3shows the already confirmed workshops and events in which the FI-C3 consortium has been or willbe present:

17-Sep-2014 / ECFI Munich / Munich
30-Sep-2014 / FIWARE info session / Brussels
11-Sep-2014 / Afternoon Europe / Nantes, France
11-Sep-2014 / Info day, FI-PPP Technopôle Anticipa / Lannion, France
23-Sep-2014 / Atelier Interpôles Systématic – Cap Digital – SCS – Images & Réseaux FI PPP / Paris
24-Sep-2014 / Workshop Aceleradoras FI-PPP / Madrid
3-Oct-2014 / Open Data Day Flanders / Flanders
7-Oct-2014 / SME knowledge fair / Antwerp
9-Oct-2014 / atelier I&R/atlanpole / La Roche/Yon, France
9-Oct-2014 / ICT Proposers Day / Florence, Italy
14-Oct-2014 / Info day, FI-PPP / Le Mans, France
15-Oct-2014 / Info session @ C-Mine (local incubator) / Genk
15-Oct-2014 / Evento FIWARE multisede / Seville
16-Oct-2014 / Info session @ Telenet idealabs (local incubator) / Antwerp
22-Oct-2014 / FI-C3 Dissemination Event. 1st Call awareness / Madrid
23-Oct-2014 / iMinds The Conference / Brussels
24-Oct-2014 / Session d'information nationale sur l'Internet des objets / Paris
4-Nov-2014 / Web Summit / Dublin
5-Nov-2014 / Creativity World Forum / Kortrijk
6-Nov-2014 / Web in Lorient / Lorient
13-Nov-2014 / Startup Weekend FIWARE special edition / Rennes
13-Nov-2014 / Startup Weekend FIWARE special edition / Rennes
18 nov 2014 / Smart city expo / Barcelona
20-Nov-2014 / Open Call Workshop / Cologne
27-Nov-2014 / Third A16 Meeting / Coimbra, Portugal

Table 3 Confirmed workshops and events