Luther Burbank High School
Parent Handbook
Our Mission:
LBHS will provide the means and opportunity for an equal education for all students who attend regardless of race, color, or creed, allowing for differences whether physical, intellectual or cultural. It is the role of the school to foster the development of individual capabilities to enable each student to become the best person possible, and an effective-thinking, economically-productive citizen, aware of his or her right and responsibilities as a contributing member of society, including family, community, nation, and the world.
In order to be certain these goals are met, LBHS provides curriculum covering such diverse areas as basic skills, academics, and sequential vocational course of study. Varied extracurricular activities are also provided to help the individual student develop special talents, desirable social traits andbehavior patterns, and the qualities of leadership.
Luther Burbank High School
3500 Florin Road
Sacramento, CA 97823
(916) 433-5100
Table of Content
Message from the Principal………………………………………………………Page 3
Important Phone Numbers………………………………………………………Page 4
School Calendar………………………………………………………………...... Page 5
Campus Enrichment Activities…………………………………………………..Page 6
Bell Schedule………………………………………………………………………Page 8
SLC Structure………………………………………………………………….....Page 9
Course Offerings …………………………………………………………………Page 10
Academic Requirements…………………………………………………………Page 12
Student Services…………………………………………………………………..Page 14
Attendance ……..………………………………………………………………….Page 17
Discipline……...……………………………………………………………………Page 18
Textbook Policy…………………………………………………………………….Page 22
Parent Involvement………………………………………………………………..Page 23
Uniform Complaint Procedures…………………………………………………..Page 25
Parent/Student/School Compact .…………………………………………………Page 26
Message from the Principal
Dear Luther Burbank Families,
On behalf of the faculty, staff, and administrators, I would like to extend a warm welcome. Our six small learning communities are once again set to provide students and the community with a high school experience that is rigorous, relevant, and rich. By challenging students to develop the skills needed for college and career opportunities, they will be prepared for success after graduation. With programs such as International Baccalaureate, Student Ambassadors and Parent University, all students and parents can enjoy our dynamic and innovative school.
Please know that you are always welcome here. Your involvement is critical to our success. Together, I know, we will continue to make Luther Burbank a center of pride and opportunity for the community. I hope to hear from you and see you often.
Jim Peterson
Luther Burbank H.S. Directory
School Phone: 433-5100Fax 433-5199
ADMINISTRATIONPrincipal / Ext. / Room / Principal’s OM / Room / Ext.
Jim Peterson / 1011/1012 / A-1-C / Angee Gonzalez / A-1-B / 1010
Assistant Principals / Ext. / Room
Richard Godnick / 1021 / A-9
Belinda Kirk / 1068 / A-1-G
SRO / 1061 / A-9
Position / Name / Ext. / Room / Fax
Attendance Supervisor / Maria Valim / 1031 / A-1
Attendance Technician
Controller / Fanny Cheung / 1040 / A-17
Reception/Front Desk / Sharon Hicks / 1030 / A-1
Registrar / Bryan Barton / 1032 / A-3-A / 433-5114
SLC Name / Lead Teacher / Ext. / Room / Counselor / Ext. / Room
Medical & Health Sciences (MHS) / Cary Farley / 1035/1036 / A-2 / Jim Mcgee / 1054 / A-5-I
Law & Social Justice ( LSJ) / Victoria Stolinksi / 1035/1036 / A-2 / DeShannus Gray / 1034 / A-5-C
Business & Information Technology (BIT) / Clay Dagler / 1035/1036 / A-2 / Janet Spilman / 1053 / A-5-G
Construction & Design (CAD) / Pam Buric / 1035/1036 / A-2 / Linda Ann Yang / 1033 / A-5-A
Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) / Antoine Germany / 1035/1036 / A-2 / Alejandro Corona / 1052 / A-5-F
Global Studies (GS) / Katherine Bell / 1035/1036 / A-2 / Carol Mills / 1051 / A-5-E
Counseling Dept. Conference Room / 1056 / A-5-H
Position / Name / Ext. / Room / Cell/Fax
Athletic Director / John Heffernan / 1710 / G-9 / 802-8388 (C)
Bat Phone / 752-7198
Book Room Clerk / Dina Howard / 1046 / A-13
Boys Gym / Greg Lazaga/Jerry Glaviano / 1710 / Gym
Cafeteria Manager / Cyndi Neaves / 2200 / Cafeteria
Career Center / Anetra Ross / 1058 / A-5
Computer Information Center / Rhonda Torres / 1618 / F-8 / 433-5529
Girls Gym / Julie Beall/Tameshia White / 1707 / Gym
GVS - Gang Prevention / Miguel Campos / 1066 / A-10-A / 433-5316
1065 / A-10
On-Campus Suspension / Richard Godnick / 1078 / A-18
Campus Monitors / 1060 / A-9
Librarian / Jackie Proudlove / 2001 / Library
Parent Engagement Coordinator / Juan Arroyo/Veronica Villanueva / 1050/1055 / A-4
Plant Manager / Pablo Martin / 2250 / Receiving / 433-5140
Nurse / A-14 / Old Exam Room
Psychologist Tues. / Christina McCarty / 1079 / A-14
Psychologist Spec. Ed. T/Th/Fri / Kris Oseski / 1085 / A-5-D
Counseling Intern M-F / 1056 / A-5-G
Special Education / Terry Marks / 1070 / A-8
Speech Therapist / 2000 / L-3 / Library
Workability / 1077 / A14-B
Visions Unlimited / 1085 / A-5-D
Another Choice Another Chance / 1063 / A-10-B
Another Choice Another Chance / 1071 / A-10-
Foster Youth / Mashae Parker
EBAYC Counselor / Lee Sai Yang / 1079 / A-14
Commander / Tom Jones / Ext. 1827 / H-7 / 433-5145
Chief / William McCarty / Ext. 1809 / H-9
Gunnie / Carrie Sullivan / Ext. 1807 / H-7
Period 0 / 7:07 am-8:03 amPeriod 1 / 8:10 am-9:08 am
Period 2 / 9:15 am-10:13 am
Period 3 / 10:20 am-11:18 am
Period 4 / 11:25 am-12:23 pm
Lunch / 12:23 pm-12:53 pm
Period 5 / 1:00 pm-1:58 pm
Period 6 / 2:05 pm-3:03 pm
Period 7 / 3:10 pm-4:08 pm
Period 0 / 7:07 am-8:03 am
Period 1 / 8:10 am-8:45 am
Period 2 / 8:52 am-9:26 am
Period 3 / 9:33 am-10:07 am
Period 4 / 10:14 am-10:48 am
Period 5 / 10:55 am-11:29 am
Period 6 / 11:36 am-12:10 pm
Lunch / 12:10 pm-12:32 pm
Period 7 / 12:39 pm-1:13 pm
Period 0 / 7:07 am-8:03 am
Period 1 / 8:10 am-8:58 am
Period 2 / 9:05 am-9:53 am
Period 3 / 10:00 am-10:48 am
Period 4 / 10:55 am-11:43 am
Lunch / 11:43 am-12:13 pm
Period 5 / 12:20 pm-1:08 pm
Period 6 / 1:15 pm-2:03 pm
Period 7 / None
Thursday/Planning Day ScheduleMinimum Day Bell Schedule
Period 0 / 7:07 am-8:03 amPeriod 1 / 8:10 am-8:59 am
Period 2 / 9:06 am-9:55 am
Period 3 / 10:02 am-10:51 am
Period 4 / 10:58 am-11:47 am
Lunch / 11:47 am-12:17 pm
Period 5 / 12:24 pm-1:13 pm
Period 6 A / 1:20 pm-2:08 pm
Period 6 B / 2:15 pm-3:03 pm
Period 7 / 3:10 pm-4:08 pm
Assembly/Rally Day Bell Schedule
Luther Burbank High School is a comprehensive school themedaround a small learning community (SLC) model. This model encompasses groups of core academic and elective teachers who serve a student body of 200-300 students within each small learning community over the course of four years in high school. There are 6 small learning communities on campus which are themed to a specific career pathway. Each learning community offers subject content courses in the area of: English, Math, Science, Social Science, and WorldLanguage.
In addition to the core content areas, each small learning community provides many specific career-theme electives that are available to students. By their senior year, students will be afforded the opportunity to engage in work related careers in the form of career related courses, job shadowing, internships, apprenticeships, and/or externships. Students are not limited by the small learning community they have selected during their freshmen year in career field options.
The structure of each small learning community is comprised of a lead teacher, a counselor, and 10-15 subject content teachers. The lead teacher oversees the daily operations of the small learning community, while closely working with the counselor to monitor the academic progress of students within their small learning communities. Each member within the SLC works to strengthen the curricular pathway, monitors the progress of their students, assists with providing individual academic plans for each student, and creates opportunities to increase parent involvement.
Provided below is a list of small learning communities and Lead Teacher contact information.
Small Learning Community / Lead Teacher / EmailMedical & Health Sciences / Cary Farley /
Law & Social Justice / Victoria Stolinski /
Business Information Technology / Clayton Dagler /
Construction & Design / Pamela Buric /
VisualPerforming Arts / Antoine Germany /
Global Studies &International Baccalaureate / Katherine Bell /
Course Offerings at Luther Burbank High School
(The following courses fulfill the a-g requirements for eligibility into a CSU/UC)
Course Offerings at Luther Burbank High School
(The following courses fulfill the a-g requirements for eligibility into a CSU/UC)
A high school diploma will be awarded when ALL the following are completed:
- 225 total credits earned (Please see below for the breakdown of course requirements).
- Satisfy Technology Proficiency Requirement
- Satisfy Senior Project Requirement
High School Graduation Requirements and UC/CSU (College) Requirements
Courses needed to earn a diploma / Courses needed to be admissible to college (A-G)Economics ( 1 semester or 5 credits)
English 9, 10, 11, 12 (4 years or 40 credits) / English (4 years)
Fine Arts (1 year or 10 credits) / Fine Arts (1 year)
Life Science (1 year or 10 credits) / Biology (1 year)
Physical Science (1 year or 10 credits) / Chemistry or Physics (1 year required, 2 preferred)
Algebra (1 year or 10 credits)
Geometry (1 year or 10 credits)
Mathematics (2 more years or 20 credits of upper level math) / Mathematics ( three years up to 2nd year Algebra, 4 years of math preferred)
Physical Education ( 2 years or 20 credits)
World History (1 year or 10 credits) / World History ( 1 year)
US History (1 year or 10 credits) / US History (1 year )
Government (1 semester or 5 credits)
Geography (1 semester or 5 credits)
Contemporary Global Issues (1 semester or 5 credits
World Language (1 year or 10 credits) / World Language ( 2 years required, 3 years or more preferred)
Senior Project / College Preparatory Electives (1 or more years in the following areas: English, Social Science, World Language, Fine or Visual/Performing Art, Mathematics)
Technology Proficiency (either passing a challenge test or passing a course)
UC: SAT I or ACT and SAT Subject Tests ( Please see your counselor for the schedule or visit
IMPORTANT: Please schedule an appointment with your child’s counselor to review his/her transcript regularly to ensure that he/she is 1) on track to meeting high school graduation requirements and, 2) satisfying UC/CSU College entry requirements.
At LBHS, students are not promoted by age or time spent in high school. Students must earn credits in order to make good progress toward graduation. As such, the following indicate each grade level and how many credits students should have to be on track toward graduation:
9th0 (September)-44 (June) Credits
10th45 (September)-104 (June) Credits
11th105 (September)- 164 (June )Credits
12th165 (September) Credits
Seniors should schedule a senior transcript review with their counselors to double check progress toward graduation. It’s critical that courses are made up if credits or required classes are still missing. To be on track toward graduation, a student should start his/her senior year with at least 165 credits. Please see your counselor to see what you still need.
Graduating Mid-term: Must inform counselor by the second week of September.
GRADUATION: Walking the stage is an earned privilege, not a right. Seniors are expected to have good citizenship, attendance, and meet all graduation requirements in order to participate in commencement activities. Please attend all senior assemblies in order to receive up-to-date information about graduation and senior activities. Seniors who transfer in after the 3rd quarter may not be able to participate in commencement exercises.
GRADUATION will be the week of June 13, 2017. Rehearsal will be the same day. Rehearsal is mandatory. Location and time TBA.
- PSAT Test (10th and 11th grades): Wednesday, October 19, 2016.
- SBAC Testing: April 24th-May 5th, 2017[RG1]
Counseling is an integral part of any student’s high school career. At LBHS, we believe that every student should feel safe, secure, and academically prepared to graduate from high school and matriculate toward college. Our counselors work closely with their Lead Teacher and small learningcommunity teachers to ensure that all students are successfully making good progress toward high school completion and meeting college requirements.
Counselors are available to support students with academic, personal/social, and career inquiries. Students should schedule regular meetings with their counselor to ensure they’re making good academic progress toward graduation and college.
Counseling services include, but are not limited to:
- academic planning (Individual Learning Plans, transcript review, etc.)
- career/college exploration and outreach
- personal crisis counseling and group counseling
- mental health counseling referrals
- pregnant/parenting teen referrals
- drug/alcohol counseling referrals
- conflict resolution mediations
- facilitating parent/teacher conferences.
Small Learning Community / Counselor Name / Room # / Telephone Extension # / Lead Teacher
College Career Center / Anetra Ross / A-5 / 1058 / N/A
Business & Information Technology / Janet Spilman / A-5-H / 1056 / Clay Dagler
Construction & Design / Linda Ann Yang / A-5-G / 1053 / Pam Buric
Global Studies / Carol Mills / A-5-E / 1051 / Katherine Bell
Law & Social Justice / DeShannus Gray / A-5-C / 1034 / Victoria Stolinski
Medical & Health Science / Jim McGee / A-5-I / 1054 / Cary Farley
Visual & Performing Arts / Alejandro Corona / A-5-F / 1052 / Antoine Germany
Luther Burbank High School Telephone Number (916) 433-5100
Do you know which college you want to attend after high school? What college or career is right for you? Do you know what you want to do after high school? If you’re unsure or even if you know what you want but need more information, the College/Career Center is the perfect starting point. Please feel free to visit our College/Career Center in room A5 for information on colleges, vocational trades, student job postings, and scholarship information. See Ms. Anetra Ross for more details.
Individualized College/Career Plan: Students have the opportunity to begin planning for college and career options via our web-based programs. Students are encouraged to stop by the career center and create their profile as early as their freshmen year.
September – June: SAT & ACT test are taken at different times and location.
Date TBA: Sacramento City School District College Fair
October – November: Apply for CSU and UC colleges.
January 1 – March 2nd: Apply for FAFSA.
March 2nd:Deadline for submitting social security for Cal Grants.
February: Apply for Los Rios Community College.
PSAT/SAT/ACT(College Entrance Tests)All 10th graders will take the PSAT in October to practice and prepare for the SAT. 11th graders are highly encouraged to take the PSAT to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship program and to prepare for the SAT.
12th graders should take the SAT and/or ACT no later than Dec. to be eligible for UC/CSU. / COLLEGE APPLICATION
For UC & CSU college systems, start applying October 1st. The deadline is November 30th. For Los Rios Community Colleges (SCC, CRC, ARC, etc), you will apply at the end of February. Please see Ms. Ross for more details. / FINANCIAL AID
Students must apply for Financial Aid through FAFSA and Cal Grant. Please see below for the FAFSA website. You and your parent must obtain a PIN (Personal Identification Number) in order to begin your FAFSA application. LBHS will submit your GPA for the Cal Grant application process. Both deadlines are March 2nd.
SCHOLARSHIPS/ College Preparation / Important Phone numbers
(10th & 11th) / FAFSA 1-800-433-3243
CAL GRANT 1-888-224-7268
Parents/guardians have the right to inspect and review their student’s educational records within 5 days of a written request. All student records contain transcripts, discipline files, health information, and test results. Please submit your request through the Registrar’s office to view all records. Copies can be obtained at 20 cents a page. You may contact the registrar’s office at 433-5100 x 1032 (Education Code 49063 and 49069).
Requests for official transcripts can also be obtained from the Registrar’s office. The first 2 official transcripts are free. The fee for additional transcripts thereafter is $2.00. Please allow 10 days for all requests to be processed.
It’s the responsibility of parents/guardians to update student information. When you have a change of address, please bring a copy of your new address to the Registrar for corrections. Having current addresses and phone numbers is critical to the communication process between home and school. Please complete a new EMERGENCY CARD annually to ensure that we have the most updated information and for emergency/liability purposes. Emergency cards were mailed to all incoming 9th graders. All 10th-12th grade students will receive their new cards at the beginning of the school year.
It’s important that students are held responsible and accountable for their attendance at school. Punctuality is an essential skill for life and career success. As such, it’s our expectation that students at LBHS will adhere to the following guidelines:
Absence Policy
Students are expected to be in school except for:
- Personal illness, illness in the family, or death of a relative.
- Observance of a religious holiday that is consistent with a student’s belief.
Procedure students follow after being absent
Students are responsible for notifying the attendance office of their absence. The attendance office will authorize a “Re-admit” form upon receipt of written notification with a reason for the absence and a parent signature including a phone number. Within 5 days of the absence, the student must “Verify” the reason for not attending school. If the absence is not cleared by the time the monthly reports are calculated, it will then be too late and the absence will be considered “Unverified” and may be deemed Truant.
Tardy Policy
Students are expected to be in their assigned seats before the tardy bell rings (with books and materials). Students who are late to class will be issued a tardy citation by a staff member with a minimum consequence of a detention.
Note: Failure to serve a detention will lead to on-campus suspension. Off-campus suspensions may be assigned to students who repeatedly fail to serve their detentions. Please encourage your student to be on time, remain in his/her classes, and serve any detention in order to prevent easily avoidable suspensions.
Truancy or Unverified Absences
- Truant [E.C. 48260] (Attendance Letter #1-Warning) Absent from school without a valid excuse.Any student truant three or more days (18 class periods) will receive a first notice of excessive absences and is requested to improve the attendance, or clarify absences with the school.
- A student may attend one day of Saturday School to excuse an unverified absence and mark it as a Saturday School served not a truant.
- Repeat Truant [E.C. 48261] (Attendance Letter #2) Any student exceeding one additional day (six more class periods or a total of 24 class periods) will receive a second letter and is in serious violation of Attendance policy. It is suggested that the parent meet with staff in order to clarify any absences that are valid.
- Habitual Truant [E.C. 48262] ( Attendance Letter #3) A student is eligible for a 3rd letter after another day (six more class periods totaling 30 class periods). Families that receive the third letter will be given a time and date to meet with the School Attendance Review Team (SART) to discuss a remedy and sign a contract.
- Absences that continue beyond these steps may be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) for further measure to be taken by the district.