6th grade Art Syllabus
Ms. McKinney
FranklinSimpsonMiddle School
Class description
In this course, students will explore a variety of techniques and materials used to produce drawings, paintings, printing and three-dimensional works of art. Students will create works demonstrating design theory. Students will analyze their performance and evaluate the merits of selected historical art works and art styles.
Required grade expectations
• Bring required materials daily
• Remain on task throughout each class period
• Turn in all class assignments on time
• Make up all class work missed due to absences
Required behavioral expectations
• Be respectful (to your space, to others, and to the materials)
• Be on time for class
• Be prepared for class
• Raise your hand to speak or to get out of your seat
• Follow all Codes of Discipline as outlined in the FSMS Agenda
Grading Scale
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 59-0
Conduct Grades
A = Excellent
B = Needs Improvement
C = Poor
D = Unsatisfactory
F= Unacceptable
Main Topics
Studio Production
Fiber work
Latin American Mural Art
China (the evolution of Ceramics)
Students will also learn and review the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design
I have read the syllabus and discipline policy for art class and understand it
______Parent signature
______Printed name
Discipline Policy for Art Class
- In order that you receive the best instruction possible and learn at your highest level, you will be expected to meet all classroom expectations in your related arts classroom.
- Failure to follow the classroom expectations/rules/CHAMPS procedures (i.e. not working, wrong voice level, disrespectful, blurting out, being unprepared, etc.) will result in a T3 Card.
- You will fill out your own card without talking or further disruption. When you are finished, you may give it back to the teacher. Each T3 Card you receive deducts 5 points from your conduct grade.
- If you receive 3 cards from a teacher, you will be placed into TIP (Team Isolation Program) in a designated spot in the teacher’s room for an entire class period. If you receive more than two, the consequences are as follows.
1)3 cards = TIP
2)4 cards = conference with student
3)5 cards = referral to office
4)6 or more cards = parent contact and referral
- Rules for TIP will be posted in the TIP area. They are as follows:
1)Zero voice level (no noises, talking, asking questions)
2)Stay seated
3)Stay on task (you will be given work to be completed)
4)Complete assigned work
5)You are not dismissed until the teacher dismisses you
- REWARDS!!! Students who don’t have any, zero, zilch T3 Cards at the end of the 9 weeks will receive a special treat…free time in the gym!