CELL PROJECT – Please pick one! Due date: ______

1)  The Incredible Edible Cell

·  Construct an edible model of a plant OR animal cell.

·  All models must be made out of edible materials that will remain fresh at least 3 days without refrigeration.

·  Avoid using materials that have an unpleasant odor or that may be considered offensive!

·  Each model must include all of the following organelles:

ü  Cell membrane / ü  Endoplasmic Reticulum / ü  Mitochondria
ü  Cytoplasm / ü  Vacuole / ü  Golgi Body
ü  Nucleus / ü  Ribosome / ü  IN PLANTS: chloroplast, cell wall
ü  IN ANIMALS: lysosome, centrioles

·  Grades will be based on the following questions:

ü  LABELS!! See the bottom of this page for an example!

ü  Is your name on the project?

ü  Is the cell type identified? Tell if it is a plant or animal cell.

ü  Is the model a 3-D representation of a plant or animal cell?

ü  Are all the organelles included?

ü  Are the organelles correctly labeled? Each organelle must be labeled with its name and function. You may label each organelle or use a key.

ü  Are the relationships between the parts (if any) shown correctly? Are the ribosomes on the endoplasmic reticulum? Is the endoplasmic reticulum near the nucleus? If a plant cell, are the chloroplasts around the vacuole?

ü  Are the materials acceptable?

ü  Is the model under 30 centimeters on every side?


·  How it Should Look:

ü  Each part should be based on the organelle’s appearance and function. For example, the Endoplasmic Reticulum is the transportation system, so it should resemble one.

ü  You might use licorice or spaghetti for materials. You may want to look at your cell diagrams for help.

ü  You may use the following materials, but they cannot count as part of the cell: container, plastic wrap, paper, or toothpicks. Keep in mind that these projects will be eaten after they have been graded!

2)  The Incredible UN-edible Cell

ü  Use the same criteria as #2 but do NOT make it edible. You can use clay, arts & crafts supplies, paper mache, etc.

ü  See requirements above!

Example of label: