Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies (RLS)

Recreation and Leisure Studies Alumni Association (RALSAA) Scholarship

CeEtta Crayton Community Development Scholarship

CeEtta Crayton joined the faculty of the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies in 1972. She founded the department’s Therapeutic Recreation program, serving as the program coordinator for 27 years, and the CPRS Ethnic Minority Recreation Association, serving as the president on both the state (1981-1983) and national levels (1985-1987).

The Recreation and Leisure Studies Alumni Association (RALSAA) awards a $500 Scholarship in honor of Professor CeEtta Crayton, to a current undergraduate student who demonstrates academic ability, who has volunteered or worked in recreation programs and whose career goal is to use recreation to foster individual development and/or community development in underserved communities.

Students can apply for the Scholarship or can be nominated by a RLS student (or group of students), faculty, or alumni.

Criteria: the Recreation Major Student applicant must:

1) Be in good academic standing (at least a 2.0 GPA).

2) Demonstrate either paid or non-paid work experience, by submitting a resume.

3) Complete a personal statement, which describes the student’s commitment to fostering individual development and/or community development to underserved communities, and how that relates to their career goals.

Application Process: THE DEADLINE TO APPLY IS MARCH 6, 2015. Applications may be obtained online from the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies Beach Board Site, and when typed and completed, returned to Joanie Conley in the Recreation Leisure Studies office ET 101 by the deadline.

Each application should include the following information:

1.  The Application Form with the Student’s Personal Statement:

a)  Explanation of the extent of involvement and/or contribution to the Department, University,

and/or the Community.

b)  Description of paid or unpaid work in recreation programs addressing individual development

and/or community development in underserved communities.

2.  Cumulative grade point average verification by attaching a MyCSULB unofficial transcript

3.  A copy of the student’s resume.

RLS students, faculty, or alumni can nominate a student with a statement of support. Those wishing to

nominate will:

1.  Complete the attached form explaining the student’s involvement and/or contribution to the Department, University, and/or the Community.

2.  Identify the student’s experiences in recreation programs addressing individual development and/or community development in underserved communities

3.  Attach a copy of the student’s resume

Selection: 1) Complete the attached nomination form and submit all documents to the office of the Department of Recreation and

Leisure Studies by MARCH 6, 2015 at 5 PM. If you have any questions contact Joanie Conley via email

. The selection committee will include two RALSAA Alumni, and an RLS Faculty Member.

The CeEtta Crayton Community Development Scholarship Award will be announced at the David Gray Awards.

Note: This scholarship will be placed on the student's financial aid account. The student must be continuing to take classes the following semester or summer session.

CeEtta Crayton Community Development Scholarship

RALSAA Scholarship Application Form 2015

Student Applicant or Nominee: Campus ID#:
Phone # : Email :
Address: Street City: Zip code:
Major: Minor:
Recreation Degree Courses GPA: Cumulative GPA:
Graduation Date (Projected):
If this is a nomination please complete the following:
Name of person(s) nominating: Title: ___student__ faculty __ alumni
Email: Phone#:
Type in support information below (form expands automatically):
1.  Explanation of the extent of involvement and/or contribution of the student to the Department, the University, and/or the Community
2. Identify the student’s experiences in recreation programs (paid or non-paid) addressing individual development and/or community development in underserved communities and how that relates to career goals.