What kind of businesses the municipality councilors are running

In the biggest group of ODS political formation – as a top businessman is acknowledged the former mayor of Rodopi municipality Stoimen Marchev. The coalition partner of Union of Democratic Forces from Bulgarian Agrarian People’s Union – People’s Union is working in the private field for ten years already. In 1994 when he was a director of the incinerator in Plovdiv town, Stoimen Marchev together with the management team of the state owned enterprise privatizes it - today he possesses 89% of the shares in it.

The former mayor is also well-known as an authoritative butcher’s boss. Stoimen Marchev breeds 10000 pigs in Saedinenie and Belozem. Stomar JSCo. is the name of his company occupied with this farmer activity. In this firm he possesses 100 % of its capital. In Asenovgrad

Marchev has

a packing-house

Privatized by Meskom - 98 JSCo. a company where he has a participation as well.

The agricultural shops owned by Marchev at Vassil Levski Blvd. are getting into the capital of Trakia Commerce JSCo. with 80% participation on his side.

The municipality councilor form ODS political formation has also participation in Aktinia Hotel at Sunny Beach sea resort. At the moment another luxury hotel is under construction where he has invested more money together with other people.

The chairman of the blue political group

Angel Popisakov is also devoted to

the private business apart of his engagements in Municipality Council and Union of Democratic Forces. The municipality councilor that won a second mandate is stand at the head of a trade association called - Mechanization and soil conservation. The state company is privatized at the time of Ivan Kostov mandate trough labour-manager association scheme leaded by Popisakov. He possesses 16 percent of the association.

In Diskoni AG Popisakov is a one-man owner, the association is occupied with retail trade. The councilor is an executive director of Paldinagro 99 – for stock-breeding services.

The blue councilor Alexander Nikolov, who recently became famous with his winged phrase, that there is no sense the fathers to work on an empty stomach and left the director’s post at Free Zone JSCo. But he has enough concerns, because he is one of the main partners in Plovdivstroiresurs JSCo. and he is also a chairman of the Board of the Directors of the association. This company is also an ex state association. It is one of the units of the former construction giant SMK.

In 1997 Alexander Nikolov is appointed to a post of a Director and in 1998 he has privatized the enterprise through labour-manager association scheme – with Temp – M company. Up to the date of the privatization Plovdivstroiresurs has had 120 decares of land with production premises and four holiday homes, including the attractive holiday resort in Banya village.

The privatization of Plovdivstroiresurs is completed in partnership with Ivan Dorkov, who bought Balkan Record. Rodkov besides is the ex

Partner of

The former Minister of finance

Muravei Radev.

Alexander Nikolov claims he has around 10 % participation in the company.

His colleague Petar Popov is also a businessman. In the course of 10 years he was a director of Plovdivinvest EAD Municipality Company. During his last mandate the company was privatized through labour-manager association scheme. In this labour-manager association that bough up Plovdivinvest, Petar Popov possesses 28% of the shares.

The interesting thing is that the same long lasting experience as a member of the board of the director in that company has also Nikola Petkov. In the beginning of the democratic process in Bulgaria he has been a partner with Muravei Radev and Ivan Dokov in Teip Co company. By concurrence of circumstances the sister of Nikola Petkov – Anna Petkova is a shareholder in Plovdivstroiresurs.

Popov has been a member of the Municipality council of Arsenmal armament factory in Kazanlak. He is a manager of Raikovo – NSN consortium occupied with architectural and engineering activities in Smolian where 45% of the shares are owned by Plovdivinvest.

The bearer of the palm of the contest among the red councilors is the former mayor of Plovdiv Todor Petkov. He is one of the four partners in Kodem Impex OOD, founded in the beginning of 90’s. Later he transfers his shares to his son.

We have begun from the very beginning, the municipality councilor from Coalition for Plovdiv says. The building company has construction sites in Plovdiv and the region. The intention is this year to build dwellings, Todor Petkov says.

Years ago he has participated in Delta G, one of the main structures of the well known arms boss Nikolaicho Gigov, considered as an especially close to the present ruling circles.

Gigov and Petkov had been together in Kodem Ltd, as well.

Now the councilor is a member of the Supervisory Board of Dunapak Rodina, where participations have also Hungarian businessmen. He represents also Priva OOD company, where participation have his daughter and son. The same company is an owner of Paldin Invest.

In Sokomplast, Petkov has 800 shares.

His colleague Alexander Konstantinov has 10 shares in Supporting elements JSCo. and 9% in Bulvest, owner of 45% of Supporting elements JSCo. The Associate has been privatized through the mass privatization process. Konstantinov is a share holder since 1996. He has bought the shares long ago when he has worked in the municipality administration, leaded at that time by Petko Tzarev. In 1997 when the power takes the government of Ivan Kostov, he has been exempted by the municipality administration. Then he becomes a deputy director of Supporting elements JSCo.

The councilor has also a connection with Metalopack even thought the trade register does not give an exact information what type of connection is this. In the management of the association participates also Paldin Holding.

Krasimir Davchev,

an executive director of

Commodity Exchange

and a municipality councilor from Coallition for Plovdiv has shares for 600 lv. out of 250000 commonly in the exchange. This is the first licensed commodity Exchange in Bulgaria, the left oriented councilor states with pride. During the last year the exchange has worked with 115 millions lv. market. Davchev is a member of the management of Kupena JSCo. in Peshtera, occupied with Rodina Privatization Fund. He has a small property in RTH JSCo. with main activity financial mediation.

Angel Petkov, councilor of the same left coalition is a director if Force Private Company, occupied with building and trade of building materials.

Angel Petrov holds 50% of the shares of the association.

Petrov is in the management body of Trakia Ins. for building of edifices and facilities.

Nikola Yanakiev from Coalition for Plovdiv holds half of the shares in Nik Trade Ltd.. The association is occupied with advertising and consulting activity. He is also an owner of Naya 2 for retail trade with clothing.

The richest mayor nominee Dimitar Kostov is a one-man proprietor of Sitilac Company created in 1990 and occupied with trade with perfumes and cosmetics. Besides the municipality councilor from Kep is an exporter of fresh and quick-frozen fruits and vegetables. Till the season continues Siltak pays the salaries of around 400 people.

Kostov has been also the biggest exporter of perfumery products manufactures in Alen Mak. Then for one month we’ve made money transfers in cash up to 1 million dollars, the councilor recalls. Dimitar Kostov now has 1% of Alen Mak equal to 5000 shares. The councilor has also shares in Asenova krepost and in Loviko – Champaign winery in Chirpan. For the fun of it the councilor from the opposition is a co-shareholder with the blue councilor Alexander Nikolov in

Plovdivstroiresurs. Kostov has bought shares in this association from the state quota after he privatized the firm though a labour-manager association and took the main package of it.

Many years ago Enyo Petrov from Movement for Rights and Freedom has registered his own one-man owned company “Happy star”. His business is connected with trade of beer and non-alcoholic drinks. Petrov participates in many non government associations and foundations.

A colleague of Enyo from Movement for Rights and Freedom wins with Inan one-man owned company dealing with meal products.

Andrei Zahariev from Simeon II National Movement bottles mineral water in Voevodinovo village. The councilor possesses 30% of the shares of Trakia Water but the rest of the shares are property of the partner from Germany. The water they sell in South Bulgaria but the biggest part they are exporting. He is a majority owner of Bulmex-Solveks- a company for production of metal constructions. Through Trakia Water he participates in Kliment Waser – a company that bottles also mineral water in Kliment village. Again through Trakia Water and at the same place he runs Philipopolis Frozen for wholesale trade with fresh fruits and vegetables, including potatoes. He has 2500 shares in Jupiter Consult, together with Natasha Dimitrova, who has a participation in Europe TV channel. Through Tofani the councilor implements trade mediation. He is a member of the Board of the Directors of Feral JSCo. for production of building and furniture facing.

In Ift Ltd. Zahariev is an Executive Director together with the broker Hristo Danov and he is occupied with financial mediation. The councilor holds also 10% of the property.

The viovode Kamen Shishmanov divides in half Galery Romfeya SD with the leader of VMRO Boyko Vatev. The company is registered in 1991 and is occupied with different types of trade. In Zap Ltd. he is a director and an owner, he is engaged with renting of his own private immoveable property.

Hristo Bonev says he has no private business. I invest in the companies of my sons, Zuma smiles. He is a municipality councilor from Bulgarian Social Democratic Party. He has been in the Supervisory Board of professional soccer team Lokomotiv - Plovdiv. He had participation in Valimpex Ltd. – Sofia building company, but he has left it.