Employee Name: / Job Title:
1. Review of Responsibilities and Job Description.
List any additional tasks that have been carried out during the past year, or tasks included in the Job Description which are no longer relevant to the post.
2. Last Year’sObjectives
List the objectives or areas for improvement agreed last year and state whether they have been achieved. Note any obstacles that have impeded performance.
Objective/Target / Achieved
Fully (F)
Partially (P)
Not (N) / Comments
3. New Skills,Training and Development
List any new skills learnt or training courses attended during the past year. Comment on how this helped performance, whether the skill or learning has been applied to the job, and if they have learnt what they needed to learn from the training provided. List any obstacles that have impeded performance.
Guide to Scoring
Unsatisfactory (1)
Significantly below job requirements in several key areas. /Developing (2)
Need for some improvement in one or more key areas. /Effective (3)
Performance fully and consistently satisfactory in all key areas. /Exceptional (4)
Significantly exceeds job requirements in all areas. A role model recognised by others.4. Work Performance Evaluation
Rating 1-4 / Appraiser’s Comments
Job Knowledge and Ability
Use of Resources
Management of Staff:
Setting StandardsMonitoring Performance
Staff Development
Achievement of Department & Own Objectives
Health & Safety
5. Individual Performance EvaluationRating 1-4 /
Appraiser’s Comments
Problem SolvingCustomer Care
Interaction with Others
Managing Change
6. Objectives for the next 12 months
List any responsibilities/tasks that have been agreed, or areas that could be developed or improved upon in the light of the above evaluation.
Objective / Target date for completion
7. Individual Development Plan
List any identified training and development needs based upon future objectives, additional responsibilities, or opportunities for personal development.
Learning Objective / How will this be achieved? / How will you know this has been achieved? / Target Date for completion / Approximate Cost
8. Appraiser’s Overall Conclusion
Appraiser’s Signature: / Date:
9. Appraisee’s Comments
Appraisee’s Signature: / Date: