Minutes of Mary Bergeron Elementary (“MBE”)

October 25, 2017

Attendance: Crystal Metzger, Leanna Robinson, Ashley Watson, Jennifer Gomez, Tanya Ness, Tara Acorn, Heather Crisler, Rachel Scott, Robin Pinnell, Candice Truman, Stephanie Perrow, Amanda Apoll, Becky Kehler, Candace Rupert, Joyce Kiland, Jeannine Stepaniuk, Danica Warren, Lee Johnson, Susan Allen, Shelby Smith, Tenley Wenzel, Principal Darcy Reynolds, Vice-Principal Debra Boos, Trustee Joan Zaporosky and Trustee Fiona Fowler.

Call to Order: 7:05 p.m.

  1. Welcome and Introductions:

Chair, Crystal Metzger (herein after referred to as Chair) thanks the Trustees in attendance, Joan Zaporosky and Fiona Fowler. Introductions around the meeting table.

  1. Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics:

a)Review of the Council of School Council’s Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics. – See Schedule “A” attached.

b)Voting protocol: See clause 5 as per attached Schedule “B” –Heather Crisler motions what points were listed in to form part of our operating procedures when pertaining to staff who are parents in the school. Total in favor of motion: 17 people. Motion passed.

c)Children will be allowed to attend while parents are volunteering – but they must be directly supervised at all times.

  1. Review and Approval of School Council Operating Procedures: - See Schedule “B” attached. Chair read aloud through standard proposed operating procedures as set forth from the Association of School councils. We have added what we want in and removed what is not pertinent to us. Changes made by MBE Council to original School of School Council operating procedures are as follows:

a)Amending definition of parent as per clause 1 subsection C as per attached Schedule “B”.;

b)Mission Statement: See clause 3 as per attached Schedule “B”;

c)Objectives: See clause 4 as per attached Schedule “B”;

d)Decision Making: see clause 6 as per attached Schedule “B”;

e)Secretary duties: see clause 9, subsection C as per attached Schedule “B”; and

f)discussing write in vote – no – just provide an opinion box for those to provide opinions but voting on items would be done in person by members in attendance.

Stephanie Perrow motions above MBE School Council Operating Procedures. Candice Truman seconds MBC School Council Operating Procedures and changes council has made. – All in Favour-20.

  1. Teacher’s Report: n/a
  1. Principals Report:

-Building Overview – student total 382 – 57% boys and 43% girls;

-Staff total – 37 – 22 teachers and 14 support and 1 FSLC – librarian will be hired once ready;

-Gym is open;

-Learning commons estimated 2 weeks;

-Bus lanes – mother nature dependent;

-Playground – spring;

-Finishing /mechanical – ongoing; and

-Deficiencies – Starting to compile – will be worked on.

Things are working as well as expected out front with the amount of traffic we have. Candice Truman mentioned thanks for all the school staff and their co-operation.

MBE is an amazing facility – its modern and new – staff in this school are amazing – each day they are accomplishing what needs to done, each and every day.

Airplane analogy – We have been given a brand-new plane to fly …mission statement – our job is continuing to build it while we are in the air.

Key – Go slow to move fast – this is the staff motto.

First 90 day Priorities –

a)Great things (Effective Learning) happening in the classrooms. – no excuses in spite of everything going on around – Admin focus to provide support necessary to ensure this limited delegation of duties / responsibilities and hotspots to deal with by admin.

b)Building strong school community, culture and identity – everything else depends on this piece – relationships first – then – school vision, mission beliefs, handbooks, policies and school improvement.

This year’s goals:

1) Create a strong school culture and community;

2) Effective communication; and

3) Improved teaching and learning.

Where are we now?

1)Division Assessment – Math…basics – Reading at Grade Level; and

2)Behavior – Provide learning experience for our students; not shelter them from them.

What’s ahead?

1)Gym is open October 25, 2017;

2)M&M weekly assembly – 9:15 parents welcome;

3)Learning commons opening;

4)Bucket filling school philosophy;

5)Mascot selection process;

6)Grand Opening – still in board hands to set date – TBA;

7)School Council involvement; and

8)School Swag.

The list goes on and on. But they will be all implemented at the appropriate time, in an effective way that meets our goals and adds to our school community.

From this point forward “we are MBE”

  1. Trustee’s Report:

Joan – would like to know if council has a council email or are they using private emails.

Does evergreen still have a Facebook page – going to be deleted. Darcy will inquire about email address for MBE Council.

At the last board meeting – it was a great first meeting – all members got sworn in. Very

compatible group. Report from transportation – money spent on some schools

throughout the division – new lighting – painting. New high school credit requirements

Updated on bussing. A total of 2,599 students riding the buses, 53 bus routes 287 students are ineligible students. This fee may be up an additional 50 dollars as the program is just not supportingits self. Will be working on this. Google summit attended by staff of Grande Yellowhead was great success.

  1. Treasurers Report:

We did open up the ATB account. Motion from E school was passed that anything to be

transferred over will be transferred over. Allow the past expenses from both previous school to come out of the newMBE – Becky Kehler motions that we allow past expenses to come out of new MBE. Candace Rupert seconds. All in attendance are in favour.

Opening up Sysco and Saputo accounts for the new MBE.

What is the rough estimate $17,000.00 once funds are combined.

  1. New Business:

a)Will there be fundraising – do we or don’t we. Table until next meeting. separate meeting for fundraising committee - TBA. Will start the process to set up fundraiser committee, however no fundraising at this moment. Jennifer Gomez however, will complete paperwork for MBE School Council to obtain a Business account and then will set up a society for fundraising purposes.

b)Bannister Fundraiser - would like to have volunteers – Faye Hollinger and Leanna Robinson.

What are the reason we would need to fundraise for? More playground? Kitchen?

c)Meet the teacher night – to be coordinated with the open house at a date TBD.

d)Leanna met with Christine the local health inspector regarding what our kitchen needs to be done in order for up and running. At the end of the day she was impressed the three sinks were installed. She advised if we wanted to be up and running with the canteen, we would have to make sure the electrical wall is completed in order for the fridgeto be plugged in properly. She also noted that a handwashing station needs to be set up and the kitchen needs to be cleaned up. At the moment we don’t have to have a dishwasher but if we do decide to incorporate one, it needs to be commercial grade. Furthermore, Christine indicated that if we will be cooking within the kitchen, we would have to upgrade to a commercial grade stove, but the stove we have is satisfactory. Christine confirmed she needs a two-week window in order to come in and certify our kitchen for it be operational.

e)Programs ran by MBE School Council –


Hot Lunch – Amanda Apoll will head. As council, will our hot lunch run even or break even. Committee to meet and discuss and bring back to next council meeting.

Club Moo - Danielle Baceeda and Candace and Becky – they will have a meeting and will bring discussion back to next council meeting.

Snack program – Heather Crisler, Ashley Watson will meet and bring discussion back to next council meeting. – Making a healthy choice available and visible.

Breakfast club – to be tabled.

  1. Schools expectation of council and what they would wish to see from us. Principal Darcy Reynolds’s request to sit down with the Chair and discuss. This will be tabled until the next meeting.
  1. Halloween Decorating and/or volunteering – at this time volunteers from council are not required. Everything is being handled as per teachers and staff.
  1. Drop off lane congestion – Principal Darcy Renyolds has stated he believes it is getting better and over time should see improvement.
  1. Santa for Christmas – Council discussed options to bring Santa to MBE. It was decided that we would look into options to book and have Santa to attend during one of the MBE Christmas events at the school. Chair and Principal Darcy Renyolds will discuss further. To be tabled until next meeting.
  1. To be tabled for next council meeting:

a)Book fair;

b)Christmas decorating;

c)Christmas draw baskets;

d)Movie days; and

e)Milk and Cookie days.

  1. Future meeting dates: Wednesday, November 15 at 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday, December 6, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.