St. John’s Church of England School



  • Homework diary, reading record and reading books daily.
  • Homework diaries to be signed at the end of every week by a parent/carer
  • Pencil cases equipped with: ruler, pencils, blue pens (no biros), eraser, glue stick, protractor, colouring pencils and pens (optional). Please make sure all important items are labelled with the child’s name
  • Proper PE kit - navy shorts, white T-shirt and trainers for outdoor PE. (in winter a navy blue sweatshirt and navy blue tracksuit bottoms)
  • Long-sleeved painting apron (for working with oil paints, pastels and during cooking activities)
  • All school uniform to be clearly named
  • Clearly labelled coat and sweatshirt every day
  • Your child will have an opportunity to work in variety of groups, including whole class, ability, mixed ability and working independently.
  • Begin to take responsibility for their learning through:

-Being able to work more independently.

-To consider others in the class so everyone can learn effectively.

  • Listen carefully to instructions so that they can settle to work immediately
  • Children’s confidence developed so that they are comfortable to ask for help from the teacher if the task is not understood
How can you best help your child to learn at home?
  • Encouragechildren to share ideas and equipment.
  • Encouraging them to take responsibility for their possessions.
  • Encourage playing board game to improve confidence as well as socialisation skills

We have placed al lot of emphasis on reading this year. We encourage pupils to spend at least 20 minutes a day reading at home. Pupils will be encouraged to read to comprehend text and to be able to recall what was read and to answer questions based on text.

Children are heard by the teacher/teaching assistant for guided and individual/class reading.

How can you best help your child to learn at home?
  • Take your child to a library to choose books to read.
  • Discuss with your child what they have read, encourage them to predict what will happen next and why events happened or how characters behaved in the story
  • Encourage children to use joined up writing when doing homework.
  • Please ensure your child is forming their letters accurately so that they can join up their letters correctly.
  • Reading daily and talking to someone about what they are reading and recording thoughts and ideas on what they are reading - this will be done during the school year, on a daily basis, in their reading records
  • Children should be encouraged to make connections between what they have just read and other books they’ve read or things they’ve seen or experiences they’ve had themselves – this helps to make the story more real for them
  • Children should be beginning to look for underlying themes and messages in the books they are reading


The aim for this year is for you child

  • To be confident with numbers up to 1 000 000 – both reading and ordering.
  • To know multiplication tables from 2 to 12 x tables (both division and multiplication)
  • To be able to use mathematics vocabulary when explaining concepts.
  • To be able to tell the time correctly - both analogue and 24 hour.
  • To use the metric system of conversion.
  • To use the 4 basic operations confidently and to calculate change from a given set amount
How can you best help your child to learn at home?

Entering into Year 6, your child should have a solid maths foundation in:

  • Multiplication tables – at this stage, we would expect the children have a solid grasp on all of their times tables up to the 12 times tables.
  • Division – children should be able to complete the inverse to multiplication by knowing their simple division tables.
  • Measures – children should know how to measure time in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, etc. and how to convert them from one measure to the other. As well as measuring time, children should be able to use and convert other measures such as capacity (l, ml), weight (mg, g, kg) and distance (mm, cm, m, km)
  • Children should have a solid understanding of percentages, decimals and fractions and how they relate to one another.

Practising these skills will help your child to move on their learning quickly and effectively.


Talk about the Code of Conduct for our School.

  • To take responsibility for own actions.
  • Acceptance of rules and authority within the school.
  • Show respect for all adults in school
  • Always maintain expected codes of behaviour.


  • Daily reading
  • One Weekly Comprehension activity given on Monday
  • Spellings give on Monday (Tests on Monday as well)
  • Two weekly numeracy activities given on Wednesday
  • Two literacy activities – Grammar/Spelling + Writing given on Friday
  • Optional weekly Science given if not completed during class time or if extra research is required
  • Ongoing topic work including research and mini-projects
  • Homework should be 45 min per day.

If your child does not understand the homework for the given day, please write a note about this in the homework diary. Could you please ensure that all diaries are signed onthe weekend?They will be checked every Monday and signed by the class teacher. Their reading records will be checked every Monday also, to ensure all children are reading regularly.

SATs Week – Week commencing 8th May 2017

PGL – Caythorpe Court Lincolnshire. Week commencing 15th May 2017.