Monday, January 20, 2014
The Penn Township Board of Supervisors met this evening at 6:00 P.M. at the Penn Township Municipal Building, 157 East Airport Road, Butler, PA 16002 with the Chairman, Samuel M. Ward, presiding. Also present were Supervisors, Douglas A. Roth and Wilbert J. Mowry, Jr.
Township Manager, Linda D. Zerfoss, Land Use Administrator, Clinton A. Bonetti and 8 Township residents were also present.
Minutes – 01/06/14
Motion by Supervisor Ward and seconded by Supervisor Roth that there being no additions or corrections to the minutes of the meeting held Monday, January 6, 2014 they be approved as presented. There being no questions or comments from the audience, the motion carried.
Pennsylvania Land Patent Limited – Submitted letters requesting Penn Township agree that the following properties be placed into the “repository for unsold properties” by the County Tax Claim Bureau. The properties are owned byDavid McCahill, Jean Bell, and 2 properties owned by Miriam Berninger. The Board instructed the Township Manager to submit these letters to Solicitor Lope for his recommendation.
Jane A. Sirkoch – Submitted copy of the Penn Township Board of Auditors minutes from their meeting held January 7, 2014.
Poggemeyer Design Group – Letter advising that Charlene M Kerr is retiring as of December 31, 2013.
Penn Dot – LTAP Technical Information Sheet 157 – 159.
PSATS News Bulletin – Dated January 2014 on Pennsylvania Supreme Court Strikes Down Key Provisions of Act 13 of 2012, EQB Encourages Public Participation on Draft Oil and Gas Well Regulations, Capitol Roundup, Corbett Signs New Acts, Don’t Miss Lottery Deadline for PSATS’ Annual Conference, Lawmakers Consider Local Government Legislation, PSATS “Boot Camp” Slated for New Supervisors, Trustees Offers Vision Benefit for Townships, and This and That.
Monday, January 20, 2014
The following seminars have been scheduled:
Building Code update, 01/31, Ross Township
Traffic Signs, 02/04, Cranberry Township Public Works
2014 Grant Workshop, 02/26, Pine Township
Spring Road Safety & Maintenance, 03/13, Cranberry
Motion by Supervisor Roth and seconded by Supervisor Mowry that all involved be authorized to attend. There being no questions or comments from the audience, the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Mrs. Zerfoss read the list of invoices paid since the last report was read on January 6, 2014. Township Fund:
$62,934.92, Fire Tax Fund: $823.57. There were no deposits in any Township Fund. Balances were read as follows: Township Fund: $514,414.05, Fire Tax Fund: $43,307.33, Act 13 Impact Fee Fund: $75,855.66, State Fund:$122,845.72, Municipal Pension Fund: $377,943.27, PolicePension Fund: $942,011.80. The Budget Analysis was also submitted for the Township Fund. Motion by Supervisor Mowry and seconded by Supervisor Ward that the Treasurer’s Report be approved. There being no questions or comments from the audience, the motion carried.
Zoning Department
Mr. Bonetti requested the Board approve the Thinnes, 2 lots and residual #14004 subdivision located on Morgan Road. Motion by Supervisor Ward and seconded by Supervisor Roth to approve the Thinnes, 2 lots and residual #14004 subdivision located on Morgan Road. There being no questions or comments from the audience, the motion carried.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Zoning Department - Continued
Mr. Bonetti presented his zoning report for December 2013. Two Zoning Permits were issued totaling $100.00, one Highway Occupancy Permit was issued totaling $50.00, five Lien Letters were issued totaling $75.00, and four Ordinance Books were sold totaling $80.00. Total zoning fees for December 2013 were $305.00.
Police Department
Mrs. Zerfoss read the Police report for December 2013. She also presented the annual Police report to the Board.
Road Department
Supervisor Roth reported they are busy with snow removal. He stated they have been out 33 times so far and the salt supply is getting low. He last ordered salt on December 3 and it just came. He reported they went out a total of 56 times last year.
Recycling Report
Supervisor Roth reported still accepting Christmas trees. He stated only 1 tree was dropped off.
Parks and Recreation
No report.
Public Relations Department
No report.
Old Business
Monday, January 20, 2014
New Business
Mrs. Zerfoss requested approval to retain Maher Duessel for consulting services and to assist the Township with computer support. Motion by Supervisor Roth and seconded by Supervisor Mowry that Maher Duessel be retained for consulting services and computer support for the year 2014. There being no questions or comments from the audience, the motion carried.
Mrs. Zerfoss also requested approval to purchase 3 new computers that were budgeted for. One computer is for her and two are for the Police Department. The price for the computers is $1,231.82 each. Motion by Supervisor Mowry and seconded by Supervisor Ward that the computers be purchased. There being no questions or comments from the audience, the motion carried.
The Township Manager also requested approval to purchase a new copier for the municipal building. The total price for the copier is $12,715.00 and the purchase price of copier with trade-in and discount is $6,413.00. Motion by Supervisor Ward and seconded by Supervisor Roth that the Township Manager be authorized to purchase a new copier at a cost of $6,413.00 which includes trade-in and discount. There being no questions or comments from the audience, the motion carried.
Act 537 – Saxonburg Authority
Supervisor Roth reported officers were elected at the last meeting and future projects were discussed.
Audience Participation
Chase Hare – XTO – Updated the Board and audience on the Cryo Plant. They are averaging about 20 trucks a day. He stated they shut the tanks down if it gets too cold and they had trouble with a PSV which resulted in a high flare. Everything was corrected and this was the result of the extreme cold weather. Supervisor Roth asked about shielding some of the lights, especially during the fall and winter when there are no leaves on the trees. Mr. Hare said he will talk to his boss about the possibility of shielding the lights. Mr. Hare also stated that Mark West facility is staking out liquid pipe lines from the Cryo Plant to Evans City and when that is done truck traffic will be reduced.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Audience Participation – Continued
Nancy Swisher – Asked if anything was received regarding the park. Supervisor Ward asked the manager to contact Solicitor Lope and provide an update at the next meeting.
Supervisor Ward seeing no further audience participation requested a motion to adjourn. Motion offered by Supervisor Roth and seconded by Supervisor Mowry. There being no questions or comments from the audience, the motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:25 p.m.
Approved:Respectfully Submitted:
Samuel M. Ward Linda D. Zerfoss
Chairman Township Manager
Board of Supervisors Penn Township