University of California Admissions Checklist

¨  Get a separate and PROFESSIONAL email address.

¨  GET ORGANIZED! Have a separate folder for all college-related documents.

¨  Get an estimate of your financial aid package, visit FAFSA4caster (

¨  Work on the personal statements. Make sure not to mention any school in them.

¨  Use the “Additional Comments” section to explain a bad grade (s), difficult circumstances, extra honors and/or activities, a bad semester, etc.

¨  Get your personal statements edited twice

¨  The high school academic term used is “Semester.” Select this on your application when inputting courses and grades, not “Quarter”

¨  Our CEEB School Code is: 051520

¨  Request a copy of your transcript to record your courses in the application. Courses being taken in fall semester are “In progress”

¨  Ask your academic counselor about what courses you will take in the spring so you can include them in your application as “planned”

¨  Begin the admissions application starting October 1, open one application at a time, (the application cannot be submitted until November)

¨  Click “Yes” on applying for EOP in the application. If accepted to EOP, it helps in admission, academic support services, and sometimes extra $

¨  Submit your application to the UC beginning November 1st and BEFORE November 30th. You can request a fee waiver online at the end of the application. If granted, you can apply to up to four campuses.

¨  Apply to each school’s available scholarships (if applicable), see university website

¨  If there are any changes (schedule, grades, etc.) to what you reported on your application, call the office of admissions to make those changes.

¨  If requested by the university, request a 7th semester (end of first semester of senior year) transcript with Geri Valles in room 124 to be sent immediately!

¨  Submit your housing application (if applicable)\

¨  Request that your SAT/ACT test scores be sent to the colleges to which you applied by December 15th through the websites.

¨  The district submits your Cal Grant GPA verification to the California Student Aid Commission.

¨  Open FAFSA application ( after January 1st. Complete your FAFSA by March 2nd! Email your confirmation number to your email account.

¨  AB 540 students (students that have no Social Security number) go to the California Dream Act Application ( fill it in before March 2

¨  A few weeks after submitting the FAFSA, set up an account ( to see your Cal Grant award status

¨  The admissions office will communicate a lot to you via the portal and email

¨  Register for the English/Math placement tests ASAP!

¨  Review your admissions letters

¨  Review your financial aid award letters to help you make a decision

¨  Accept/Reject your offers by May 1st

¨  Ask the admissions office if you can use your financial aid to pay for your enrollment deposit

¨  Register early for the earliest Orientation date possible

¨  Are you AB 540? Pick up a residency declaration form to submit to the admissions office. Without it, you will be charged out of state tuition!

¨  Requested a final official transcript with Geri Valles in room 124 to be sent the University of your choice