My Stroke Care Plan
My Stroke Care Plan aims to:
· Help you manage your health and care as well as possible
· Helps you and the medical professionals, i.e. doctors and nurses, and others who may be involved with your care to work together with you to know about your health condition(s) and what is important to you.
· Provide information about your condition, your medication and your preferences in a convenient form which can be available should you need to visit a hospital or a surgery other than your usual one (e.g. who do not have access to your GP notes)
· Help everyone involved in your health to know what your goals are over the next 12 months.
Warning signs of stroke
Facial Weakness
Can the person smile? Has their mouth or eye dropped?
Arm Weakness
Can the person raise both arms?
Speech Problems
Can the person speak clearly and understand what you say?
Call 999
Stroke is a medical emergency.
It is important to act quickly, if you have any new symptoms
Click this link to access the Stroke Association FAST video: FAST VIDEO
About Me
My Name: / What I like to be called:Address: / DOB:
Who lives at home:
Work: (Circle one )
I am working full time / part time / unemployed / sick leave / retired
Contact Details:
Email: / Preferred means
of contact: / Communication needs:
Religion / Ethnic Background: / My preferred language is:
My NHS number: / GP Name, Address , Tele number
My next of kin and other contacts:
Name / Relationship to me / Contact detailsNext of kin:
My main carer/supporter and others involved in my care (if appropriate):
Name / Relationship to me / Contact detailsMain carer/supporter:
This is the care my carer provides to me:
These are the services my carer accesses for support / e.g. Carer’s in Herts or Crossroads
My health and social care contacts:
Doctors and Pharmacy / Your pharmacy telephone numberName of GP / Name of your Physiotherapist
Name of Practice / Name of your Occupational Therapist
Telephone / Name of your Stroke Association contact
Name of Consultant / Name of your Social Worker
Your NHS number / Name of your Speech and Language Therapy
Your Hospital clinician is / You can contact them on this number at the times shown
Your Community Clinician / You can contact them on this number at the times shown
Should you need help and advice at the weekend please contact / Other involved professionals
My Choices
The following section is for you to write information about yourself, your likes and dislikes and what is important to you. It is up to you whether you wish to complete this and how much information you want to include. Some people have found this helpful after a stroke particularly when meeting new staff and professionals in the community.
You may wish to include information on the interests and preferences you had before you had your stroke and the ones you have now. Some of these may be the same, but some may be different.
You may also like to include information on your dislikes and what is important to you for the people supporting you to understand.
My interests and preferences before my strokeMy interests and preferences after my stroke
Personal Care Plan sheets
What is the identified need? Where am I now?(e.g. I need help to return to work but my speech and mobility are badly affected)
Where do I want to be? How will I know when I have achieved my goal?
What needs to happen to achieve my goal? How am I going to get there?
My Stroke Risk Factors
You may wish to take some time talking with a member of your team and family about your own risk factors of having another stroke and the changes you can make to lower your chances of having another stroke. There is a questionnaire available on the following pages which will help you identify areas for change.
Ask your clinician if you would like them to work through this with you.
My Stroke Risk Factors are:Changes I can make to reduce risk
My Lifestyle Assessment
There are various changes in lifestyle that will help you feel fitter and healthier and help reduce your risk of stroke.
Circle the letter of the most relevant answer in each section for further discussion with your clinician.
1. DietEating more fruit and vegetables, oily fish and low fat, high fibre foods can help to reduce your risk of stroke. Reducing the amount of salt in your diet can reduce blood pressure.
How much would you like to improve your diet?
A. I don’t need to, I am already eating healthily
B. There probably are some changes I could make
C. I know that my diet could be better, but I need more information
D. My diet isn’t very healthy, but I’m not ready to make changes
Comments: / 2. Weight
A healthy weight can help to prevent high blood pressure, vascular illness and diabetes.
How important is it for you to be a healthy weight/like some help and advice to lose weight?
A. I’m underweight and would like to put on a few pounds
B. I think my weight is just about right
C. I’d like to lose a few pounds
D. I’d like some help and advice to lose weight
3. Alcohol
Too much alcohol will raise your blood pressure therefore increasing the risk of stroke.
Do you want to make changes to your alcohol consumption?
A. I don’t drink at all
B. Not really, I keep within the recommended guidelines
C. I do drink over the advised limit and would like to cut down
D. I drink more than the recommended guidelines, but I’m not ready to make any change
Comment: / 4. Smoking
Smoking raises your blood pressure and doubles your risk of stroke.
Do you want to stop smoking?
A. I don’t smoke at all
B. Yes, definitely. I’m ready to stop now on my own but I need information and some encouragement
C. Yes, I’d like to stop. Please refer me to the Smoking Cessation Service
D. No, I’m not ready to give up yet, but I’d like some information
E. No, I’m not ready to stop
5. Activity and Exercise
Increasing your level of activity can reduce your risk of having a stroke. Whatever activity you choose, it should make you feel slightly warm and mildly breathless but not speechless. If your mobility is limited, it is still important to keep as active as possible.
Do you want to make changes to your activity levels?
A. Not at all, I exercise regularly, (five times a week)
B. I try to exercise 2-3 times a week
C. I do the housework and shopping but would like to do more
D. I tend to sit most of the day, but would like to increase my activity level
Comment: / 6. Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety can affect your feeling of well-being and raise blood pressure. Often people don’t recognise that they are stressed, but may be drinking more, smoking, are unable to sleep, have a loss of appetite or find themselves comfort eating.
How important is it for you to reduce your stress levels?
A. Not important at all, I don’t get stressed
B. Not that important, I have my own ways of dealing with stress
C. Quite important, sometimes I feel stressed and I’d like some information and advice about this
D. Very important, I often feel stressed and anxious
Your Services and Support
Servicee.g Physiotherapy / Name
e.g. Debbie Smith
e.g. Mondays from 1/3/10 at 2pm / Support
e.g. Mobility exercises
Service / Name
When / Support
Service / Name
When / Support
Service / Name
When / Support
Appointments List
You may find it helpful to make a note here of your appointments. Record below who the appointment is with and the date, time and venue.
My Medication
(You may wish to attach a list of your current medications to this care plan. Please ask your pharmacist or GP to provide you with a recent copy).
Medication / Dose / Format eg. tablet, syrup, injection / type of device etc / I take this medication at the following times / I take this medicine because it will ( eg. help prevent me from having a heart attack)My allergies and drug reactions are:
Drug Name / Reaction (e.g. rash or diarrhoea)This is the support I need with managing my medicines:
Concerns I have about my medication that I want to discuss with my doctor:
Date of last review: Date of next review:
Communications Page
You may find it useful to make any notes you wish on these Communication Pages to record your progress, treatment plans, concerns and achievements. You may also wish to ask professionals and relatives to write in these pages.
Date / Details / Name/SignatureWhat do I do if I become poorly?
(Sudden change in my health)
Signs and symptoms / Action to be taken / Who to contact? / Contact detailsAdvance Planning: If my condition progresses or suddenly deteriorates, these are the arrangements that I would like to be considered:
My preferences and priorities for future care when I am ill or towards the end of life:
Treatment Escalation PlanPreferred Place of Care
Treatment Escalation Plan
I can confirm I have the following documentation:
Document / Yes / No / Where these documents are keptAdvance Directive/Living Will
Lasting Power of Attorney(Finances)
Lasting Power of Attorney (Welfare)
Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Order signed by a doctor
Other Care or Support Plan
This shared care plan was created by me/ in partnership with me (*delete as appropriate) and reflects my personal information, wishes, needs and goals.
Completed By:
Additional Information
For further Information on a range of other support services I can contact Herts Help on 0300 123 4044 (Mon – Friday 8am-6pm)
NHS Choices: good place to start when looking for trusted health information.