Hurumia Watoto Organization

The Africa Charity Project:

Sponsorship Proposal

October 2012

Mwanza, Tanzania

Letter from the Director

Dear Supporter,

Over the past 5 years, Hurumia Watoto has played an indispensable role in assisting in helping women and children in Tanzania whose lives are impacted by disease, illiteracy and poverty. This important work is made possible largely by the support of generous donors who contribute to our campaign.

Currently, the organization is looking to secure your support to expand its work, and to introduce new means of aiding these women and children in achieving better, more fulfilling lives. The organization is seeking to establish a vocational training center along with a green space and class rooms, to serve the area of Mwanza. Tied to this is the goal to acquire used laptops, to be stored at the facility and made accessible to nearby villages, ultimately improving access to information and knowledge as well as access to health care providers in remote rural areas.

By making a contribution to the Africa Charity Project: One Laptop per Village campaign, you’ll be directly contributing to vulnerable people struggling to cope with diseases (HIV/AIDS) and illiteracy, and lack of access to essential resources.Can we count on you to make a donation to this important cause?

Hurumia Watotois depending on your assistance and generosity. Thank you for your consideration and continued support.


Albert S. Kahai
Founder and director

The Hurumia Watoto (HW) is an impartial, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to assist vulnerable women and children and to provide them opportunity for living a more fulfilling and sustainable life. The HWC also endeavours to prevent illiteracy by promoting and providing education.

Table of Contents

Letter from the Director

1.About Hurumia Watoto

1.1HWO Objectives

2.HWO Projects at a Glance...... 4

2.1Llemela...... 4

2.2Mwanza...... 4

3.The Africa Charity Project – One Laptop per Village...... 5

4.Current Partner Organizations...... 6

5.Contact Hurumia Watoto...... 7

6. Budget form……………………………………………………………………………8

About Hurumia Watoto

The Hurumia Watoto Organization (HWO) is a community-based institution working to support HIV/AIDS afflicted widows, young women, and children to alleviate hardships and to live healthy and environmentally sustainable lives in Tanzania. The institution provides capacity building, vocational training, and education assistance, as well as offering a resource centre regarding HIV/AIDS prevention.

The organization is located in Mwanza, Tanzania, about 12 kilometers from the Mwanza airport. Operations are centered in the Ilemela districtsof Mwanza city, and surrounding rural villages.

HWO Objectives

The main objective of Hurumia Watoto (HWO) is to alleviate the poverty experienced by widows afflicted with HIV/AIDS, and their children, through capacity building as well as educational and vocational training.

The organization coordinates skills training workshops, assists in realizing income generating activities, as well as educating women and children, particularly young females, regarding HIV/AIDS prevention. The activities and education are all undertaken with a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability and conservation.

Much of HWO’s work is undertaken in collaboration with international NGOs and partners within the community striving towards the same goals.


  • Develop a resource center for education regarding HIV/AIDS prevention andcapacity building
  • Through vocational training, assist widows, women and younger females to become self reliant
  • Develop water resources to alleviate daily hardships for women
  • Promote and educate citizens regarding environmental conservation
  • Empower women to meet their basic needs through health and medical treatment.
  • Provide education, health and shelter for young children
  • Encourage environmental conservation such as by planting trees and green areas
  • Encouraging dialogue across segments of society -- community groups, churches, schools and local government -- to discover approaches towards combating sexual harassment of widows, women, orphans and vulnerable children
  • Organize community sustainability projects and equip youth with skills and knowledge
  • Help to improve water and sanitation conditions

HWO Projects at a Glance


Hurumia Watoto has about seven programmes in the district of Ilemela.

The organization has supported vulnerable widows, women and children through education and income generating activities to their families in order to help them meet their basic needs in the Ilemela district since 2006, but work effectively began in 2007 when the organization became legally registered, which has given us the opportunity to gain experience in working with the community and to put together a team of competent members.


Hurumia Watoto organization projects include tailoring and embroidery supported by the Tanzania Development Trust in UK. The project which runs to date helps widows and their children with HIV/AIDS in Mwanza village, while it manages vocation computer training supported by tools with a mission in UK (TWAM) and sewing and tailoring training to support the children programme, HIV/AIDS counseling and medical care support, nutrition and treatment to HIV/AIDS women, children and widows in our community in Mwanza, Tanzania.

The Africa Charity Project – ONE LAPTOP PER VILLAGE

In 2011, HWO launched the Africa Charity Project. The aim of the project is to secure at least one laptop per village, in the Ilemela districts, as well as to create a vocational training center accessible to women in need and youth.

To date, HWO has received tools and equipment from a small number of non-profit organizations and missions across the globe. Tools With A Mission (TWAM), in Ipswich, England, donated 10 computers, while Workaid, another Britain based charitable organizational focusing on vocational training, has promised a donation of equipment for training in a variety of disciplines – plumbing tools, knitting machines, horticulture tools, electrical tools, carpentry tools, computers, masonry tools, drilling tools and mechanical tools, all due to be received early next year. With this equipment, HWO will furnish the vocational training centre, for which land has already been secured through community contributions within Mwanza.

Tied to the training centre is a laptop drive. The intent of the program is to acquire used laptops, to be stored at the center, for access by villagers. The laptops can also be moved from village to village, allowing various rural centers to utilize them. The intention is to create a source for access to information for remote populations, to provide opportunities for learning, global awareness and connectivity, as well as to facilitate access to crucial governmental services, health care providers, and other facilities to diminish daily hardships for those living in remote, rural Tanzania.

To make the centre and the laptop drive a reality, donations are needed from the international community. A structure will need to be built, one that can accommodate a minimum of two classrooms, training facilities, kitchen space, a green area, children’s play area, and library. There is also a need for projectors, desks, chairs, computers, educational supplies, and materials needed for training and learning.

To realize the goals of the project, HWO needs your help. Organizations across the USA, China, Great Britain and Canada are quickly realizing the potential to effect change through the HWO initiative, and your contributions will amplify the impact of the cause.

Current Partner Organizations / Important Links

  • Widows Right International (WRI)- A partner organization based in the UK and in Tanzania in supporting AIDS inflicted widows, women and children.
  • The Tanzania Development Trust (TDT- A partner organization based in the UK.
  • Workaid in London.
  • Tools with a mission (TWAM)- A partner organization based in the UK.
  • Aspiration Technology in USA.
  • Free Educational Program- Freely downloadable manual for self-sustainability
  • Humanitarian and Charitable one Trust (HACOT) in London
  • 4AID(Legal support) in London

Budget Form

Programme Funds needed to start a Vocational school

Budget Line / Q1 Tsh / Sub totals Tsh.
Office and Administration
Two classrooms construction
  • i.e. purchasing building materials
  • building costs
/ 15,000,000 / 15,000,000
Other (please specify)
  • Certificate
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Audit
/ 751,400
500,000 / 751,400
TOTAL / 16,551,400

Budget description

The Fund requested to complete and class be in use is Tsh 15, 000,000 =$ 9,554

One class will have to accommodate 40-60 students

Therefore two classrooms can accommodate = 80-120.


We members of Hurumia Watoto would like to send our sincerest thanks for the recent donation of tools to our group which empowers needy women and their children in our community. All the tools reached us in good condition and soon will be used a by our trainees. We are particularly happy with the knitting machine which we wished to acquire for a long time and we've right away started the knitting unit, computers skills, sewing skills. In previous months, we wrote to our students asking them to write to us informing us how they find work in the field after basic training with us and their feedback confirms the positive impact that the provision of refurbished tools makes upon lives of disadvantaged groups here. The attached are some feedback wrote by women in the centre in Swahili and I converted them to English on the donation of sewing machines.

"I wish to thank Hurumia Watoto and its supporters through you for supporting and enabling me to have basic tailoring course at a minimal cost. I could never believe what would happen to me the day I join HWG training centre. I had always liked using a sewing machine after dropping out of school but had no idea whether I was any good. The care that HWG trainers offered enabled me to achieve my long term objective. Equipment supplied by TWAM made this possible for me and I am indeed indebted, now I can pay school fees to my two children I have.." Luja Malugu.

"I am happy to inform you that I am now a fashion designer with a reputable industrial company in Mwanza. Our work is to make company uniforms that include overalls, aprons, etc. Allow me therefore to thank you and all your staff for the careful training extended to me during the time I spent on tailoring course there. Bravo HWG/TWAM!" Gaudencia Stephan

We wish once again to thank you for your generosity and may God bless you. We wish to use the tools donated from any supporters and workaid to bring impact as the donated tools from TWAM and Tanzania development Trust in 2010,2011 2012.Our team help the people we teach to get employment or supply equipments for them to employ themselves.

Albert kahai

Hurumia Watoto-Founder and director



Contact Hurumia Watoto

Albert Kahai

Founder and Project Director

Phone number: +255765 433802 / +255282750162 / +0766 472333


Address:Hurumia Watoto Group
P.O. Box 8089, Mwanza, Tanzania

Donation Information

Mwanza, Kenyata branch
Name of Account: Hurumia Watoto Group Centre
Account Number: 016-00001789

Registered Charity Number A.50/178/2007

REF.NO ILE/CBO/A.50/178/2007