The Single Plan for Student Achievement
Equitas Academy
County-District School (CDS) Code 19647330119982
Executive Director: Malka Borrego
October 2013
The Single Plan for Student Achievement(SPSA) is a plan of actions to raise the academic performance of all students to the level of performance goals established under the California Academic Performance Index. CaliforniaEducation Codesections 41507, 41572, and 64001 and the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) require each school to consolidate all school plans for programs funded through the ConAppand ESEA Program Improvement into theSPSA.
For additional information on school programs and how you may become involved locally, please contact the following person: Malka Borrego, Executive Director, 213 201-0440.
Contact Person: Malka Borrego
Position: Executive Director
Telephone Number: 213 201-0440
Address: 1700 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015
E-mail Address:
The District Governing Board approved this revision of the SPSA on October 28, 2013.
Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance
The School Site Council has analyzed the academic performance of all student groups and has considered the effectiveness of key elements of the instructional program for students failing to meet academic performance index and adequate yearly progress growth targets. As a result, it has adopted the following school goals, related actions, and expenditures to raise the academic performance of students not yet meeting state standards:
School Goal #1 (Goals should be prioritized, measurable, and focused on identified student learning needs.)All students will reach high standards, at a minimum, attaining proficiency or better in reading and mathematics by 2013-2014.
What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)?
CST data from 2010–13
District ELA Benchmark Assessments 2010–13
CELDT results (subgroup specific)
Re-designation rates / How does this goal align to your Local Educational Agency Plan goals?
This is the same goal
What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal?
NCLB calls for proficiency for all students. Proficiency reached 73% for all students, 72% for Hispanic/Latino students, 73% for Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students and 70% for English Learner students. were put in place to insure proficiency. / Which stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal?
All stakeholders were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal.
Who are the focus students and what is the expected growth?
Focus students are students not meeting proficiency and expected growth is 10% growth each year to reach proficiency. / What data will be collected to measure student achievement?
Weekly, interim and yearly assessment data is collected to monitored to ensure student learning and intervention planning.
What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data?
Each week, students are tested on standards mastery. If students do not reach proficiency, interventions are put in place. / Actions to improve achievement to exit program improvement (if applicable).
Strategies/Actions to Implement this Goal / Start/Completion Date/Personnel / Each Funding Source/Amount / Process for Evaluation of Implementation
Equitas Academy aligns instruction with content standards. Our reading curriculum, Reading Mastery, SRA/McGraw Hill curriculumis aligned to California state standards and Common Core standards.
Equitas Academy’s English Language Arts curriculum will be complemented with our Guided Reading and Writing programs developed by teachers and aligned to CA State Standards and Common Core Standards. Students will read grade level text and leveled text to develop fluency and comprehension skills.
Teachers will assess all students both at the beginning of the year and throughout the year, and place students into flexible ability groupings using this assessment data.
Students will take reading assessments to gauge general reading level, language development and vocabulary knowledge. They will also take a test of oral reading fluency and reading comprehension.
The Director of Curriculum and Instruction will administer Professional Developmentbased on Diagnostic Reading Assessments, Reading Mastery, Saxon Math and how to teach Guided Reading. / Ongoing/Executive Director, Director of Curriculum Instruction, and teachers / General Budget
$50,000 / Weekly evaluation of standards mastery by individual students, by small group, homeroom, grade level, and by school.
Equitas teachers develop a thorough “scope and sequence” of CA Content Standards and Common Corestandards to be taught during the year. The scope and sequence is linked directly to selected textbooks and materials.
In addition, Equitas teachers prepare thorough lesson plans each day that explicitly describe their classroom activities and teaching strategies aligning them to the standards that will be taught.
The Executive Director and Director of Curriculum and Instruction, regularly observe classrooms to verify that standards-aligned materials are taught effectively. / Summer and Ongoing/Executive Director, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, and teachers / Operations and materials costs associated with operating more hours than regular public schools.Staff and Admin Salaries as well as materials./$150,000 / Weekly evaluation of standards mastery by individual students, by small group, homeroom, grade level, and by school.
Extended learning time:
Every day at Equitas involves extended learning time. The school day extends from 7:30am to 3:30 pm M-TH, with an additionally support after school until 6:00 pm. Fridays are half days that let out at 1:45 to allow for teacher professional development until 4:00 pm. In addition to longer school days, Equitas students attend Saturday’s school when necessary for tutoring for enrichment. / Ongoing/Executive Director, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, and teachers / Operations and materials costs associated with operating more hours than regular public schools. Staff and Admin Salaries as well as materials / Weekly evaluation of standards mastery by individual students, by small group, homeroom, grade level, and by school.
Alignment of instruction with math content standards:Students receive a double period of math divided explicitly into procedures and problem solving.
Equitas Academy will assess all students and place students in the appropriate group as needed.
Standards for each year of the mathematics curriculum will be developed using the California State Standards, Common Core standards and the item-analysis of all state and national assessments.
To ensure teaching activities are consistent with best practices for math instruction, Equitas Academy teachers will use CA Standards-based textbooks and Common Core-aligned materials. Using these textbooks alongside the Curriculum Alignment Templates that ensure that all skills and concepts taught at the school are standards driven, will ensure an effective, standards-based approach to mathematics. / Ongoing/Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Executive Director, and Teachers / Staff and admin salaries curriculum and professional development/ Cost of Data Director (or similar program)- $50,000 / Weekly evaluation of standards mastery by individual students, by small group, homeroom, grade level, and by school.
Form B: Centralized Support for Planned Improvements in Student Performance
The School Site Council has analyzed the planned program improvements and has adopted the following program support goals, related actions, and expenditures to raise the academic performance of students not yet meeting state standards.
(Based on conclusions from analysis of program components and student data pages)
All English Learner students will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.
Groups participating in this goal (e.g., students, parents, teachers, administrators):
English Language Learners / Anticipated annual growth for each group:
80% ELs gain one level as measured by CELDT.
Means of evaluating progress toward this goal:CELDT Data and teacher ELD folders / Group data to be collected to measure gains:
Growth of ELD Levels by grade-level
Actions to be Taken to Reach This Goal[1]
Consider all appropriate dimensions (e.g., Teaching and Learning, Staffing, and Professional Development) / Start Date[2]
Completion Date / Proposed Expenditures / Estimated
Cost / Funding
Plan and implement a strong ELD curriculum.
Planning for ELD curriculum during summer PD.
Choose ELD curriculum to supplement teacher planning. / Summer PD and Ongoing / Curriculum, professional development, salaries / $50,000 / General funds
Form C: Programs Included in this Plan
The School Site Council intends for this school to participate in the following programs: (Check the box for each state and federal categorical program in which the school participates and, if applicable, enter amounts allocated. The plan must describe the activities to be conducted at the school for each of the state and federal categorical program in which the school participates. If the school receives funding, then the plan must include the proposed expenditures.)
State Programs / AllocationCalifornia School Age Families Education
Purpose: Assist expectant and parenting students to succeed in school / $
Economic Impact Aid/State Compensatory Education
Purpose: Help educationally disadvantaged students succeed in the regular program / $2,013.33
Economic Impact Aid/English Learner Program
Purpose: Develop fluency in English and academic proficiency of English learners / $2,013.33
Peer Assistance and Review
Purpose: Assist teachers through coaching and mentoring / $
Professional Development Block Grant
Purpose: Attract, train, and retain classroom personnel to improve student performance in core curriculum areas / $2,013.33
Pupil Retention Block Grant
Purpose: Prevent students from dropping out of school / $
Quality Education Investment Act
Purpose: Funds are available for use in performing various specified measures to improve academic instruction and pupil academic achievement / $
School and Library Improvement Program Block Grant
Purpose: Improve library and other school programs / $
School Safety and Violence Prevention Act
Purpose: Increase school safety / $
Tobacco-Use Prevention Education
Purpose: Eliminate tobacco use among students / $
List and Describe Other State or Local Funds (e.g., Gifted and Talented Education) / $
Total amount of state categorical funds allocated to this school / $6,041
Federal Programs under the Elementary Secondary Education Act / Allocation
Title I, Part A: Neglected
Purpose: Supplement instruction for abandoned, abused, or neglected children who have been placed in an institution / $
Title I, Part D: Delinquent
Purpose: Supplement instruction for delinquent youth / $
Title I, Part A: Schoolwide Program
Purpose: Upgrade the entire educational program of eligible schools in high poverty areas / $
Title I, Part A: Targeted Assistance Program
Purpose: Help educationally disadvantaged students in eligible schools achieve grade level proficiency / $154,496
Title I, Part A: Program Improvement
Purpose: Assist Title I schools that have failed to meet ESEA Adequate Yearly Progress targets for one or more identified student groups / $
Title II, Part A: Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting
Purpose:Improve and increase the number of highly qualified teachers and principals / $3,835
Title II, Part D: Enhancing Education Through Technology
Purpose: Support professional development and the use of technology / $
Title III, Part A: Language Instruction for Limited-English-Proficient (LEP) Students
Purpose: Supplement language instruction to help LEP students attain English proficiency and meet academic performance standards / $37,296
Title IV, Part A: Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities
Purpose: Support learning environments that promote academic achievement (NO LONGER FUNDED BEGINNING WITH THE 2010-11 SCHOOL YEAR) / $
Title VI, Part B: Rural Education Achievement Program
Purpose: Provide flexibility in the use of ESEA funds to eligible local educational agencies / $
Other federal funds (list and describe)[3] / $
Total amount of federal categorical funds allocated to this school / $195,627
Total amount of state and federal categorical funds allocated to this school / $195,633.04
Form D: School Site Council Membership
California Education Code Section 64001(g) requires that the Single Plan for Student Achievement be reviewed and updated at least annually, including proposed expenditures of funds allocated through the ConApp, by the school site council (SSC). The current make-up of the SSC is as follows:[4]
Teacher / Other School Staff / Parent or
Member / Secondary
Student / Tern
Heidi Jones / X / 2
Reionne Webber / X / 2
Susana Garcia / X / 2
Rosario Argueta / X / 1
Magali Leon / X / 1
Loyda Flores / X / 1
Emily Weller / X / 2
Catherine Martinez / X / 2
Sheryl Garcia / X / 1
Angela Sarkisian / X / 1
David Torres / X / 2
Kelli Kilty / X
Numbers of members in each category / 1 / 4 / 2 / 5
Form E: Recommendations and Assurances
The school site council (SSC) recommends this school plan and proposed expenditures to the district governing board for approval and assures the board of the following:
- The SSC is correctly constituted and was formed in accordance with district governing board policy and state law.
- The SSC reviewed its responsibilities under state law and district governing board policies, including those board policies relating to material changes in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) requiring board approval.
- The SSC sought and considered all recommendations from the following groups or committees before adopting this plan (Check those that apply):
___ State Compensatory Education Advisory Committee ______Signature
_X_ English Learner Advisory Committee ______Signature
___ Special Education Advisory Committee ______Signature
___ Gifted and Talented Education Advisory Committee ______Signature
___ District/School Liaison Team for schools in Program Improvement ______Signature
___ Compensatory Education Advisory Committee ______Signature
___ Departmental Advisory Committee (secondary) ______Signature
___ Other committees established by the school or district(list)______Signature
- The SSC reviewed the content requirements for school plans of programs included in this SPSA and believes all such content requirements have been met, including those found in district governing board policies and in the local educational agencyplan.
- This SPSA is based on a thorough analysis of student academic performance. The actions proposed herein form a sound, comprehensive, coordinated plan to reach stated school goals to improve student academic performance.
- This SPSA was adopted by the SSC at a public meeting on: October 30, 2013.
Typed name of School PrincipalSignature of School PrincipalDate
Typed name of SSC ChairpersonSignature of SSC ChairpersonDate
This section contains the following appendices that will assist the SSC in completing the SPSA and in maintaining a cycle of continuous improvement:
Appendix A: Programs Funded through the ConApp
Appendix B: Chart of Requirements for the SPSA
Appendix C: Sample School and Student Performance Data Forms
Appendix D: Demographic Data Summary
Appendix E: Analysis of Current Instructional Program
Appendix F: Organizing the SSC and Outline of Sample Bylaws
Appendix G: Use of Resources
Appendix H: WASC High School Accreditation Crosswalk
Appendix I: Parental Involvement and Special Committees
Appendix J: Acronyms and Specialized Terms
Appendix A: Programs Funded through the ConApp
The programs listed below are reported in the ConApp. Information about the ConApp and program profiles are available on the California Department of Education ConApp Web page at
For 2008–09 through 2012–13, funding formerly restricted for 39 specified categorical programs may be used for any educational purpose. Information on the flexibility provisions is available on the CDE Categorical Programs Web page at
State Programs
- Economic Impact Aid
Federal ESEA Programs
- Title I, Part D, Delinquent
- Title II, Part A, Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting
- Title II, Part D, Enhancing Education Through Technology (Formula)
- Title III LEP Students
- Title VI, Part B, Rural Education Achievement
Information and CDE contacts for ESEA programs are available on the CDE Programs and Contacts Web page at
Single Plan for Student Achievement – Equitas Academy
Appendix B: Chart of Requirements for theSingle Plan for Student Achievement
REQUIREMENTS / LEGAL CITATION / EIA, English Learners / EIA, State CompensatoryEducation / Title I, Targeted Assistance / Title I, Schoolwide / Title I, Program
Improvement / Quality Education Investment Act / Title II, Improving Teacher Quality / Title III, English Learners / School Safety Block Grant / Pupil Retention Block Grant / School & Library Improvement BG
I. Involvement
Involve parents and community in planning and implementing the school plan / EC 52055.750(b) / X
EC 35294.1(b)(2)(C) / X
5CCR 3932 / X / X / X / X / X / X
20 USC 7115(a)(1)(E) / X
20 USC 6315(c)(1)(G) / X
20 USC 6314(b)(1), (2)(A) / X
Advisory committee review and recommendations / EC 64001(a) / X / X / X / X / X / X
EC 52055.755 / X
Written notice of program improvement status / 20 USC 6316(b)(3) / X
II. Governance and Administration
Single, comprehensive plan / EC 64001(a), (d) / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
EC 52853 / X / X / X / X / X
EC 41572 / X
EC 41507 / X
EC 35294.1(a) / X
20 USC 6315(c)(1)(B) / X
20 USC 6314(b)(2)(A) / X
School Site Council (SSC) constituted per former EC 52012 / EC 64001(g) / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
SSC developed SPSA and expenditures / EC 64001(a)
EC 41572
EC 41507
EC 35294.1(b)(1) / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
SSC annually updates the SPSA / EC 64001(g) / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
EC 35294.2(e) / X
Governing board approves SPSA / EC 64001(h) / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
EC 52055.750(a)(5) / X
Policies to ensure all groups succeed (specify role of school, LEA, and SEA; and coordination with other organizations) / 20 USC 6316(b)(3) / X
20 USC 6316(b)(3) / X
III. Funding
Plan includes proposed expenditures to improveacademic performance / EC 64001(g) / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
EC 52853 / X / X / X / X / X
20 USC 6316(b)(3) / X
20 USC 6315(c) / X
20 USC 6314(b)(2)(A) / X
Describe centralized services expenditures / 5 CCR 3947(b) / X / X
IV. Standards, Assessment, and Accountability
Comprehensive assessment andanalysis of data / EC 64001(f) / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
EC 52055.740(a)(1)(D)(5) / X
20 USC 6314(b)(1), (2)(A) / X
Evaluation of improvement strategies / EC 64001(f) / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
EC 52853 / X / X / X / X / X
EC 35294.2(e) / X
EC 32228.5(b) / X
Assessment results available to
Parents / EC 35294.2(e) / X
20 USC 6314(b)(2)(A) / X
V. Staffing and Professional Development
Provide staff development / EC 52853 / X / X / X / X / X
EC 52055.750I / X
EC 32228(b)(2) / X
20 USC 6316(b)(3) / X
20 USC 6315I(1)(F) / X
20 USC 6314(b)(1), (2)(A) / X
Budget 10 percent of Title I for staff
Development / 20 USC 6316(b)(3) / X
Provide highly qualified staff / EC 52055.740(a)(1)(D)(3) / X
20 USC 6315I(1)(E) / X
20 USC 6314(b)(1), (2)(A) / X
Distribute experienced teachers / EC 52055.750(a)(10) / X
VI. Opportunity and Learning
Describe instruction for at-risk students / EC 52853 / X / X / X / X / X
Describe the help for students to meet state
Standards / EC 64001(f) / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
20 USC 6314(b)(1), (2)(A) / X
20 USC 6315(c) / X
Describe auxiliary services for at-risk students / EC 52853 / X / X / X / X / X
20 USC 6315(c) / X
20 USC 6314(b)(1), (2)(A) / X
Avoid isolation or segregation / 5CCR 3934 / X / X / X / X / X
REQUIREMENTS / LEGAL CITATION / Economic Impact Aid (EIA) English Learners / EIA, State Compensatory
Education / Title I Targeted Assistance / Title I, Schoolwide / Title I, Program
Improvement / Quality Education Investment Act / Title II, Improving Teacher Quality / Title III, English Learners / School Safety Block Grant** / Pupil Retention Block Grant / School & Library Improvement BG
VII. Teaching and Learning
Goals based on performance / EC 64001(f) / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
Define objectives / 20 USC 6316(b)(3) / X
Steps to intended outcomes / 5CCR 3930 / X / X / X / X / X
Account for all services / 5CCR 3930 / X / X / X / X / X
Provide strategies responsive to student needs
5CCR 3931 / X / X / X / X / X / X
20 USC 6315(c) / X
20 USC 6314(b)(2)(A) / X
Describe reform strategies that: / 20 USC 6314(b)(1), (2)(A) / X
-Allow all to meet/exceed standards / 20 USC 6315(c) / X / X
-Are effective, research-based / 20 USC 6316(b)(3) / X / X
20 USC 6315(c)(1)(c) / X
20 USC 6314(b)(1)(B) / X
-Strengthen core academics / EC 52054 / X
-Address under-served populations / EC 52054 / X
-Provide effective, timely assistance / 20 USC 6314(b)(1)(I), (2)(A) / X
-Increase learning time / 20 USC 6316(b)(3); / X
20 USC 6314(b)(1)(B),(2) / X
-Meet needs of low-performing students / 20 USC 6315(c)(A); / X
20 USC 6314(b)(1)(B),(2) / X
-Involve teachers in academic
Assessments / 20 USC 6314(b)(1)(H), (2) / X
-Coordinate state and federal programs / 20 USC 6315(c)(1)(H) / X
-Transition from preschool / 20 USC 6314(b)(1)(J), (2)(A) / X
20 USC 6315(c)(1)(D) / X
20 USC 6314(b)(1)(G), (2)(A) / X
REQUIREMENTS / LEGAL CITATION / Economic Impact Aid (EIA) English Learners / EIA, State Compensatory
Education / Title I Targeted Assistance / Title I, Schoolwide / Title I, Program
Improvement / Quality Education Investment Act / Title II, Improving Teacher Quality / Title III, English Learners / School Safety Block Grant** / Pupil Retention Block Grant / School & Library Improvement BG
Enable continuous progress
Acquire basic skills, literacy / 5CCR 3931 / X / X / X / X / X / X
5CCR 3937 / X / X / X / X / X
Align curriculum, strategies, and
materials with state standards or law / EC 52853 / X / X / X / X / X
Provide high school career preparation / 5CCR 4403 / X
Title I Program Improvement