SIEC Broadband Working Group Meeting Minutes

August 14, 2014

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SIEC Broadband Working Group Subcommittee Minutes

Thursday, August 14, 2014

303 Transportation Circle Dover, DE

Mark Grubb - DIVCOMM
Bill Carrow – DIVCOMM
Tom Kadunce – DIVCOMM
Gene Donaldson - DelDOT
Tim Dobrowolski - RCC
Jim Cole - DTI
Jeff Miller - New Castle County
Jen Dittman - DEMA
Joe Thomas – Sussex County
Mark Cabry - DTI
Kevin Sipple – Kent County
Michael Witkowski – City of Wilmington
Colonel Dallas Wingate – DNG
Mayor Donald F. Tinari – LLG
Lisa Morris – DOJ
Guests -
Rich Reed – FirstNet

Welcome Remarks – Mark Grubb

Mark Grubb opened the meeting at 10:25 a.m. and introduced Rich Reed from FirstNet.

Approval of Meeting Minutes from Previous Meeting – Mark Grubb

Motion by Bill Carrow, second by Jim Cole to approve the minutes of the June meeting as presented. Passed unanimously.

Scheduled Business Meeting:

Rich Reed provided a presentation on FirstNet and an overview of the planned build-out of the National Public Safety Broadband Network. Discussion also centered on the current consultation process with the states, how best to prepare and invite the right participants.

State Single Point of Contact Update – Mark Grubb
Mark provided an overview of the SLIGP grant and recent attendance to the APCO 80th annual conference in New Orleans. DelNet was well represented and our social networking was utilized to provide real time reporting from major presentations by FirstNet and others on broadband issues.
Old Business

New Business

Community reports – None.

Next Meeting

Thursday, October 9, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. or immediately following the SIEC meeting.
It was recommended this meeting be held at the National Guard HQ in New Castle, since the SIEC has requested to meet there. Once the location is solidified, a calendar invite will be forwarded.

Remaining 2014 Bimonthly Meeting Dates

NOTE – All meetings begin at 10:00 a.m. or immediately following the SIEC meeting.

Thursday December 11


Motion by Bill Carrow, second by Jim Cole to adjourn. Meeting Adjourned @ 11:55 a.m.