Name ______
Unit 2 Worksheet #2
1. ______Name for any chemical compound held together with covalent bonds
2.______Polysaccharide found in exoskeleton of insects, cell walls of fungi
3.______“Bad fat” composed of glycerol and 3 fatty acid tails; usually from animal source
4. ______Polysaccharide found in plant cell walls; source of fiber for humans
5.______Not a true bond; an attraction between two polar molecules
6.______Lipid found in cell membranes of all cells; 1 end is polar, other end is non-polar
7.______“Many units”; any molecule made up of many similar building blocks
8.______Biomolecules composed of CHON; used for support, structure, movement
9.______Polysaccharide; storage form of glucose in plants
10.______Disaccharide; monomers are glucose and fructose
11.______Chemical bond in which electrons are transferred from one atom to another
12.______Polysaccharide; storage form of glucose in animals
13.______Strong, stable bond in which atoms share electrons
14.______Molecules with the same chemical formula, but a different arrangement of atoms
15.______Biomolecule group that is non-polar, insoluble in water; CHO
16.______Monomers of proteins
17.______Steroid found in cell membranes of all animal cells; also used in hormone production
18.______Monosaccharide that is preferred energy source for human cells
19.______Term used to describe any molecule that contains carbon
20.______Disaccharide; monomers are glucose and glucose
21.______C5 H10 O5
22.______Any charged particle
23.______Disaccharide found in milk; monomers are glucose and galactose
24.______Group of biomolecules composed of CHO; always have ratio of 2H : 1O
25. ______substance with a pH of 13
Give the biomolecule being description:
26. ______made by joining amino acid subunits in long chains which provide a wide variety of functions in cells
27. ______made from carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; contains glycerol as a building block
28. ______made fromnucleotide subunits which store and carry information
29. ______hydrophobic compounds; made mainly from carbon & hydrogen atoms in long chains or multiple ring
30. ______used for insulation and cushioning of organs
31. ______used for energy needs and structure
32. ______includes molecules that serve as biological catalyst
Fill – In – The – Blank
33. ______What three elements are common to all biomolecules?
34. ______What is the molecular formula for glucose?
35. ______Carbon’s importance is due largely to the arrangement of its ______.
Answerquestions36-39using the diagram below:
36. ______What reaction is illustrated above?
37. ______Specifically, what is removed at “A”
38. ______What is the product of this entire reaction? (What is the resulting molecule? general term)
39. ______What is the reverse of this reaction. (if arrow was going the other way)
IV. Provide the missing information in the following table.
Substance / pH / Acid, Base, or Neutral? / Relative Strength?(Circle one)
Saliva / 6.2 / Strong Weak
Bleach / 13.0 / Strong Weak
Cola / 2.5 / Strong Weak
Water / XXXXX
The graph below shows the levels of acidity that different kinds of freshwater fish can tolerate. Low pH values mean the water is more acidic.
Based on the data, which of the following fish would most likely experience the largest population declines due to acid rain pollution?
- brown troutb. smallmouth bass c. fathead minnow d. yellow perch
1.Study the diagrams below. Indicate whether the diagram is an example of a carbohydrate, lipid, protein or nucleic acid.
c.______d. ______
e. ______f. ______
g. ______h. ______