Press trips (print media)

If you have chosen to report on Liechtenstein, we are happy to help you organise and carry out media trips and research work here in the Principality.

However, please be aware that we need sufficient preparation time in order to be able to help you organise your media trip. Therefore, please let us know at least four weeks before arrival.

As we are committed to providing our partners in Liechtenstein with documentation about material published on the Principality, please attach to this form anofficial covering letter from your editor.

Editors and freelance journalists must tell us in advance how they intend to use the material resulting from their research work in Liechtenstein. If the exact brief is not yet definite, please send us at least two articles published in your name during the last twelve months.

Please send the completed form to

Incomplete forms cannot be processed. We will look at the details of your request and then let you know how we intend to support your trip to Liechtenstein.

1. Personal details


Last name:

First name:

Job / position:



Post code:

City / town:




I am a freelance journalist and have received a definite brief to report on Liechtenstein. Please attach a covering letter from the editor.

I am a freelance journalist and have not received a definite brief to report on Liechtenstein. I will try to publish my report on Liechtenstein in the following media:

Please attach at least one report that you have previously published.

I am employed as a journalist and will publish an article for the following medium:

2. Print media (magazines and newspapers)

Information on medium

Name of medium:




Number of copies printed:


Distribution area:regional national international

Publication frequency: dailyweeklymonthly

Target audience:

Information on article aboutLiechtenstein

Date of publication:

Approximatelength: ½ page 1 page 2-3 pages 4-5 pagesmore

Topic of article:

I will include photos of Liechtenstein in my article:



I will take my own photos in Liechtenstein:



I will include photos from Liechtenstein Marketing’s media database in my article:



I will include the following links in my article, e.g. in an information box:

name of the hotel where I am staying will be included in the article

I will send a copy of the article as a PDF document, internet link or in printed form by (date).

3. Information about stay in Liechtenstein

Period of stay

Date of arrival:

Time of arrival:

Date of departure:

Time of departure:


Room: single room double room

Name of hotel: if already booked

Information on accompanying persons

Important!Private persons will not be supported by Liechtenstein Marketing.

Job / position:

Last name:

First name:


4. Requests / comments / additional information

Please send the completed form to . Incomplete forms cannot be processed. We will look at the details of your request and then let you know how we intend to support your trip to Liechtenstein.