YES Implementation Team
Meeting #5 Notes
October 18, 2004
Attendees: Marianne Anderson, Pam Balent for Catherine Calla, Troy Cross, Becky Geltz, Eileen Greaf, Marayamah Hassan, Jeanne Herman, Dennis Konik, Betty Jo Licata, Dona Madacsi, Rick Marsico, Tom Masters, Cleo Nastopoulos, Mary Noble, Mary Jo Repasky, Jamie Stanger, Bob Tupaj, and Donna Wainio.
Implementation Team members absent: None.
· Notes from October 4, 2004 meeting were modified to clarify Rick Marsico’s report for future reference and will be forwarded to all Implementation Team members.
· Reviewed notes from October 11, 2004 meeting. No revisions recommended.
· OBUG – Travel arrangements for the Ohio Banner Users Group meeting on Friday, Oct. 29, 2004, at NEOUCOM were discussed. Marianne Anderson will drive YSU’s 15-passenger van (which transports 9 people), and we will rent two 7-passenger vans from Enterprise. Eileen Greaf will drive 1 van, and we will need a commitment from 1 other driver. Departure location/time and final arrangements will be discussed next week.
· Finance BPA – Eileen reported that results from the Finance BPA have been received and shared with Finance Team members. Information is available to other teams if interested. Marianne summarized errors she noted. Marianne will email Finance Team members requesting they review the BPA and list their comments. If warranted, Dona and Eileen will bring to Pat’s attention.
· Luminis Conference Call – is scheduled with the SCT consultant this Wednesday, October 20, at 3:00 p.m. in the Computer Center Conference Room to begin discussion/exploration of the functionality available.
Planning – Pat Kurisko will meet with Eileen and Dona this week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to discuss planning for the entire project. Meetings with other individuals have also been scheduled during her visit. Team members can forward specific issues to Eileen or Dona for discussion with Pat. A number of those issues were then discussed.
· Concern was expressed about the size of the Data Standards and Reporting Team. Dona and Eileen will review the makeup of this committee with Pat and Becky.
· Finance Team – Marianne Anderson reported that no team meeting was held since all members were either in the SCT reporting sessions last week or in the finance training sessions with the consultant, where they received a basic overview of Banner and were introduced to the menu and tool bars, etc. Finance Team will start work on the chart of accounts. Donna Wainio recorded the Finance Training sessions on Tuesday and Thursday last week. Dona M. will review the proprietary tapes. Further efforts to edit the tape and to make it available will continue. It was reported that Data Standards Committee’s recommendations for Finance need to be ready in 2 weeks. Dona and Eileen will clarify with Pat.
· Data Standards & Reporting Committee – Becky Geltz reported on SCT Assessment sessions last week. There is an option to provide additional information through the end of October. His report should be available mid to late November. Becky requested clarification of Richard’s request for information in 2 weeks. She agreed that the size of the Data Standards & Reporting Committee is too large and will approach members individually to identify their appropriate focus.
· Communications Team – Betty Jo Licata requested to meet with Dona, Eileen, and Donna Esterly regarding a press release about our SCT Banner contract, receipt and installation of the system hardware, and how that will be coordinated with the kickoff for the 115-member Implementation Team. She will email a form to each team leader for a brief PR statement to the campus showing progress we are making or the potential future benefits of Banner.
· Computer Services requested that there be campus-wide notification of the new policy that only requests mandated by the Federal government for maintenance/modifications to the current system will be processed.
· Based on the current timeline, installation of software should be complete by the end of the 2nd week of November. Finance training is also scheduled for that week, so there is a chance that the system may not be available. Donna W. is working on coordinating training space. Donna recommended that we consider the option of purchasing laptops for wireless setups if funds are available. Rick M. is looking into this option. Laptops would also be needed for the technical Oracle training on November 16.
· Next meeting is Monday, October 25th at 9:00 a.m. in Meshel Hall, 4th floor conference room.