Digital Inclusion Fellowship Application Questions

For Fellow:

In what city are you applying for a sponsored Fellowship?

How many people does your organization serve each year?

Unless otherwise noted, please answer each question below in 900 characters or less.

Why are you passionate about digital inclusion & digital literacy?

Please describe the people and communities your organization currently serves.

What is the digital inclusion landscape in your community? What are the service gaps that you see? What community partners do you think you could engage in a digital inclusion project?

What is your experience with systemically underserved communities?

How can your organization expand the impact of its digital inclusion work? What resources would this require?

How are you uniquely positioned in your organization to do this work? How will your other duties be complemented by this work? Will you need to be excused from other duties?

Are your coworkers engaged in digital inclusion issues? If not, how will you rally support for your program? If so, how do you expect they will help support your program?

What are your strategies for ensuring the projects you manage are successful?

Briefly describe your experience providing regular tracking and reporting on a project’s progress.

Please acknowledge that you understand the Fellowship will require you to:

  • Attend a three-day in-person orientation in Portland, Oregon. (Travel. lodging and related expenses are covered by the fellowship fee; no additional costs will be incurred.)
  • Craft a year-long project plan that includes key performance indicator targets (KPIs) that lay out goals for serving a specific number of unique participants, instruction hours, trained volunteers, newly staffed lab hours, or other related service areas. These KPIs will be tracked by the Fellow and reported to NTEN on a monthly basis.Past Fellows have served between 200-1000 unique participants.
  • Participate in monthly online trainings. The time commitment for these trainings will range from 1 to 2.5 hours per month, depending on the format of the training.
  • Participate in monthly cohort calls with all the other Fellows. These calls will require 1 hour per month.
  • Participate in a monthly 1-on-1 check-in with Digital Inclusion Fellowship staff to discuss plans, progress, challenges, etc. These calls may be 15 to 60 minutes long.

The Fellow must have ample time to fulfill their project plan and reach KPI goals. Depending on the scope of Fellow’s project, the amount of time needed on the project to be successful could vary widely. The Fellow must consult with their supervisor for approval on the scope of the plan and the estimate amount of time required to fulfill it. The supervisor must agree to align or reassign other duties to provide the Fellow with the time necessary to successfully complete the project.

Please sign to acknowledge that you understand and approve of the expectations on the applicant’s time if they are accepted into the Digital Inclusion Fellowship.

For Supervisor:

Briefly describe the work your organization has already done or is already doing to bridge the digital divide.

Is your applicant applying for a sponsored Fellowship? If not, do you have a sponsor or approval to independently fund this Fellowship?

How will you ensure that organization staff are engaged in supporting this work?

What resources will your organization have available to support success of the project? What resources are needed?

Is digital inclusion currently a part of your strategic plan? If so, how does this program fit in? If not, how will this program help build a digital inclusion movement in your organization?

What about the applicant makes them the best person from your organization to do this work?

Why is it important for your organization to be a leader on this issue of digital inclusion?

Successful applicants will be required to:

  • Attend a three-day in-person orientation in Portland, OR. (Travel. lodging and related expenses are covered by the fellowship fee, no additional costs will be incurred.)
  • Craft a year-long project plan that includes key performance indicator targets (KPIs) that lay out goals for serving a specific number of unique participants, instruction hours, trained volunteers, newly staffed lab hours, or other related service areas. These KPIs will be tracked by the Fellow and reported to NTEN on a monthly basis.Past Fellows have served between 200-1000 unique participants.
  • Participate in monthly online trainings. The time commitment for these trainings will range from 1 to 2.5 hours per month, depending on the format of the training.
  • Participate in monthly cohort calls with all the other Fellows. These calls will require 1 hour per month.
  • Participate in a monthly 1-on-1 check-in with Digital Inclusion Fellowship staff to discuss plans, progress, challenges, etc. These calls may be 15 to 60 minutes long.

The Fellow must have ample time to fulfill their project plan and reach KPI goals. Depending on the scope of Fellow’s project, the amount of time needed on the project to be successful could vary widely. The Fellow must consult with their supervisor for approval on the scope of the plan and the estimate amount of time required to fulfill it. The supervisor must agree to align or reassign other duties to provide the Fellow with the time necessary to successfully complete the project.

Please sign to acknowledge that you understand and approve of the expectations on the applicant’s time if they are accepted into the Digital Inclusion Fellowship.