Version Drafted / Date Drafted / Notes (Please update the version number in the footer)
1.0 / 16.5.02
1.1 / 20.05.02
1.2 / 21.05.02
Cabinet : / Above / Below
27 May 2002 / Confidential Line
Report Title : / Highway Maintenance MAJOR works PROGRAMME 2002/2003
Consultation : / Please note that TEN Working Days should normally be allowed for both internal department and external consultation. If no comments are received by that time, it will be assumed that the report is agreed.
Draft sent to / Date / Agreed by / Date / Notes
List of attachments
File Names / Version / Date Drafted / NotesLONDON BOROUGH OF BRENT
27 May 2002
1.1This report makes recommendations to Members detailing the prioritised programmes for the major footway upgrade projects and road resurfacing schemes that are to be implemented during 2002/03.
2.1The Cabinet agrees to utilise the £727k major works revenue budget split as £250k for carriageways and £477k for footways. An additional Capital sum of £175k is to be used to upgrade footways. The prioritised lists are attached in Appendices 1 (footways) and 2 (carriageways).
2.2The Cabinet delegates authority to the Deputy Director of Environmental Services in consultation with the Lead Member for Environment to vire between the revenue budget for major works and the revenue budget for minor works (patching). This may become necessary as a result of an over spend on the minor works (patching) budget.
3.1The Cabinet notes that the total sum of £727k is available from the 2002/03 revenue budget for upgrading footways [Borough and Principal Roads] and resurfacing carriageways [Borough Roads].
3.2The Cabinet notes that £780k is available for Principal Road resurfacing schemes from the Local Transport Capital Expenditure settlement 2002/03. These schemes are listed in Appendix 3. These schemes are prioritised from a London-Wide Survey commissioned by Transport for London (TfL). These schemes are all funded by Transport for London (TfL).
3.3The cost of the footways [Borough Roads & Principal Roads] and carriageways [Borough Roads] schemes will be accommodated within the Revenue and Capital budget allocations.
3.4£25k has been allocated from the Capital Programme for implementing dropped kerbs in shopping areas (Appendix 1).
3.5£50k has been allocated from the Capital programme for upgrading approaches to Controlled and non controlled crossings in various locations throughout the Borough. These areas do not comply with the Department of Transport and Regions guidance on the use of tactile paving surfaces (Appendix 1).
3.6£175k has been allocated from the Capital programme for footway upgrades. This sum is to be used in conjunction with the £477k revenue allocation.
4.1The Transportation Unit (Highways Maintenance) will manage all schemes.
5.1The proposed footway and carriageway upgrades are designed to enhance the street scene. They also assist in restricting claims made against this Authority by improving both pedestrian and vehicle safety thereby contributing to a safer environment for all highway users. Dropped kerb/tactile paving works in shopping areas and at crossing points will improve the highway network infrastructure for people with disabilities.
The Highways Act 1980 places a duty on the Council to maintain the public highway.
7.1The independent survey to determine the footway upgrade and carriageway surfacing programme is based on service requests from residents that have been received in Transportation, previous priorities that have not been completed and recommendations from the Senior Highways Engineers as a result of their routine safety inspections. This year, for the first time, as a result of the Best Value review of the Highway Maintenance Service, all Councillors were requested (Appendix 4) to indicate the priorities in the areas that they represent. All of the roads and footways identified by these processes have now been inspected in the one survey and prioritised.
7.2It should be noted that public demand for major relay/resurfacing works far outweighs the current budget for these works.
7.3The priorities attached to each scheme are based on the structural condition of the site, together with the safety implications of the area. An additional factor taken into consideration for the footway upgrades relates to the number of times that the site has been repaired in recent years as a result of repetitive damage through vehicle over-ride. A weighting factor with regard to pedestrian usage has also been considered.
7.4The programme for implementing dropped kerbs/tactile paving in shopping areas and at crossing points will assist people with disabilities with their mobility. Specific locations are subject to full consultation with Brent Association of Disabled People [BADP]. The programme at pedestrian crossings is an Audit Commission performance indicator.
Details of Documents:
8.1Relay/Resurface Residents/Councillor Letters – File R/R/1
Footway Priority Lists 2002/2003 – File FRE/1
Carriageway Priority Lists 2002/2003 – File CRE/1
Highway Engineers Recommendations – File RR/1
8.2Any person wishing to inspect the above papers should contact John Moriarty, Transportation Unit, Brent House, 349 High Road, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 6BZ,
Telephone: 0181 937 5115.
Richard SaundersDirector of Environmental Services
APPENDIX 1 (Footways)
£477K [REVENUE] £175K [CAPITAL] - Footway Upgrades
- £75k [CAPITAL] - Upgrading dropped kerbs
- Various sites in Borough subject to repetitive damage 160K
- Malvern Road N.W.672K
3. Lyon Park Avenue Wembley (Woodstock Road- Heather Park Drive)50K
4. Tewkesbury Gardens NW9 70K
5. Milman Road NW6 10K
6. Barnhill Road Wembley65K
7. Water Road Wembley75k
8 Woodside Close Wembley10K
9. Church Lane NW9 (Tudor Gardens – Wood Lane) even side50K
10. Kingswood Avenue NW620K
11. Stag Lane NW9 (Mollison Way – Holmstall Avenue)70K
12. Hillfield Avenue Wembley95K
13. Twybridge Way NW1080K
All schemes subject to co-ordination with internal and external agencies.
Schemes 12and 13 are reserve schemes.
- Kilburn High Road NW62. Willesden Lane NW103. Walm Lane NW2
- Harlesden 2. Neasden 3.Kingsbury
APPENDIX 2 (Carriageways)
1. Various locations requiring major patching 75K
2. Eton Avenue Wembley (Sudbury Avenue- Charterhouse Avenue)80K
3. Brook Road NW250K
4. Copland Avenue Wembley25K
5. Hayland Close NW920K
6. Repton Avenue Wembley25K
7. Woodcock Dell Avenue Kenton36K
All schemes subject to co-ordination with internal and external agencies.
Schemes 6 and 7 are reserve schemes.
APPENDIX 3 – (Carriageways)
1. Hillside NW10 (Knatchbull Road – Wesley Road)93K
2. East Lane Wembley (Sudbury Avenue- Castleton Avenue)196K
3. High Road NW10 (Strode Road – Brondesbury Park)124k
4. Kenton Road HA3 (Woodcock Hill – Upton Gardens)119K
5. Kenton Road HA3 (Churchill Avenue-Northwick Avenue)139K
6. Church Road NW10 (Near Roundabout)109K
7. Ealing Road Wembley (Chaplin Road – Stanley Avenue)187K
8. Ealing Road Wembley (Carlyon Road – Alperton Lane)122K
All schemes are subject to co-ordination with internal and external agencies.
Schemes 7 & 8 are reserve projects.
Message from John Moriarty, Head of Highway Maintenance 31 January 2002
Dear Councillor
As part of the Highway Maintenance (Transportation) Best Value consultation process, a questionnaire was sent to all Councillors seeking their views on improvements to the service. One of the results of this consultation process, indicated a lack of understanding and dissatisfaction in the system for formulating and prioritising the major works programme (carriageway and footway).
The annual carriageway/footway condition survey is completed every February. The survey includes:-
All major public highway works that service users (Councillors/residents) have identified as in a very poor condition and in need of upgrading.
Schemes previously identified but not completed in earlier years.
Recommendations of Senior Area Engineers, based on their routine inspections.
These are all independently surveyed and then listed in order of priority based on condition. The cost of each scheme is estimated. The list is then reviewed in line with our maintenance strategy, which considers factors other than condition (hierarchy, volume of traffic/pedestrians, proposed traffic schemes, statutory authority works etc) to produce the major works programme.
The prioritised list of footway and carriageway schemes is then presented to Committee. Dependent on the funding that is made available, schemes are then progressed in order of priority, during the course of the financial year.
I would like to take this opportunity to seek your input into this process by indicating, on the attached sheet, what you consider to be the four highest priority carriageway or footway schemes, in your ward. This letter is also being sent to your home address.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on 020 8937 5115.
Your early reply would be very much appreciated.
Kind regards.
John Moriarty
Head of Highway Maintenance
Name of WARD:......
I would like the following roads to be included in the annual condition survey undertaken by Highway Maintenance (Transportation).
(1)……………………………………………… (Carriageway / Footway – delete as appropriate)
(2)……………………………………………… (Carriageway / Footway – delete as appropriate)
(3)……………………………………………… (Carriageway / Footway – delete as appropriate)
(4)……………………………………………… (Carriageway / Footway – delete as appropriate)
Signed ………………………………………...... … Date…………………...... ……
Please return to:-
John Moriarty
Head of Highway Maintenance
Transportation Service Unit
Brent House
349 High Road
Middlesex HA9 6BZ
Cabinet 27 May 2002 / Version (No 1.2)Version (21.05.02)