PRESENT: / Lucy Ettridge (Bolton PCT),Frank Chadwick, Anne Bain, Harold Hunter, John Addison (Bolton Health Overview & Scrutiny),Mark Fraser ( Bolton Council),Isabel Seddon (COMCO), John Seddon (COMCO), Gail Gregory (COMCO),Victor Williams (COMCO), Mike Phillips, Karen Johnston (Bolton Council), Larry Hollando (Bolton Council),Sheila Tracy (Bolton Patients Council), Ann Benn (Chair), Joy Tweed (Consultant)
APOLOGIES: / Tina Taylor, Ruth Heaton, Joanne Taylor, Kevin O’Neill
1. / Introduction
Ann Benn welcome all to the meeting particularly the representatives from COMCO who had been successfully appointed as host for the Bolton LINk and Joy Tweed who is attending to help the development of a governance model for the LINk.
The main item of the agenda for the meeting is the development work on Governance – the agenda indicated that the meeting would take approximately 3 hours, although a number of people may need to leave before the end their contribution was welcomed.
2.1 / Matters arisingfrom meeting of 21 April.
Sheila Tracy was present although not mentioned in the minutes, Harold Hunter is not from the Patients Forum as indicated in the minutes but from the Patients Council for Mental Health.
2.2 / Lucy informed the meeting that invitation had gone out to over 70 people for the Volunteers Meeting
2.3 / Larry contacted the NHS photographer to inform them of the date of the next LINk Transitional Group but he had not received a reply.
2.4. / Ann Benn thanked everyone for attending the interview of the host organisation and requested that COMCO’s submission be circulated to all members of the Transitional Group. Gail explained COMCO had just signed the contract which would start on the 1st June. John Seddon explained that there were some problems with VAT, which could mean a reduction of 17.5% of the funding available for the LINks. / LH
4 / Discussion on Governance Model
Joy opened the session by explaining that most localities were tackling with this issue and what was available were the governance model arrangements developed by the early adopter authorities. She circulated two models extracted from a document produced by the NHS centre for involvement called Traditional Model and Innovative Model.
The Traditional Model has a core Steering Group at the centre with the broader circle of Active LINK Participants linked to Task or Sub Groups encompassed in a larger circle of Wider LINk participants in Geographic and/or Thematic Groups.
The Innovative Model does not have a core Steering Group – the main activity take place through periodic Citizen’s Meetings arranged by the host which set the work plan and may set Task Groups on specific areas time limited or continuing.
The consensus was that in Bolton we would go for the Transitional Model; a long discussion then took place around the membership which covered:
  1. The potential to develop a geographical approach linked to Area Forums perhaps starting by combining several wards whilst recruitment continues. Alternatively to continue with topic based representation ( mental health, older people etc.) although this could be achieved via sub groups.
  1. The need to ensure there is a good balance between representatives with interests in health and social care issues.
  1. The need to include voluntary organisations.
  1. The need to separate statutory organisations from the Steering Group but perhaps to co-operate with them by setting up an Advisory Group.
  1. A view that we should start where we are ( i.e. the current membership of the Transitional Group) but that the group comprises mainly of ex PPI members.
  1. Possible renaming the Transitional Group as Development
Group ( without statutory agency) to be reviewed in
January 09.
There was generally agreement in respect 2,3,4,5 whilst 1 needed further discussion.
Joy also asked the group about the values Bolton LINK should aspire to. The following is a transcription of the Flip Chart:
Communication – how do we act on what people say – prioritise- decision making
Participation – allowing people’s worries to be heard
Not duplicating
Transparent procedures
Positive outcomes
Listening, ready to change
Whole patient journey
Informing 2 way
Network of networks
Also the seldom heard – challenge – How do we involve?
Accountable open and transparent
Purpose ( Flip chart)
For people of Bolton – supporting their needs
LINk could influence how services are available (more available) + central
Identifying trends (of complaints concerns) – dealing with issues
Good working relationship with Health Scrutiny
Strategic level
Gets down to a deeper level
Reflecting social care
Emerging themes about values, role and function (from the above)
These appear to be:
Bolton LINks to be
Inclusive of all groups served by health and social care with a particular effort in reaching those seldom heard.
With transparent and accountable policies and processes.
Available to hear people’s concern, looking for trends and operating at a strategic level - communicating them to statutory agencies.
Complementing other groups rather then aiming to replace them but acting as a co-ordinator (network of networks).
Reflect both health and social care following a patient’s journey.
Operating a two way communication system.
Working alongside the Health and Social care Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
Aiming for positive outcomes.
Available to members of the public.
Priorities for Work Plan
A discussion took place to begin to identify possible priorities for the Work Plan for 2008/09 and the following areas were identified by the group:
  1. Mapping current groups to avoid duplication of efforts
  2. Agree initial governance arrangements
  3. Agree working relationships with the two Overview & Scrutiny Groups, commissioners and NHS & LA providers

5. / Next Meeting
The meeting due on the 26th June coincides with a regional LINK meeting, it was decided therefore to cancel the June meeting and to hold the next meeting on 31st July at Jubilee House if at all possible.
Larry to arrange. / LH