/ California State Board of Education Policy / Page 2 of 2
State Testing Apportionment Informational Report / DATE / November 2008

California State Board of Education Policy


08 - #


State Testing Apportionment Informational

Report Deadline


November 2008

Authority: Education Code (EC) Section 33050, 862 (c)(2)(A)
Purpose: To waive portions of California Code of Regulations, Title 5 sections 862(c)(2)(A), 1225(b)(3)(A) and 11517.5(b)(1)(A).

The assessment apportionment funds for the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program, California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE), and California English Language Development Test (CELDT) are unrestricted funds which are used, among other things, to reimburse local educational agencies (LEAs) for local costs associated with the assessments. In order to be reimbursed for these expenses, the LEA must file a report with the California Department of Education (CDE).

All three regulations for the State Testing Apportionment Information Report were amended in 2005 to include an annual deadline of December 31 of each year (highlighted below) for the return of the Apportionment Information Report for prior year testing for STAR, CAHSEE, and CELDT to receive reimbursement.

If an LEA misses this deadline, they need to complete the entire local process to request a waiver of this deadline, and the State Board of Education must approve the waiver before the LEA can be reimbursed for the local costs associated with the assessments.

Statutory Provisions:

STAR program regulation CCR, Title 5 (5 CCR),Section 862 (c)(2)(A) requires that districts must send reports of the number of tests given to CDE by December 31; however in those same regulations, 5 CCR 862(c)(b)(2) allows a waiver of that deadline.

CAHSEE program regulation, 5 CCR 1225(b)(2)(A) requires that districts must send reports of the number of tests given to CDE by December 31; however, in those same regulations, 5CCR 862(c)(b)(2) allows a waiver of that deadline.

CELDT program regulation 5 CCR Section 11517.5(b)(1)(A) requires that districts must send reports of the number of tests given to CDE by December 31; however in those same regulations, 5 CCR 862(c)(b)(2) allows a waiver of that deadline.

The CDE Waiver Office has processed many waivers in the past, all of which were approved by the State Board of Education. CDE staff ensures that only waiver requests consistent with the evaluation guidelines are placed on the State Board’s consent calendar for waivers.

Evaluation Guidelines

The LEA:

·  Will describe the circumstances that caused them to miss the apportionment deadline(s).

·  Indicate that they are now all aware of this important change in the timeline and must submit their reports to the Standard and Assessment Division Office for reimbursement.

·  Will put into place guidelines for all currently employed staff and new staff to follow so that this deadline will not be missed in the future.