The North Carolina Phi Beta Lambda Professional Division-Foundation, Inc.

2017-18 Design a Pin Contest

Student members may submit designs for a lapel pin by the submit date: October 31st, 2017. Pins will be 1” in diameter and may be designed in various shapes. The designs may have a maximum of 5 solid colors but may include glitter or metallic colors. No gradients will be allowed unless specified on the form that it is to represent a metallic color. Photos are not permitted in the design. Design must include the following items:

·  State Logo w/o Greek letters

·  Letters “NCPBL” or “NCΦΒΛ”

·  SLC year “2018”

·  The FBLA-PBL theme for the year “Elevate Your Future”

Designs will be reviewed by the design committee and an email will be sent to confirm receipt of entry. Any design submitted after submit date (October 31st, 2017) will be rejected. Any design unable to be produced by the pin company will be sent back to the student/adviser with design modifications required. Any resubmitted design(s) must adhere to the original submit date (October 31st, 2017.)

All pin designs will be displayed at the 2017 Fall Leadership Development Conference using the “Design Submission Information” section of the entry form. Student members registered at the 2017 Fall Leadership Development Conference will vote during the closing general session.

We reserve the right during the design reformat process to make modifications to the design.

The student with the winning design will be announced at the 2017 Fall Leadership Development Conference and an award will be presented at the 2018 State Leadership Conference.

Email the entry form to

“Design a Pin” Entry Form
Student Name:
(if this is a college submission leave blank)
Student Email:
(if this is a college submission leave blank)
Chapter Affiliation:
Adviser Name:
Design Information
Pin Design: / Pin Description:
Required Elements: / 1” Actual Size:
State Logo w/o Greek Letters / (please scale image to fit this section)
Date & FBLA-PBL Theme
I acknowledge that the submitted design was completed by a student member or a team of student members. I understand that the Design Committee may make design changes to allow for production of pin by our partner company. All decisions by the Design Committee are final. The final design will become the property of the NCPBL Professional Division-Foundation, Inc.
Adviser Signature:

“Design a Pin” Entry Form 2017-2018Page 1