ISSUED TO, Tender specification No.
M/s. ______EEG/2008-09/Tender/T-01 ______
Earnest money deposited Rs 3000/-
Vide M.R.No.:-
Dated :-
Name of Work : Transportation of 8/9 Mtrs. Long PSC poles by Trailer from
Various pole factories/stores to various work sites under
Tirora Sub- Division.
Tender Submitted by : ______
Due on dt. : 21/04/08 at 13.00 hrs.
Executive Engineer,
O & M Division, M.S. E.D.C.L Telephone : 222790
Old Power House, Ramnagar Telegram : EXGRID
Price : Rs. 500/- per copy (Non refundable)
I/we hereby accept tender for Execute for the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution (herein after to as MSEDCL) for the work specified in the under written memorandum within the time specified in the memorandum showing items of work to be carried out in all respect in accordance with all respect specified design, drawing and instruction in writing and as per annexed condition of the contract.
a) General Description of work
b) Earnest Money
c) Security Deposit
d) Time allowed for the completion of work from the date fixed in writing order to commence.
Should this tender be accepted I/We hereby to abide by and fulfill all the terms and conditions of contract annexed here as applicable and in default there of to forfeit to the MSEDCL the sum of money mentioned in the said condition.
Receipt No. ______dt ______from Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd in respect of the sum of Rs.3000/ in words(Rs Three Thousand only) is herewith forwarded representing the earnest money (the full value of which is to be absolutely forfeited to the MSEDCL) should I/We do not deposit the full amount of security deposited in the above memorandum in accordance with clause “SECURITY DEPOSIT” of the said condition, otherwise the sum of Rs. 3000/- in words (Rs Three Thousand only)earnest money shall be refunded. We are registered A.D. ‘B’ class contractor with your head office.
Signature of the contractor:-
Signature of witness :-
Address of the witness :- ______
Day ______Date ______
The amount is to the specified in figures and words. ______
Signature of the contractor
The rates should be quoted for per pole per KM. In the jurisdiction of Gondia Division.
1) For loading at various pole factories chain pulley block will be supplied by the MSEDCL subjected to availability.
2) Executive Engineer, incharge shall decide about Pacca road or Kaccha road which will be final and binding on the contractor.
3) Mileage will be acceptable as per shortest route in M.S.R.T.C. map or as actual or as per route decided by the Executive Engineer.
4) The rate shall be accepted on firm tender quotation basis. No price variation claims will be considered through out the contract period.
5) If required the order will be divided and shall be placed to two parties.
6) Order once accepted by the contractor will have to be executed satisfactory and no delay will be allowed on the ground of non-availability of tyres tubes diesel, failure of vehicle
7) The contractor should have his office with phone facility in Nagpur, Bhandara or Gondia district.
8) The vehicle should be registered in the name of party and the registration should be of Maharashtra State only and must posses valid document for above work. Supporting documents should be submitted along with tender.
9) Transportation of P.S.C. poles will be carried out in “trailor” owned by the contractor. The contractor owing two trailor will be preferred.
10) The Tol tax will be born by the party.
11) The income Tax will be deducted as per rules.
Signature of the Contractor.
EEG/2008-09/Tender/T-01 Date:
1. Tenders complete with all the prescribed particulars duly filled together with descriptive literature etc. enclosed in sealed cover and addressed to the Executive Engineer, O & M division. M.S.E.D.C.Ltd. Gondia before 21/04/08 13.00 Hrs. The tender cover, should be superscripted as sealed tender for the TRANSPORATATION OF PSC 8/9 Mtr. Poles FROM FACTORIES i.e. KHAPERKHEDA / GADCHIROLI / WARDHA / KORADI / DAWANIPAR / CHANDAPUR etc. to various place in Gondia Division.
2. Earnest money deposit of Rs.3000/-for the tender should be paid by the tenderer by DEMAND DRAFT only on BANK OF INDIA. Main Branch Gondia payable in favour of the Executive Engineer M.S.E.DCL. Gondia. Money receipt should be attached with the tender, if the EMD is paid in cash. Otherwise demand draft should be accompanied with the tender.
3. The tender should be valid for period of 90 days from the date of opening. The MSEDCL reserves the right of forfeiting the earnest money. Incase, the tender is withdrawn by the tenderer or after the opening date but before the expiry of 90 days prescribed validity period or in the event of refusal to accept the order work or if he refuse to pay the prescribed security deposit as per clause ‘4’ of this instruction.
4. The contractor whose tender is accepted shall be required to pay 5% of the contract value as security deposit within 7 days of intimation of acceptance of tender. Failure would result in forfeiting of the earnest money deposit. At the discretion of the undersigned 2.5% may be in cash or in the form of bank guarantee etc. and balance 2.5% from first two running bills whichever makes up earlier so that a total of 5% is held by the MSEDCL.
5. In submitted tender the schedule should be in the form given in the tender. The tender must be written in form of tender with the specification and the schedules or quantity and rate duly filled in and signed. The tenders not bearing the signature of tenderer on all the documents accompanying the tenders is liable to be rejected. Tender should be written legibly in ink.
6. The tenderer is requested to go through the tender document carefully and if he had any doubt of the meaning of any of the clause, the specification or schedule he should give it in writing to the Executive Engineer C.C.O & M Division M.S.E.D.C.L. Gondia.
7. The tenderer will also be deemed to have acquainted himself to the site conditions, labour and all other matters and local conditions, taxes etc. affecting the work. No extra payment or charge will be admitted for misjudging the site condition or work.
8. The tenderer should quote exact specification details in this tender.
9. All correction in the tenders & particularly in rates must be initialed and dated by the tenderer and at the end of each page.
10. Tender which do not fulfill all or any of the above condition or are incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected.
11. Every contractor shall unless exempted in writing by the Executive Engineer produce along with his tender Solvancy Certificate from the Collector of the district within which he resides or bankers certificate for his financial ability. If he fails to produce such certificate his tender shall not be considered.
12. Tenderer should invariably quote your tax registration nos. on the tender forms. Otherwise it will be presumed that he is an unregistered dealer.
13. All work under this tender would be subject to MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION CO.Ltd, GONDIA General condition for works and service are applicable as the case may be as stipulated in the booklet with up to date amendments and modification from time to time.
Date :-
Signature and Address of Tenderer
Executive Engineer,
Signature of the Contractor
1. Name and Address of the Contractor:-
2. Particulars of registration & class in which registered.
a) In the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution
b) In other Govt. Deptt.
3. Reference may be made to
4. Previous experience in P.W.D. and other works.
Sr. No. / Name of Work / Deptt. / Value of Work1.
Any other information if contractor may desire to give
NOTE : Attested true copies of testimonials should attached be attested which will not be
Place :- Signature of Contractor
Date : Address:
Signature of the Contractor
1) Sealed tenders are invited form the experienced contractors for transport of PSC Poles 8/9 Mtr. Long from the various pole factories i.e. KHAPERKHEDA / KORADI / DAWANIPAR / WARDHA etc. to various places coming under Gondia Division the period of contract would be till the amount of order value is executed.
2) The contractor will have to load poles at pole factory stores / work sites and transport them to various destinations and pit location or at road site or in our stores as directed by our site Engineer and unload them safely without damaging the poles/ materials inclusive of stacking in the tender rates. If required the poles / materials will be distributed along the road or carry out the work as may be directed by site Engineer, poles will be transported in field only if it is possible for trailer to go there.
3) The rates quoted should be in the enclosed schedules only.
4) For purpose of accepting the bills, the distances of various place will be as contained from the ‘State Transport Map’ of Maharashtra. In case poles are distributed over the lines, measurement will be taken to the nearest mile beyond the points indicated in S.T. Maps or as per actual transport over shortest possible route.
5) Poles should be handed carefully and contractor will have to make chain pulley arrangement for mechanically lifting and unloading of poles. Those who cannot comply with these conditions need not fill the tender.
6) Poles should be loaded and unloaded carefully while taking the pole from the factory. The contractors should check that they are in sound conditions before loading the poles in their vehicles from pole factories the cost of materials damaged will be recovered from the contractors.
7) Contractors will have to sign in agreement as per rules of MSEDCL and will have to bear stamp duty prescribed by Government for the purpose if required by this office.
8) The contract or any part there of shall not sublet without the permission of accepting authority or his authorized representative.
9) The contractor will maintain suitable record as per appendix – I in quadruplet for each trip of the truck. First copy of the material received will be sent to this office. Second to Astt. Engineer, third to site Engineer and fourth will be attached to the bill. All bills for works carried out may be submitted to the concerned Asstt. Engineer. Payment will be made within 60 days from the date of presentation completed and after completion of work.
10) In case, work is not fully carried out by the contractors, the MSEDCL will attend the same and recover the cost from Contractor’s bill.
11) While unloading the poles on the road side. Contractor will ensure that the poles do not become hazardous to traffic and should give attention to this fact. In case poles are stacked without taking due care and accident occurs contractors will be held responsible for all legal damages and compensation Act. etc.
12)The accepting authority of M.S.E.D.C.L. reserves the rights to increase or decrease the no. of poles to be transported and the contractor will be bound to accept such decisions.
13)Payment will be normally made on monthly bills submitted by the contractor for all approved works executed in the previous month upto the date fixed by Engineer in charge.
14)The accepting authority of M.S.E.D.C.L. reserves the right of rejecting all or any of the tenders and will never bound to accept the lower not to assign any reason for rejecting any or all tenders. The accepting authority also held the right to extend the time limit of order for transportation of poles with due permission from higher authority as per provision.
15) You should get yourself registered with C.P.F. authorities. The C.P.F. amount of each labour employee should be deducted as per rules engaged against this contract. Your C.P.F. registration No. should be quoted in the tender and supporting document should be enclosed in the tender.
16) The length of pole supports & other is generally 8/9 Mtrs.
17) The work order/Indent for transport of pole would be issued by the Dy. Exe. Engr., O & M Division, Gondia. The pole should be transported as per work order/indent within a week period from the date of Indent/Work. The penalty otherwise will be laid as per the MSEDCLs rule. The bill will be passed for payment by this office. The penalty clause will be applicable for this contract.