2017 OTSO Tournament Rules

1. Check in 1 hour before your first game

2. Each team must present the following at registration:

a. Team Roster (max 15 players)

b. Proof of ID – ASA Photo ID cards if available

c. Birth Certificates for each player on the roster (only if ASA photo cards are not available)

d. Proof of Insurance

e. No substitution or adding of players once the roster has been submitted

3. All ASA Rules of eligibility apply for recreation B & C league, and must be a registered ASA league

4. Each team agrees to hold harmless any and all individuals, organizations, governing bodies, the county of Riverside, City of Temecula and TVGSA from any injury that may occur due to participation in the tournament

5. Arguments or out of hand managers, coaches or fans may be ejected from the tournament. Failure of any person to reasonably control their behavior may result in a forfeit at the discretion of the umpire or tournament director. Managers are responsible for the conduct of their players, parents, fans, and coaches on and off the field during the tournament. Improper conduct may result in disqualification from the tournament. Any manager, coach, player, or fan asked to leave the game shall do so immediately and may not return for the remainder of the tournament

6. Any team not ready to play at their scheduled time will result in a forfeit with the exception of back-to-back games. Forfeited games in pool play will count as a 7-0 win for the non-forfeiting team

7. Due to the very tight schedule, teams are expected to vacate the dugout immediately following the game. Once the final out is made, please remove all equipment immediately so that the next team may prepare for the game. Pool play medal ceremonies must be held off the field after all equipment has been removed from the dugout.

8. It is the team manager’s responsibility to contest official reporting of scores, seedings, etc. prior to the start of each game. If this occurs after the start of a game, no changes will be made

9. All teams are guaranteed 3 games (2 pool and 1 elimination). In the event of unforeseen delays, the last game of the evening could result in drop dead and revert to the last complete inning. Every effort will be made to avoid this but may be necessary

10. Rainout Clause – Once tournament play starts Friday night, in the event of a rainout during the tournament weekend, no refunds will be issued

11. No infield practice is allowed at any of the parks with the exception of the dirt space between the dugout and the foul line before the game. Paloma Del Sol (PDS) and Ronald Reagan Sports Park (RRSP) have open space in the back of both fields for warm ups. At Patricia Birdsall Sports Park (PBSP) there will be space marked off in the outfield for warm ups

12. There will be no protests permitted. All Umpire decisions will be final. This includes all umpire decisions made during pool, bracket and championship games

13. Home team is responsible for keeping the official scorebook, and both managers must sign the official scorecard. The scorebook may not be held/managed by a manager, coach, or anyone else in the home team’s dugout. The umpire is responsible for turning in scorecards at the score table

14. The team listed first in pool play will occupy the first base dugout. Home and visitor will be determined by a coin flip at home plate prior to the start of the game for pool play

15. For Bracket play the higher seeded team will be the home team and occupy the 3rd base dugout. If

both teams have the same seed, team listed on top of bracket in bracket play takes 1st base dugout, and will flip for home and visitor at the plate. (Exception: Teams playing in back to back games on the same field will stay in the same dugout for the second game and a coinflip will determine home/visitor).

16. Tournament seeding for elimination play will be determined as follows:

1. Win/Loss Record

2. Head to Head Results (See exception below)

• At the completion of pool play if 3 or more teams within a pool have the same record then those teams will be ranked as follows, regardless of head to head results: runs against, runs for, then coin toss.

3. Runs Against

4. Runs For

5. Coin Toss

17. A game can end in a tie in pool play

18. International Tie-breaker is used in bracket or championship play (6 innings) if a game is tied after the time limit or 6 innings

19. In pool and bracket play teams may use a continuous roster (bat everyone and open substitution), bat 9 or use DP / Flex. The only exception is 8U, which is continuous roster or bat 9 (10 if playing 4 outfielders)

20. Pool play games are 1 hour 15 minutes – drop dead at 1 hour 20 minutes. If the home team is tied or ahead at the drop dead time, the score stands. If they are behind then the score will revert back to the last complete inning. Bracket games are 1 hour and 15 minutes with no new inning after 1 hour 15 minutes with the exception of championship games (see rule 22). If home team is ahead after 1 hour 15 minutes game is complete

21. Bracket games are 1 hour 15 minutes, no new inning.

22. Championship play is 5 innings in 8U and 6 innings in all other divisions. There is no time limit in championship play. ASA Mercy rule applies

23. No artificial noisemakers, amplification devices or horns are allowed

24. All city park rules apply as posted throughout the parks

25. No RV Parking

26. No Soft Toss or PEPPER on any fences at any park/venue

All ASA rules apply with the following modifications:


a. Four Outfielders (optional) may be played. Outfielders must be on the grass until the Pitch is delivered

b. 5 runs per inning in pool and bracket play, if a team is down by more than 5 runs in any inning they can go up by 1 run

c. No run limit during championship play

d. Home plate is closed (no stealing home)

e. No Tee, No Coach Pitch

f. Walks are allowed

g. No dropped third strike rule

h. No infield fly rule

i. Base Stealing-One base per pitch (no stealing home)

j. ASA Mercy Rule applies: 15 after 3 innings, 12 after 4 innings, and 8 after 5 innings

k. Pitching distance is 30’ and this division uses a 10” RIF Level I ball

l. Bat continuous roster (everyone) or 9 with subs (10 if playing 4 outfielders)


a. 5 runs per inning in pool play only, if a team is down by more than 5 runs in any inning they can go up by 1 run

b. No run limit during bracket and championship play

c. ASA Mercy Rule Applies (15 after 3, 12 after 4, and 8 after 5)

12U & 14U – No special rules apply

a.ASA Mercy Rule Applies (15 after 3, 12 after 4, and 8 after 5)

As team manager, I understand and agree to all of the above rules. I also understand that the TVGSA Tournament Director reserves the right to vacate and forfeit any team score if a team is found in violation of any tournament rule. Managers are responsible and will be held accountable for player, coach, and parent conduct. If a team is found in violation of any rule more than once, TVGSA reserves the right to vacate and forfeit any team score (pool play and/or bracket), for all teams playing from the same league as the team found in violation.


Manager Name (Please Print)Manager Signature

