129336 Moscow, Startovaja-street, 11-517,
post:A/R 28 Moscow 129336, Russia /
129336 Москва, ул. Стартовая, 11/517,
для переписки: 129 336, Москва, а/я 28
Tel: +7 (495)475-9628, 8903542 35 95 E-mail: , Web-site: mininb.narod.ru
Committee of the Regions,President Luc Van den Brande
Copy: European Commission
Directorate-General for Education and Culture,
Deputy Head of UnitRoger O'Keeffe
/ ВашN /Your Ref.:
Наш N /Our Ref.: 0838/AK
Дата /Date: 03.02.2009.
Excuse, please, translation is executed by a computer,
we ask to excuse us for discrepancies and typing errors
About cooperation for performance of program
Year of Creativity and Innovation (2009)
Dear Mr. President,
Dear Mr. Directorate-General,
On cooperation for implementation of the program
Year of Creativity and Innovation (2009)
Dear Mr. President,
Dear Mr. Directorate-General,
We, members of public organization - Academy IPDA, with the great interest and attention peer into all accessible information in the Internet concerning your very duly program «The European Year of Innovation and Creativity-2009 (EYCI)» which puts many major tasks for activization of creativity and innovations. We are sure, that it is extremely important not only for Europe, but also all over the world.
Among the put problems there are such ones in which we together with a group of Russian scientists are engaged for many decades. Our works are poorly known in the West, but it is possible to assume, that our solutions could be useful to your developers.
Dear Mr. President, Dear Mr. Directorate-General, with a great pleasure we will work in a team which has recognized creativity for the supreme priority. – We should only chose the forms of co-operation which will provide the best productivity of our common work.
We know about the workshop in Prague in March какогогода?, There will be a true festival. There are no problems to arrive there if there will be an invitation and visa. Whether but it is better to discuss after Prague that it was possible to estimate truly, what we can add to those who there has acted? (НЕПОНЯЛ) I speak English and German, but very poorly. Therefore, nevertheless, it is better to work together with the help of a professional interpretor., for I start to speak only when to us there come my friends from Austria and Germany, and not at once. (ЛУЧШЕУБРАТЬ)
To this letter, our Offers are applied and 3 appendices,( 514 kb).
Many thanks and beforehand excuse for your time,
With the best regards
Chief of the Federal Centre of certification,
President of theInternationalPublicDevelopmentAcademy,
Doctor of engineering,
Full doctor of economics, professor,
Academician of the InternationalAcademy of informatization (UN)
Boris A. Minin
+7 (495) 475 96 28; (903)542 35 95
In case of your interest we are ready to meet or discuss (in Russian) by phone with you or with your experts. For correspondence we ask you to use E-mail
We shall undertake an attempt to send you this letter via several channels, for we understand, that any of them is not guaranteed