Digital Photo 3: Manipulation Project
1. To experiment with digital and manual (hand) techniques to alter an image.
2. To explore a concept and different ways to express it photographically.
3. To experience past methods along with a combination of the present methods in photography.
Projects: Choose one of these options
A. TWO VARIATIONS/ SAME IMAGE: Copy the same photo on 2 different documents (so you have 2 files of the same image). Alter each one differently to create a particular mood or idea. For one of these photos you must use materials and apply them by hand (e.g., paint, water colors, pastels, cut-outs from magazines or colored paper, foam core for 3D effect, etc.) For the other photo you will alter/manipulate everything on the computer. For example, you may want to use one of your portraits to show different aspects of the person’s personality by coloring or treating the 2 images in distinct ways.
Some ideas/techniques to consider: Vignette, different blending modes in Photoshop, Handcoloring, Diffusion filter, Solarization/Sabattier Effect, Double Negative/Image, Duotone, Kaleidoscope Composite or Strip Composite Print, Using a photocopier to alter the image, etc.
*Homework: Take photos of everything; yourself, your friend, a family member, a scene/view. Think about how the photo can be completely manipulated by the color or imagery you will later add to it. DUE DATE: ______
B. CYANOTYPE: Turn one of your photos into a large format negative, which will then be contact printed onto cyanotype paper. Exposure from the sun will form the image from the negative, and this will begin your experimentation with altering your images in a different light. Be creative! How do you want to portray this image? Make sure to print the original image as well.
*Homework: Take photos of everything; yourself, your friend, a family member, a scene/view. Think about how the photo can be completely manipulated without using Photoshop. Start brainstorming, think outside the box! DATE: ______
Digital Photo 3 Assessment Sheet: Two Variations/Same Image
Directions: Please evaluate yourself on how well you met the criteria.
1. Compare and contrast the two images by writing a response to the following on the back of this paper:
Analyze the composition (art elements and principles), interpret the piece (especially in terms of how the alteration/manipulation contributes to the work and affects the meaning or mood), and judge the success of each piece. Reflect on how the two methods (analog vs. digital) produced different results. Did you think one was stronger than the other?
print 1 print 2
2. Manipulation and Creativity [20 pts.]
(original/fresh idea or solution to the assignment;
interesting view point and lighting and use of color;
image holds your attention; alterations enhance
the subject matter and meaning)
3. Composition [10 pts.]
(focal point is clear and evident; image is cropped well;
effective use of art elements and principles)
4. Print Quality and Contrast/Exposure [10 pts.]
(absence of dust and scratches; in focus;
blacks, whites and greys; dodging or burning
completed if needed)
5. Matting [10 pts.]
(accurate measurements; clean cut edges;
clean borders; signed in pencil)
6. Evaluation filled out honestly and objectively
and completely. Response to question #1 is thorough
and articulate. All work turned in on time. [15 points]
Total points ______/115
Digital Photo 3 Assessment Sheet: Cyanotype Name______Section______
Directions: Please evaluate yourself on how well you met the criteria.
1. Write a response to the following on the back of this paper:
Compare the original print with the cyanotype. Analyze the composition (art elements and principles), interpret the piece (especially in terms of how the quality contributes to the work and affects the meaning or mood), and judge the success of the piece. Does the experience/process alter your view of the photograph?
2. Concept [25 pts.]
(interesting idea that is well thought-out and
executed; interesting view point and/or lighting;
image holds your attention)
3. Composition [25 pts.]
(focal point is clear and evident; image is cropped well;
effective use of art elements and principles; a clear foreground,
middle ground and background is created)
4. Print Quality/Exposure and Contrast [25 pts.]
(absence of dust and scratches; even borders; in focus,
exposure and contrast relates to what their trying to portray)
5. Work Ethic [10 pts.]
(followed steps which resulted to an actual
Cyanotype. Used creativity and went beyond the instructions)
6. Matting [10 pts.]
(accurate measurements; clean cut edges;
clean borders; signed in pencil)
7. Evaluation filled out honestly and objectively
and completely. Response to question #1 is thorough
and articulate. All work turned in on time. [20 points]
Total points ______/115