We had over three hundred

people attend our Family Fun

Night! A special thanks to

Mrs. Matlashewski who

coordinated the event and to

thirty Stevenson Staff members

who volunteered their time to make this event a success. We gave out over 90 books to students and congratulations to Drew Nelson, Benedict Seekey, and Prince Power who won the tablets.

Our goal is to have 100 percent of families attend both our fall and spring conferences.


What’s cool in our school

Help your child gain up to three months of additional growth in math this year through a 5-minute story! Here’s how:

Stevenson is thrilled to partner with Bedtime Math! We are participating in a White House Initiative to launch the Community Edition of the Bedtime Math app! This is a FREE app that works on any hand-held device. We love the short entertaining stories and appreciate how all students are set-up for success with the leveled problem choices. Try the app today!

1.  Download the Bedtime Math app

2.  Open the app and click Community Edition.

3.  Enter the special code: MN

4.  Select Stevenson Elementary form the drop down and click submit.

Enjoy the app!


PTO Meeting

December 19 from 6-8 pm

Winter Break - No School

December 23 – January 2

Remember to turn in your BoxTops by December 2nd and shop at the Box Top Store on Friday, December 16th.

Friday, December 16th

Priceless Memories!

Pre-order your

Stevenson yearbook until

December 22nd for only $12.00 or

$15.00 after winter break

Please make checks payable to:

Stevenson PTO

Or Order Online at

Family Resources
Below are resource information that offer support for families in need.

Anoka County Energy Ass’t Program:

Energy Assistants Programs help low-income and eligible homeowners and renters with assistance toward heating and electric bills. Apply for assistance and weatherization programs by phone at

763-783-4712 for questions.

Thanksgiving Meals on Wheels:

651-699-5404 Serves: Residents within

45 miles of St. Paul (generally Minneapolis, St. Paul and surrounding suburbs).

Toys for Tots sign up today:

Program will run until December 21, 2016

Call phone bank at 651-746-3595

Open Monday –Friday only

9:00AM - 4:00PM

SACA Donation

The kindergarteners and

fourth graders donated

203 pounds to the SACA

food shelf last week along

with a couple hundred decorated

bags for people to take the food home in.