Town of Ridge Spring
P.O. Box 444
Ridge Spring, SC 29129
Council Meeting
Monday, June 5, 2017
6:30 p.m.
Present: Mayor Asbill, Councilman Asbill, Councilman Christie, Councilman Lybrand. Councilwoman Harris absent.
I. Call to Order
Mayor Asbill called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
Councilman Lybrand gave the invocation
III.Approval of Minutes – Monday, May 1, 2017, Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Mayor Asbill asked council if they had any additions or corrections to the minutes of April 3, 2017 and April 10, 2017. There were none. Councilman Christie made the motion to accept the minutes as written; Councilman Lybrand seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.
VI.Approval of Financial Reports for April 2017
Mayor Asbill asked council if they had any additions or corrections to the financial reports of April, 2017. Councilman Christie made the motion to accept the financial reports as written, Councilman Lybrand seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.
V.Announcements by Mayor
1)Mayor Asbill thanked all staff members for helping with the Peachtree 23. Mayor Asbill said it was a great success.
2)Mayor Asbill said that FORS and Saluda County Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring a movie night at Town Hall on June 16, 2017. They will be showing the movie called Monster Trucks.
3)Mayor Asbill said that the nuisance ordinance needs to be updated, so the Town can address abandoned properties properly.
4)Mayor Asbill said Mr. Leduc is working on a sewer pass through proposal to present to Saluda County Water & Sewer Authority.
5)Mayor Asbill said the Town will not have to have an election because no new candidates ran for Council seats and all the petitions for the current councilmembers are correct.
VI.Old Business - Second reading of Budget Ordinance 2017-02 for fiscal year 2017-18
Councilman Christie made the motion to accept the ordinance as written; and was seconded by Councilman Asbill. All in favor. Budget Ordinance 2017-02 passes.
VII.New Business - Discuss Ordinance that candidates run for office by petition.
Mayor Asbill said she wants council to give their thoughts on paying a filing fee to run in elections instead of using the petitions. Councilman Christie said that the Town would have to advertise in advance for the filing fee style but it would be a lot easier than the petition style. Councilman Lybrand said that the petition style election is outdated. Mayor Asbill said that she will talk to Mr. Leduc about it.
VIII.Councilmember Reports
Councilman Asbill
Councilman Asbill said he spoke with Jeffrey Jordan with SCDOT and he said they received a bad batch of asphalt and that is why they have not fixed any of the pot holes in town. Councilman Asbill said he spoke with our House of Representative Cal Forrest and Mr. Forrest said that Ridge Spring should think about implementing a hospitality tax, it would bring in some extra revenue for the Town.
Councilman Lybrand
Nothing to report
Councilman Christie
Councilman Christie said that Mayor Asbill and he met with Georgianna from HPG and Mr. Leduc and they are working on a sewer pass through contact for Saluda County Water & Sewer Authority. Councilman Christie said they are trying to come up with a more accurate amount instead of the .25 cents per thousand gallons. Councilman Christie said that council also needs to insure the Town has a regular contract for sewer with Saluda County Water and Sewer Authority. Councilman Christie thanked the entire staff for the work done at the Peachtree 23. Councilman Christie said that the Fire Department is frequently called out to Valley Proteins to put out a lot of grease fires. Councilman Christie said the Fireman have to degrease their fire suits, and the hoses on the trucks, every time they are called out there. Councilman Christie asked council if they think Valley Protein should pay a reimbursement fee to the Fire Department every time they are called out there to put a grease fire out. Councilman Christie recommends Mayor Asbill and Fire Chief Derrick write a letter to management at Valley Protein asking them to cover the cost of degreasing the fire suits and fire hoses on the trucks.
IX.Departmental Reports
Water & Streets – as attached
Mike said he worked with Andrew Bodie to repair air in the well system. They also reduced the well runtime from 12 hours to 8 hours daily. Mike said pump # 1 will not run and he has scheduled a service call to have the problem fixed. Mike said the power went out at the Ward Tank and he had to reset the modem for it tostart back working properly. Mike said he installed I-Tracker devices into the sewer linesto start the inflow and infiltration assement. Mike said the South side and West side has been measured and Noble Street has excess inflow water. Mike also assisted Palmetto Pump and Control with the installation of the new pump at the North Lagoon. Mike said they sprayed and cut around the walking track, ditches, curbs, and fire hydrants. Mike said they trimmed trees on Oak Street and at the Town Square. Mike said they also cleaned and prepped the town square areas for the Peachtree 23 yard sale.
Police Dept. – as attached
Chief Greiner said he is meeting with Lt. Clare from Batesburg-Leesville Police Department about some security cameras in the downtown area. Chief Greiner said he has spoken with Jason Collins with Collins Computer Consulting and he is working with Comporium to get the Town additional web coverage in the downtown area. Chief Greiner said the American Armor Foundation approved to pay for a bullet proof vest for him through a grant. Chief Greiner also said the Municipal Association will pay 50% for body cameras for the Town. Chief Greiner said that Josh Morton gave the Town a 800 mhz radio to use. Chief Greiner said that the radio is already programmed with the Fire Department but not the Police Department, so he will get it programmed. Chief Greiner said there will also be a monthly fee of $35.00 for it. Chief Greiner said he received a bid for Law Trac Software to replace PD Manager. He said it is much more user friendly and it is compatible with “E” tickets and FR-310 wreck forms. Chief Greiner said the Peachtree 23 yard sale went well.
At 7:35p.m. Councilman Asbill made a motion to adjourn; the motion was seconded by Councilman Christie. All in favor; motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Summer Brown, Clerk