A Concise Example of TC Network
Eliyahu Rips
Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University
August 21, 2008
This paper accompanies PowerPoint presentation limudai.ppt and provides additional information for the sequence of slides.
Slide 1
The ELS phrase תשמעו את למודי (you will hear my teachings) with skip 75 was known for several years. It closely resembles the end of the verse Isaiah 50:4 לשמע כלמודים. Rotenberg scale value is 6.5
Slide 2
Now, when I returned to this old finding, the first thing was to check for parallel repetitions. Indeed, we see on Slide 2 parallel appearances of שמעו (hear) and למודי (my teachings). The outcome of the measurements (with respect to the axis תשמעו את למודי):
שמעו – 91/10,000;
למודי – 54/10,000.
Slide 3
The next slide shows a parallel meeting of למודי and את למודי with skip 5 close enough to the original ELS (so we can see it on the same tableau). At the same time, it is the best parallel meeting between למודי and למודי. In the range of skips up to 100, there are only 2 interesting parallel meetings of למודי and למודי: the one with skip 5 and the one with skip 75,
both shown on this slide.
Slide 4
It would be natural to ask, whether the word שמע or some derivative from it also appears also participates in this parallel meeting. As far as I know, the answer is 'no'. However, we see the word שומע with skip 75 near this parallel meeting. It has a considerable "echo": the word שמען in the plain text and a typical double configuration of שמע: with skips 2 and 4 sharing the letter מ.
Slide 5
On Slide 5, we add the parallel meeting of למודי and את למודי shown in a separate tableau. It is interesting to notice that this tableau is in fact identical with the tableau of a parallel meeting of תלמוד and תלמוד with skip 5, discovered long ago by Doron Witztum and included in his book "The Additional Dimension."
The measurement for the parallel appearance of את למודי with respect to למודי with skip 5 gives the result 10/1,859,961 (the program crashed before completing; the full result should be versus 2M monkey texts). As in the previous measurements, there is a point of necessary adjustments. The discussion of the adjustments is deliberately postponed.
Slide 6
Until now, we described the conventional part of the findings. Now follows the non-conventional part.
In the same column as תשמעו את למודי, we see the word שלמי. I am not sure how to translate it, but it does not matter. We find the same word שלמי with skip 5 on the tableau of the parallel meeting of למודי and את למודי. The result of the measurement for the parallel meeting of שלמי with respect to את למודי with skip 5 is 46.5/10,000.
Slide 7
The next word לאד to be found in the same column with skip 75, makes a double appearance on the side tableau, with skip 5 and 10 in the same column. The odds (versus את למודי) are 64.5/1,000.
Slide 8
More of the above. The word חונה with skip 75 is observed in the column of תשמעו את למודי (immediately below the phrase) and appears the second time with skip 5 near את למודי. The odds are 116/10,000.
Slide 9
Now we go in the reverse direction. We start with the column of את למודי with skip 5, read words there and then return to the tableau with 75 letters in each row. The word חמלו (they had pity) is shown in both places.
Slide 10
Now the word כשה (whatever it could mean).
Slide 11
Now the word איב (enemy). It appears in the top of the column את למודי with skip 5, and immediately after כשה with skip 75. Notice that we have obtained a phrase חמלו כשה איב. This column is on the opposite side of the cylinder with size 75, but if we divide by 2, the words on the cylinder with size 37 with not appear vertically, so we preferred not to look on it.
Slide 12
Now we added a tableau showing the best parallel meeting of שמעו with שמעו (with skip 6). We read there the phrase שמעו לשאול (they listened to, or obeyed Shaul). Compare this with the verse in the First Book of Samuel 15:4 וישמע שאול וגו'. Looking at the verse 15:9 "But Shaul and the people had pity on Agag and the best of the sheep etc" we are able to explain the phrase חמלו כשה איב: they had pity on the enemy, like [they had pity on] a lamb.
(The idea to look in the First Book of Samuel was suggested by my son Meir הי"ו.)
Here we have an instance of a meaningful phrase composed from two reinforcing nodes of a TC network.