Board Meeting Minutes / 15-May-2016
Attending / Position
Dylan Young / Commodore/Interim Racing Director
Kathi Pugh / Vice Commodore
Chris Rubke / Secretary
Brian Pease / Treasurer
Alex Okrut / Membership Director
Cristina Rubke / Keelboat Program Director
Ed Bridges / Veterans Program Director
Chris Naughton / Dinghy Program Director
Aurora Baron / Webmaster/Communications
Jeff Breen / Director
Harold Goldman / Director
(open position) / Rear Commodore/Racing Director
Tom Allegretti / Director
Allen Darnell / Director
Milt Smith / SBYC Commodore
Minutes Approval / Motion to approve March and April 2016minutes. Seconded and Approved by voice vote
Treasurers Report / Total of Union Bank and PayPal balances – $50,754.73, per separately submitted detail report
Income – $3,491.37, per separately submitted detail report.
Expenses – $15,318.56per separately submitted detail report
Brian noted that we have more money in the bank than we did according to his books, so he had to re-balance the books. He has claimed success in that effort.
He continues to work on our taxes.
$1,000 came in from the St Francis Sailing Foundation to support the Herb Meyer Regatta.
The $15,000 donation from theOrder of St John for the Veterans Program came in and Brian noted that it was in fact very restrictive, with conditions that will require very close accounting and reporting. Further, the conditions are in some ways contradictory to our mission. Cristina proposed that we counter-propose to see if we can reach a consensus on modification that would better align to our mission and our current practices. Using some of the funding to allow BAADS to become a USA or ASA approved sailing school would be one option to propose to OSJ.
We have about $1,686 left in the Pioneer Grant. This raises a question about paying for dockmaster services. For this meeting, that question was left unresolved
Grants Update / Grant Monies Received
  • Money for buying Liberties. $10,000 from Odyssey Foundation, $10,000 from America One, $8,000 from BAADS members and an un-named $8,000 matching grant (this money is not actually in yet). We have spent about $35,000so far on the purchase of the boats.
  • $5,000 for sailing instruction from America One with no specific restrictions.
  • $10,000 for boat maintenance from America One.
  • $1,000 from St Francis Sailing Foundation for Herb Meyer regatta
  • $15,000 from OSJ (with concerns that may result in a return of the money, as noted in Treasurer’s report)
Applied for but as yet unreceived
  • $5,000 for dockmaster funding from Belvedere Cove. No word or update but Dylan will follow up
  • $15,000 for Blind Sailing from Peninsula Endowment. Very broad description (i.e. not very restrictive). No word yet.
  • $21,000 via US Sailing from the VA for sailing instruction for Veterans. In the structure of this program, BAADS would be the US Sailing provider for the veterans’ services. The plan is based on training 5 vets a month.

Accessibility Equipment / “Top Two” wish-list items from each program:
  • Improved Adaptive seating, especially for people with high level spinal injuries (3K)
  • Servo steering for Orion (up to 3K)
  • SureHand lift (3K).
  • 303 seating (3K?)
  • Loading cranes at the slips for Orion and Tashi
  • Hoyer (pulley) lifts for Raven and Orion. Maybe already bought.
  • Driving chair for Sonars (3.5K)
Consensus was that seating was first priority, with lift capability as a close second. There was a motion to allow Dylan to purchase a Sonar seat up to 3.5K, and Cristina to purchase a keelboat seat up to 3K. Seconded and approved by voice vote.
Pulley lift systems may already have been bought. Keelboat team will verify.
Boat Donation Process / On the boat donation front, things have gotten complicated. No new donations to be accepted for now.
Potter. It needs to be sold. It could potentially sell for $10,000, but we haven’t really been advertising it. We have been also been sent a bill for storage ($1,250) from Svendsen’s Boat Works. The boat is in Pier 40. Cristina will write a letter to Svendsen’s thanking them for their donation
Pierson 26. Sierra Nevada Sailing says the boat (in Alameda) is not theirs. It looks like the simplest path forward is to take the boat back and hold it until we are able to sell it. Either six months or eighteen months, depending on what the tax code says.
Motion to authorize Cristina to negotiate a settlement with Sierra Nevada Sailing and, if necessary, re-take possession of the Pearson. Seconded and approved by voice vote.
Board Meeting Adjourned / Program Reports to be covered in Membership Meeting
Membership Meeting / Introductions
Program Reports (below)
Keelboat Program / Cristina said the boats are still floating and noted that we are always looking for new skippers (particularly persons with disabilities). She noted that the Raven now has a servo-steering system.
She also noted that we are looking at getting better adaptive seating.
Keelboat sign-up cut-off is 3pm Thursday. Sign up at
Veterans Program / Annual picnic on October 2 at Ayala Cove. Volunteers are welcome to help with set-up etc.
Plenty of room on Veterans Saturday Sailing and Ed invited blind sailors to join them.
Valor Games are coming June 4 at Coast Guard Island.
Dinghy Program / Chris N said things were going well and noted efforts to better organize and recognize volunteers.
Dylan asked whether we had a dockmaster contract set up for future months.
Jeff is working with KEEN (Kids Enjoy Exercise Now) to get more kids involved in sailing and solicited help with his efforts.
There was discussion of the proposed improvements to Clipper Cove. The development (a 400-slip marina) will seriously impact the available sailing area in the cove.
Jeff noted that the Harbormaster’s Office has expressed dissatisfaction with our use of Pier 40 space.
Membership / Alex announced that we have arranged for our annual Alma cruise, but that the date has not been committed to.
Racing/Commodore / Carwile LeRoy is going to the Hansa Class Worlds in the Netherlands June 3 – 9. Carwile will be sailing one of our new Liberties.
Cristina, John Wallace, and Lee Burnette (out of the temporary Denver branch of BAADS) are going to the Robie Pierce One-Design Regatta in New York June 3 – 5.
We are still racing in the SBYC Friday night races. Racers welcome to join in.
A whisker pole has been purchased for Sonar BZ.
Membership Items / A summary of several of the Board Meeting items
Jeff mentioned a need for new sail and boat covers for the dinghies. There was discussion about buying the materials and the options for moving the project(s) forward.
Keelboat sailing assignments were announced.
Happy Sailing!!
Membership Meeting Adjourned