FINAL Test Review


You are responsible for ALL….

READINGS (textbook AND handouts), CONCEPTS, ASSIGNMENTS, DISCUSSIONS, SPECIAL TOPICS (i.e., field trips, computer lab…) & VIDEOS covered or assigned in classregardless of your being there on the day they were introduced, covered or reviewed, or our reviewing them in class to your satisfaction!

…AND everything from the previous quarter.


POP QUIZ: Trading for DummiesChapters 1& 2 - Plus any JSs or other assigned readings

Stocks, bonds, broker

Fundamentals: price, dividend, yield, earnings, PE ratio

How to read (AND understand) a stock listing


Markets & Exchanges


Investment strategies

The path of a stock trade

Types of trades – long v. short

Types of traders:

Investors, hedgers, speculators, day-traders & grinders

Types of orders: market, limit, stop, stop-limit

Types of brokers: full-service, discount, deep discount

NAIC trading philosophy

Any & all vocabulary (e.g., Rule of 72)

QUIZ #1Everything from the Pop Quiz #1 and…

Trading for Dummies Chapters 1 – 3, 5 & 6 –

Plus any JSs or other assigned readings

TEST #1Everything from Quiz #1 and…

Trading for Dummies Chapters 1-3, 5, 6, 8-10

Plus any JSs or other assigned readings

More Fundamentals: shareholder’s equity, book value, price/book value, PEG ratio

ROE, ROA & relative ratios

Business Cycles

Fundamental & technical analysis

Sectors / Industries

20 relevant investment factors (of course there are more)

CD/Bond Laddering

Dollar-Cost Averaging

Profit Margins

FINALEverything from Quiz #1, TEST #1 and…

Trading for Dummies Chapters 1-3, 5, 6, 8-10, 12 & 14

Plus any JSs or other assigned readings

Sell factors5/11/15


Everything from Stk Mkt I (Readings, Textbook chapters, Jig-Saws, Videos, classroom discussions, and guest speakers)

POP QUIZ: Trading for Dummies Chapter 18 - Plus any JSs or other assigned readings

Mutual Funds

NAV (& how to compute it)

Current Ratio (Assets  Liabilities)

Quick Ratio (Liquid Current Assets  Liabilities)



Future Value


Short Selling

Uptick Rule

Annual Report

Income Statement

Balance Sheet

QUIZ #1Everything from the Pop Quiz #1 and…

Value Investing

Growth Investing

TEST #1Swing Trading (265-268)



Day Trading


Market makers

Day Trading Firms

Regulation T (Min. $25,000) & Pattern Day Traders (4 day trades in a 5 day period)

Settlement (3 days) and No Free Rides

Scalpers, Trend Traders, Bandits



Subprime Mortgage (Liar Loans & Ninja Loans)

Mortgage Backed Securities

Rating Agencies (S&P, Moody’s, & Fitch)

CDOs (Collateralized Debt Obligations)

CDFs (Credit Default Swaps)

Cash flow

Value Investors revisited (248)

Growth Investors revisited (278-279)

Plus all discussion, video, ratios and math!