- Return what you borrow
- Take responsibility for actions
- Be prepared for class
- Complete assignments by due dates
- Stay on task
- Use “Get SMART” strategies
- Recycle
- Keep supplies neat
- WALK on the right
- Use inside voices
- Hold on to belongings
- Take the shortest route to your next class
- Care for fallen posters by returning them to the nearest teacher
- Use your agenda as a pass
- Clean up after yourself
- Flush
- Keep sink clean
- Put paper in trash
- Be timely
- Wash your hands
- Be sanitary
- Turn off water
- Visit at appropriate times
- Use only your assigned locker
- Lock your locker
- Dispose of any food or trash kept in locker
- Keep lockers free from damage
- Keep locker bank clean
- Eat only your own food
- Clean up after yourself
- Eat first, talk later
- Bring money for food
- 3 students to a bench
- Recycle
- Unopened, unwanted food is donated
- Sit in your (assigned) seat
- Raise your hand if you need an adult
- Stay in your seat
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
- Keep track of your belongings
- Be on time
- Keep areas clean
- Keep bus free from graffiti
- Keep hands, feet, and objects inside the bus
- While others are talking, wait your turn
- Use positive, appropriate language
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
- Listen
- Follow directions
- Raise your hand to participate
- Be on time
- Be truthful
- Pick up after yourself
- Write only on paper
- When you’re not in class, you’re on your way to class
- Keeps hands, feet, and objects to yourself
- Put paper in the trash
- Keep the walls free from graffiti
- Keep hands off posters and work that is hanging on walls
- Use an inside voice
- Quickly return to
- Graffiti-free
- Play fighting is prohibited
- Bully-free zone
- Theft-free zone
- Wait your turn
- Leave the locker bank once you are finished at your locker
- Close locker doors gently
- Give room to other students
- Keep feet off of the lockers
- Patiently wait your turn
- Follow directions
- Unwanted, open food is thrown away
- Use please and thank you
- Quietly stay in line
- Use inside voice
- Remain seated until you are excused
- Clean up after yourself
- No cutting in line
- Share seats
- Use an indoor voice
- Keep feet out of the aisles
- Follow the bus driver’s directions
- Set a positive example
- Leave the bus in the same or better condition than you found it
NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE: Gum Belongs at Home, Dress for Success, Use Appropriate Language